a i rah Xi ii ap CHART AN. LBe - age groups, DE ~-e 32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 30, 1989 Early start planned for next ho The hockey season is going to get underway a little earlier this fall for youngsters regis- tered in Port Perry Minor sys- tem. In fact, officials told the an- nual Minor Hockey meeting Sunday night, they expect the season will get started the day after Labour Day with a power skating program. That would push the sea- son ahead at least two weeks. And it means that registra- tion will have to be held late in August, though the exact dates have yet to be set by the organi- zation. By starting the season off with the power skating pro- gram, officials are hoping more youngsters will attend the ses- sions. For the last couple of sea- sons, the power skating was held in mid-season, and in some attendance was down. But this year, power skat- ing will be a part of the try-outs for rep teams, a move which should encours, better partici- pation by the players in all age levels. i The annual meeting at the Kinsmen Hall in Port Perry, last Sunday evening, was at- tended by under 30 people, most of whom were directors or exec- utive with the organization. Don Steele stepped down after two years as President and Larry Lee was elected as the new president for the com- ing year. Mr. Lee has worked with Minor Hockey for many years and has served as a vice presi- dent. Other persons elected to ex- ecutive positions on Sunday evening include Doug Moore as VP operations; Dave Bourgeois, VP development; and Grant Laird as secretary-treasurer. Mr. Laird takes over this post from Walt Sandison who has worked with Minor Hockey in this community for more than 26 years. Ng AUTHORIZED % RALEIGH BIKE DEALER Spring Tune-up Special $19.95 PINERIDGE SPORTS SHOP Queen Street, Port Perry PHONE 985-2839 WW hammmemmmmmm-- Pe Mr. Sandison is the new president of the Port Perry Mo- Jacks Junior C Club, a position that will take much of his free time this coming winter. Mr. Laird has been a direc- tor with Minor Hockey for sev- eral seasons. Mr. Moore is a past president of Minor Hockey, and Mr. Bourgeois has been a vice president for the past . couple of seasons. Also elected Sunday eve- ning were 14 directors for the coming season. They are Doug Scott, Wendy Bourgeois, Rick' Farrington, Ron King, Peter Christie, Ivan Geer, Norm Gaw- ley, Bernie McAneny, Dave Bal- lingall, Barry Johnston, Ralph Branton, Bill Broadworth, Eric Donnelly and Cathy Prechitko. During the business por- tion of the meeting, out-going president Don Steele said regis- trations this fall could top the 500 mark for the first time. Last year, there 461 players. And he warned that the lack of ice time is still a major problem for the organization. "We are growing and we have out-grown the capacity of the (Scugog) Arena and the sin- 'gleice pad," he said. He hinted that the lack of ice may force Minor Hockey to put a cap on registrations at some point in the future. Last season, the Associa- tion booked 32.5 hours per week at the Scugog Arena, and at- tempted to book extra ice time at arenas in Blackstock and Manvers. But there were problems. Renovations to the Blackstock Arena delayed its opening until December, and at Manvers, Lindsay Minor Hockey took a lot of ice time while the new are- nain that community was being completed. - There was a suggestion at the meeting Sunday night that the House League schedules might be extended past the usu- al April 1date. And the fact the ice is going into the Arena earlier this fall will help in providing games and practice time for the teams. Another problem that was discussed Sunday night in- volves the scheduling of games on PA days in the public school system. The public and separate PA days do not coincide, so stu- dents who attend the Catholic School must miss class or miss their games on PA days. Mr. Steele said Minor Hockey schedules games on public school PA days because Mon.-Wed. 9-6 Thurs. & Fri. 9-9 Saturday 10-3 GIFT CERTIFICATES Many more truck & van accessories 1670 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 579-6868 " 7 é ckey season The Port Perry Minor Hockey Corporation has a new executive following elections at the annual meeting held last Sunday evening. From left: immediate past president Don Steele; VP operations Doug Moore, president Larry Lee, VP development Dave Bourgeois and secretary-treasurer Grant Laird. (see story for details about the annual meeting and the newly elected directors) the majority of players are out of class those days. Officials said they really have no answer on how to get around this problem. There was a suggestion that ice time be made available for PA days for Catholic stu- dents, and also a suggestion to find out why the Separate and Public Boards don't hold PA days on the same days during the winter months. Financially, Minor Hockey last season had total revenues of $96,840 and expenses of $94,365. That left a surplus of $2400, compared with a $7900 surplus at the conclusion of the IF YOUR AD WAS HERE Over 32,000 potential customers could have read it this week in the Port Perry Star. That's a lot of cusomers for your business. Think about it! For Advertising Made Easy call the STAR at 985-7383 sikkens Cetol 1 and Cetol 23. ~ > sikkeng " sikkens "ACCESSORIES and INSTALLATI ¢ Ground effect ¢ Roof vents * Windows ¢ Bug shields e Sunroofs * Winter fronts * Truck caps * Box liners ¢ Running boards e Tool boxes e Step bumpers e Many more truc So the natural beauty of your exterior woodwork -- doesn't fade in the sunlight -- isn't damaged by maisture -- isn't hidden . CENTRAL PAINT & WALLPAPER 295 Ritson Rd. S., OSHAWA 434-3939 VAN & TRUCK WORLD its e Captain's chairs k & van all's ON i previous year. Part of the reason for the decrease was a drop in gate re- ceipts as none of the rep teams advanced past the second round of playoffs this past winter. There were no changes to the rules or constitution at the meeting Sunday evening. ® (@]a1¢:14T6) NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE MOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario will be held at the CITY HALL, 50 CENTRE STREET SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO on THURSDAY, JUNE 8th, 1989. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the Board will hear an application in accordance with the Liquor Licence Act, and Regulations thereunder. The following establishment has applied for a licence of the class indicated, and the application will be entertained at the aforementioned location and time: Application For New Licence Centennial Lanes 150 Scu, Street, Lot 19, Conc 9 Scugog nship (Port Perry) Dining Lounge Licence AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resident in the municipal- ity and who wishes to make representa- tion relative to the application, shall make their submission to the Board in writing prior to the date of the hearing, or in person at the time and place of the hearing. (Copies of written submissions will be forwarded to the applicant). Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO, Ontario, M5E 1A4 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT 0321SG-589 |