Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 20 Jun 1989, p. 8

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8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 20, 1989 Letters to the Editor ... our policy It has always been the policy of this newspaper to encourage our readers to make use of the letters to the editor column. Our readers have a right to freely express their opinions and view- points on just about any subject, and we feel that a lively letters col- umn helps make a better community newspaper. We insist, however, that a letter writer sign his or her name. On rare occasions, we will agree to with-hold publication of a letter writer's name, if we feel there are very good reasons to do so. Under no circumstances will this paper print an anonymous let- ter to the editor. While we enjoy receiving letters from our readers, we must con- Letters to the editor Taxes - spending is out of control (From page 7) ment Centre to hear my appeal. According to the Market Value Assessment, my particular pro- perty increased by $57,000 in one year, a ploy by Provincial govern- ment to create the large increases in funds they need to continue tinue to insist on knowing the identity of the writer. spending, spending, spending. At the time of purchase, the BITS & PIECES This column is going to be made up of a lot of 'bits & pieces', because that's the way my life has been these past few weeks. Last week | wasn't even able to come up with a reasonable topic, so when Monday morn- ing rolled around, and | still hadn't turned on the computer, | decided to heck with it for one week. This week, although 1 am struggling with something to write about, | felt | should attempt it just the same. It is Sunday morning (Father's Day) as | write this, and a few minutes break from babies crying, dirty diapers, and sterilizing bottles is most welcome. So here we go! DOME NEWS There has been so much talk and hype about the Skydome, I'm almost afraid to write anything about it, but a small item in the sports section of one of Toronto's daily newspapers made me chuckle Sunday morning. The article was quoting some of the visiting ball club players on how expensive things are at the $6.50 hotdogs......and one layer said "What do you say to the family? Hey Kids, what do you want to do, go to a ball game (at the Skydome) or go to Europe?" That comment may be a slight exaggera- tion, but there is no doubt that a trip to see the Jays play in the Skydome is going to cost the average petson a bundle! My estimate for a couple, let's say travelling from Port Perry, would be just under $100 after everything is taken into account. Two $15 Jays tickets, gas for the car, $12.00; Parking $10.00 (if you don't try to park too close to the dome); refreshments and snacks for two - $15.00; souvenirs $10.00; and a babysitter for approxi- mately six hours $15-$20. Just think, you can tune in the same game on the 'tube' for nothing, and sit back with a bag of popcorn and a beer for under $5.00. You tell me which is the better deal? MOSQUITOS Have you noticed how many mosquitos there are this summer? We haven't been able to sit out in the back (or front) yard this summer after supper for more than a few minutes before we are being swarmed by the pesky little devils. One theory on the large number of these "winged warriors" is the amount of rain we have had this spring and summer. Reports indicate that 1989 has seen the wettest spring in over a decade, leaving lots of iRandom Jottings by J. Peter Hvidsten swamps, and puddles for these nasty critters to breed and hatch their young. Sounds logical to me, for our house is sur- rouned by wet, swampy land, an ideal place for them to be prolific. GARBAGE CRISES There's been a lot of talk about garbage lately, and there's going to be a lot more over the next few months as Durham Region moves to- wards establishing a temporary dump site on lands near Whitevale, in North Pickering. 'At a recent Scugog council meeting, Art Leitch, Director of Operations for Durham Re- gion, told members of council in no uncertain terms that they are in the middle of an "intolera- ble crises", with nowhere to put the tons of gar- bage that accumulate daily. On more than one occasion during his hour address to council Mr. Leitch used the word "cri- ses" as he explained the very serious garbage problem that faces not only Durham. Region, but Ontario, Canada and the U.S.A. Nobody wants garbage dumped in their back yard, including myself, but I'm glad a deci- sion has finally be reached to locate a new dump in Durham. For too long our politicians have been afraid to tackle the decision of 'where will the dump go', for fear of upsetting their electorate, and because of their procrastination we find ourselves in the midst of a crises situation. Let's just hope a handful of residents from the Whitevale area are not able to stall this much needed facility any longer. Any more delays could cause a serious health problem for everyone in Durham! MORE NEWS FROM HOME For those of you who are interested... Nancy and | are finding that "two ".... yes.... "two," are