SIR NPN INCPAEGIGII eer eens cece = cpr 20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 12, 1989 adds years of life fo light bulb Me et a Cr ro Local businessman lights up life A Port Perry businessman has landed the exclusive Cana- dian Hg to market a small device that can add years to the life of an ordinary light bulb. Jerry Cochrane, president of his own marketing company Y-Not Industries, said last week "The Light Button" is be- ing Inizodice to the Canadian public, and next year, he hopes to sell some 250,000 of the sim- ple devices. "The Light Button" is a . heat reducing diode which can easily be attached to the socket of ordinary bulbs. And the diode, which just recently received approval from the Canadian Standards Asso- ciation (CSA) can extend the life of abulb for up to eight years. Mr. Cochrane said the new product has two obvious bene- fits: it cuts down on the cost of replacing light bulbs and saves the headaches of having to re- place bulbs in those "hard-to- reach" places. The Light Button has been on the market for the last dec- ade or so in the United States, where Mr. Cochrane first saw it several years ago. He contacted the American manufacturer about lining up rights to market the product in Canada, but was told that Oak- ville electrical contractor Rob- ert Hines had beat him to it. However, he got in touch with Mr. Hines, and the two of them set up a partnership in which Mr. Cochrane would han- dle the marketing of the prod- uctin Canada. Mr. Cochrane said Home Hardware in Port Perry has agreed to "test market" the diode to guage customer reac- tion and acceptance. What the diode does when attached to the bulb socket is convert the current from AC to DC. This reduces the heat and also reduces the brightness of the bulb. For example, a 100 watt bulb with the diode would have the brightness of a normal 60 watt bulb. But the bulb will last sever- al years before it burns out, un- der normal conditions. Along with the test market in Port Perry, Mr. Cochrane said a large hotel in Toronto has freed to tedt the diode. The ho- tel, which goes through huge numbers of light bulbs, can see big savings in replacement costs and the cost of labour to re- place bulbs, . No special tools or exper- tise are needed to install the diode. Just peel off a piece of backing paper and stick the diode to the bottom of the light be answered. TR eh . ro -- ) FAST AND EASY Do you have questions about programs and services offered by the Government of Canada? Reference Canada will steer you to the right person in the right office where your inquiries will Avoid the long and winding road -- take the easy, direct route to Reference Canada. SHORTCUT TO | GOVERNMENT INFORMATION Ottawa TDD North Bay TDD Toronto TDD ® Toll-free residents ® |n Ontario Call: Ottawa/Hull region Area Codes 705, 807 All other Ontario (613) 995-715 (613) 952-0845 (705) 476-4910 (705) 476-7788 (416) 973-1993 (416) 973-8099 1-800-267-0340 1-800-461-1664 1-800-387-0700 Bol Soom ani somics £5 EApprovisiofnements of Services Canad bulb stem. Then screw the bulb into the socket. The diode, which comes pre-packeged, will retail in Can- ada for about $3.50, and Mr. Co- chrane is now working on the details to have the product on sale in major hardware and de- Port Perry businessman Jerry Cochrane with "the light partment stores. "Does it work? Mr. Co- chrane said that when he first saw the product in the States he purchased several and installed them on bulbs in his own home. They are still burning, and that was five years ago, he said. button," a small diode which can greatly extend the life of the common light bulb. Mr. Cochrane has marketing rights in Canada for this product and he Is hoping it proves popu- lar with consumers. (see story for details) LOOKING FOR R PLACE TO RDUERTISE YOUR BUSINESS? LOOK HERE.... WHERE THE CONSUMER LOOKS (0) THE PORT PERRY STAR - PHONE 985-7383 PIONEER. BRAND PRODUCTS IMPORTANT NOTICE TO AREA FARMERS Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited, Chatham, Ontario, is pleased to an- nounce the appointment of Youngfield Farms Ltd. as a Pioneer Sales Representative. Youngfield Farms have assum- ed the area previously serviced by John Baumchen, consisting of the southern half of Cartwright and Manvers Townships. Brian and Ivan DeJong of Youngfield Farms Ltd. will be pleas- ed to discuss your Pioneer® brand seed or Sila-bac® brand innoculant needs. For complete information contact: YOUNGFIELD FARMS LTD. R.R. 1, Nestleton, Ontario LOB 1L0 BRIAN (416) 986-4381 IVAN (416) 986-4853