14 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, October 17, 1989 For all your NEW or USED CAR NEEDS with excellent service, contact sales rep., JEFF KROONENBERG PHILP PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 988-8474 or (res.) 985-3925 BBY SA SR GEA BORELIANS AAA Ce a Se SS N VT WT, A play by Arthur Miller DEATH of a SALESMAN Directed by John H. Foote 3 Produced by David Ellis OCTOBER 26, 27, 28 i) NOVEMBER 1 (Student Performance) NOVEMBER 2, 3, 4 8:00 P.M. TOWN HALL 1873 fai! | QUEEN & LILLA STREETS PORT PERRY Tickets $8.00 are available at 'J the door on performance night !%s or at Cottage Rose/Just Around The Corner. Student prices of $5.00 on November 1 ONLY available at the door. Death of a Salesman is produced by special arrangement with International Creative Management. Letters to the editor Don't be a quitter, keep on writing To the Editor: The Port Perry Star is a good paper, maybe not quite perfect. It would seem Peter Hvidsten touched a nerve or wzlked on sacred ground in his article about the Dr.'s waiting room. I think it was in no way critical of the Dr.'s, but in this busy world it might be worth while looking to see if there is anyway to streamline waiting time. Peter, there is a saying that goes, "Hell has no furry like a woman's tongue," don't be a quit- ter, keep on writing. The Press has a place in a community and don't expect everyone to agree with you. People have a right to Feminist funding (From page 8) (Women's Legal, Education and Action Fund), and the Canadian Daycare Advocacy Association, together with organizations such as the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the Canadian Labour Congress, have indicated their intent to fight the introduc- tion of any legislation restricting abortion. Their efforts are fund- ed, of course, by the taxpayer. Few government-funded lobby groups would survive if they, like REAL Women, had to rely on dedicated volunteers and donations. It is not surprising that those of us who strive to preserve tradi- tional moral values become discouraged at times. After all, we are forced to provide financial support to causes which we find abhorrent. Only in Canada. Sincerely, Lorraine McNamara Oshawa, Ontario A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the October 7, 1989 PORT PERRY BIG APPLE FESTIVAL BEST TABLE was won'by "THE WRINKLES CLUB" BEST MERCHANT DISPLAY was won by = "BROCK'S DEPARTMENT STORE" 52; BEST DECORATED HOUSE was "The VERSAGE HOUSE" RUNNER UP was 'oy "The McNEIL HOUSE" Thank you to everyone who helped make Lo our 2nd Annual Event a success. Sponsored by your DOWNTOWN PORT PERRY B.LA. (Business Improvement Area) EE EEE EE EEE A ET disagree. The reason I'm writing is I felt it wasn't necessary for Mrs. Allin and Kara Warburton to stoop to criticizing, Julia Ashton and Robert Streich, two young people who have just joined the paper. It must be difficult, in a new com- munity, to write an interesting column every week and they are doing just fine. J.B. don't think you have been missed, I couldn't find the rest of your Viewpoint in this weeks paper. Vernon Asselstine R.R. 2 Blackstock, Ont. Editor's Note: There was no con- tinuation of the Viewpoint. The "turn to"' at the bottom of column should have been cut out in production. Gypsy moth spraying (From page 10) that I developed extreme hypersensitivities to foods, chemicals, drugs and inhalants plus I developed cancer and Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Disease or M.E. as it is also called. My body is being poisoned from the inside out by these toxins and I am in chronic pain everyday of my life. It is time the public was made aware of the health hazards of chemical spraying and I would urge anyone who is concerned about the moths to contact the En- vironment Protection Office in Toronto at 392-6788 to ask for a safer solution to the problem than using chemical sprays. They can provide information on non-toxic methods for insect control and alsolawn and garden spraying as well. Many people are unaware of the toxic effects of lawn spraying, or the severe health hazards. Also the Ministry of Environment 424-3000 can be of help. Sincerely, Pam Beadle Prince Albert, Ont. "Ican't get over my new Invisible Fencing" We one call to Invisible Fencing, you can teach your dog to stay within your prop- erty boundaries, without unsightly fences. of South East Ontario University tested, vet approved, and your satis- faction is guaranteed. It even costs less than traditional fencing. Call today, and find out why ; Over 50,000 dogs stand behind Invisible Fencing' I11== INVISIBLE FENCING." ey. & Harrison Ford Sigourney Weaver \lelanie Ghiffith Norhing Cir TWENTIETH CENTURY FO ers. HARRISON FORD - SIGOURNEY WEAVER - MELANIE GRIFFITH WORKING GIRL "5 CARLY SIMON ""SROBMOUNSEY <5 ROBERT GREENHUT AN LAURENCE MARK "KEVIN WADE "2 DOUGLAS WICK 2 MIKE NCHOLS ell CATALOG NUMBER 1709 + 1988, COLOR, 115 MINUTES + RATED R J CLOSED CAPTIONED BY NCI » HI-FI STEREO + SUGGESTED RETAIL € 190 Twarsiem Corry Fon Fim Comoration Al Rights Pasarved FoR 68 WATER STREET PORT PERRY SUNDAY to THURSDAY -- Noon to 8:30 PM Open until 10:00 PM -- FRIDAY & SATURDAY 985-9888