not better than "one" when it comes to getting sleep. Our two little bundles of joy are growing rap- idly, and with that growth comes a great demand for food. In fact, it seems that on average, about 1 1/2 to two hours is the bést we can get be- tween feedings, day and night. And it shows, as our trip to the doctor last week indicates we have two very healthy girls, which now both weigh 6 Ib. 13 ozs. And while talking about the kids, it is amus- ing to watch our young lad Matthew adapt to a new lifestyle as the babies become an important part of his life. The following are a few of his most recent quotes about his sisters: "| really like the babies Dad, but the crying gives me a headache". (Turn to page 12) assessed value in 1984 was 4450, but had increased to 5050 due to the issue of two Building Permits, one for a detached garage and the other to cover the addition to enlarge the existing family room and partially finish the basement. The change from 4450 to 5050 is justified and I am not disputing it, but the new Reassessment change to 5960 along with the higher Mill Rate spiralled my pro- perty taxes from $2076 in 1988 to $2815 in 1989. An unreasonable and unacceptable change of $739 or 37.7 percent. What recourse have we? As in- dividuals none, but together we can put an end to this "Rape" of the taxpayers by first Federal, then Provincial and now Regional and Municipal Governments. There are many ways to combat this travesty. Here are some possible suggestions: (1) On your September final Bill, calculate 15 percent of your 1988 taxes, add that amount to the 1988 total. Any amount of increase over 15 percent withhold on your final Bill. i.e. My 1988 taxes were $2076. 15 percent is $311. My 1989 Tax Bill should not exceed $2387 ($2076 plus $311 is $2387). I will withhold $428 which is the dif- ference between 15 percent and my 1989 actual Tax Bill from my September amount due. If we all do this, they will get the message. (2) Band together and form an Association for the Rights for Fair Taxation, but you are still stuck with your Tax Bill for 1989. (3) Shoot the causes of the pro- blem (Too radical). Forget it. Murder is against the law, and I am not a violent person, but come to think of it, Rape is against the law also! (4) Do nothing. Pay the 37.7 per- cent increase and wait four years for the 1988 Market Value Assess- ment and watch my taxes soar to $6500 a year if the same Mill Rate is in affect. (5) See No. 3 (oops --- too radical). (6) See No. 2 and form another Taxpayers Association to act as watch dog and auditor and get the taxes revoked back to an accep- table level for 1989. (7) Storm the next Regional Government meeting or Council meeting in force; five or six thou- sand angry people jammed into the Scugog Municipal office may get their attention. Then proceed to carry out No. 6. - For those fortunate few whose taxes changed marginally (I haven't heard of anyone yet) or a small increase was in order, be thankful. They will reassess your property in the next two years (they missed you this time). The tax ravage in Scugog will even- tually get you, count on it. I don't have all the answers to our dilemma, but it is time, not tomorrow but now for our elected representatives to answer to their stockholders. They must become more efficient, cut back on all un- necessary spending, control spen- ding, review salaries, freeze hir- ing, freeze wages or whatever it takes and refund a portion of our taxes for 1989. They must be able to answer to the taxpayers. This "Taxation Rape" must end now! If you have encountered the same situation, there will be a notice in the Port Perry Star regarding the formation of an Association for Fair Taxation. Together we must do something now, for if nothing is done, the trend will continue unchecked and your standard of living will be greatly affected by this enormous tax burden. Yours truly, Larry Davidson, R.R. 2, Port Perry, Ont. site. this meeting. SCUGOG CENTRE FEASIBILITY STUDY Public Meeting MUNICIPAL OFFICES, PORT PERRY THURSDAY, JUNE 22nd, 8:00 PM Scugog Township has commissioned a study to determine the feasibility of building an arena, a community hall, an aquatics complex and various ancillary services at the Scugog Centre To begin the study, a public meeting is being held to outline the aims of the study to describe the methods by which in- dividual members of the public and representatives of special- interest groups will be able to take part in the study. It is very important that the consultants be informed about the needs, ideas, and priorities of the public as these concern' recreation. All residents of Scugog are encouraged to attend by Lynn Johnston You CAME INTO THE WORLD AT 7:45 IN THE MOANING. mo) RE GIRL! o "uJ 8 ie [2 CUT THE CORD, URSE WRAPPED OL LP, AND WE JUST THERE STARING LITTLE FACE, » HAD THe DLIKE wo INCREDIBLE. Yulee WITH A BRUSH CUT | EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST:, PORT PERRY, ONT. LOB 1NO (416) 985-7306 ALL LINES OF GENERAL INSURANCE * HOMEOWNERS - FARM - AUTO COMMERCIAL * *

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