! Three days fishing? Shattering some weekly myths £ by Red Sihsan very metropolitan news r office contains Wh ora insmod ple who dream of the quiet life of the weekly newspaper editor. They would like to swap their dai- ly struggles and deadlines for the life of contemplation, the pleasure of thinking great thoughts and en- nobling the citizenry with them. I know of no inoculation that would prevent the spread of this kind of thinking, but I have been around enough weekly newspaper people to know that a year on a weekly will cure the disease per- manently. I still think editorship of a weekly ranks among the 'highest callings a man or woman can answer. But passage of time has changed the over-all perspective. Oh, we have the odd communi- ty newspaper editor who spends his time at the country club in golf togs or in a smoking jacket in his vast library. But those people bear little similarity to the sort of people who put out most of this country's weeklies. Still, 99.999 percent of the na- tion's citizens are positive they can put out a first class newspaper in four days - and spend the rest fishing. The few who think otherwise are the editors of weeklies. Most non-weekly people think the. country seat town is just a 'miniature of the world. They believe the country editor spends 'most of his or her time wielding ¢ great power for the benefit of ¢ mankind within the country's # boundaries. They do not accept, or at least , they sweep under the mental rug, the idea that most country editors do the work of two people for less 'pay than a good carpenter takes home. Myths continue, though. Jour- nalism schools are full of people who want to reform part of the world. More power to them, and to the big city chaps who want to try their luck in the small town. But they should be forewarned that some of their myths are go- Free Pickup & Delivery Free Estimates COUNTRY UPHOLSTERY 105-328-1156 BROTHERS ie to evaporate as the years go y. Let me offer 10 that are sure to vanish. 1. If a newspaper editor turns the full fury of the editorial page loose on a community problem, it will be solved in a hurry, even if everyone else in town is opposed to the editor's view. 2. If an editor makes one mistake in giving 1,000 items of in- formation, people will remember the 999 correct items and forget the minor lapse. 3. If the editor sits down and ex- plains things patiently, the presi- dent of the club that got only six inches of space will understand that no favoritism was intended when the town's other club got seven and three-eighths inches. - 4. That although a business man might quarrel with the editor, he wouldn't let his spite get the best of him and kill next week's full page ad. 5. That people will happily pay for advertising and subscriptions promptly, if asked politely. 6. That creditors will gladly wait for their money, if asked politely. 7. That all city and county of- ficials believe one of the editor's first duties is to analyze the work of elected officials and show them their mistakes. 8. That friends will get a chuckle out of a dropped line or typo that causes the newspaper to say the friend has a social disease or is facing bankruptcy. 9. That country editors live a slow-paced life of bliss, with plen- ty of time to rewrite every story and polish it to excellence. 10. That a country editor, harassed by creditors, libel suits, irate business people, club presidents and assorted other characters, could find no other job that would provide as much pleasure of gratification. It is possible, barely possible, that no matter how advanced the world gets and how rampant cynicism becomes, newspaper people will keep myth No. 10 alive. I hope so. DONNA ANDERSON 14Y2 KING ST. E., #201, OSHAWA, ONT. L1H 1A9 DRIVING SCHOOL A Division of Paul Chapman Enterprises (Durham) Inc. PAUL CHAPMAN, QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTOR 576-4873 starting -- JUNE 14 - JULY 5 CALL TODAY -- Brothers Driving School Full Driver Education Courses JUNE 8 - JUNE 29 Thurs & Tues Wed & Mon JUNE 26 - JUNE 29 Mon-Thurs 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM 25 Hours of Classroom and 10 Hours of In-Car liistruction. Maximum Insurance Reduction -- Income Tax Deductible. 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