52 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 11, 1989 Prices effective until Saturday, July 15, 1989. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Le] 3; 28 cut from Canada grade A beel = "bo Ploaks "n product of U.S.A. no. 1 grade procuct of Canc Cerads 0.1 large size 18's 2,695 topes 2299) Eabbage?(99 productof U.S.A. _[prodctotU.S.A or Canada ,, 248 no name ™ frozen concentrated Pink or white |®. Li (M1 lols E =i dade -; os 1,999 each Seat pckded by Pa piece Foal on 279 frozen breaded Schneiders Cheese Sticks zs lm 99: FT Tn) dor 12 dol T0® = 7 iNblets = {ESSER 5,000 DOWSON'S PORT PERRY PLAZA Hwy. 7A East, Port Perry