Affordable home proposal will be fought out at OMB A developer who wants to build 29 "affordable" homes in Scugog Township, will have to take his case to the Ontario Mu- nicipal Board. Doug W. Wilson, represent- ing 867969 Ontario Ltd., wants to build the homes on 70 acres of land in the rural southern end of the township. But both Seugog Township Council and Dugham Region Council have denied the pro- posed Oak Meadows subdivi- sion, stating that it doesn't con- form with the Durham Official Plan. According to a Durham Re- gion planning department re- port, the land is designated "general agricultural areas" and does not permit non-farm residences or other uses not re- lated to agriculture. : An official plan amendment : Holiday Public Skating at Scugog firena would be necessary to permit residential development, but regional council refuses to be- cause Mr. Wilson has not sub- mitted a complete subdivision plan. "We can't give (a developer) approval on anidea," Scugog re- gional councillor Yvonne Chris- tie told the Star in a telephone interview. Some of the items missing from the subdivision plan in- cluded curb and gutters, side- walks, and lights, Mrs. Christie said. Soil tests, an environmen- tal study and drill testing must also be completed to see if the land would suit residential de- velopment. Although the plan is not com- plete, Mr. Wilson told council that the 1,200 square foot 'homes would be built on 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 acre lots, and would sell for Wednesday Dec. 27th 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Tuesday Jan. 2nd 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Admission - $1.00 _ Regular Public Skating on Sundays from 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. still available thru out the YI. Holiday Season. : ra T, Hg VE FRAMER'S GALLERY 233 Queen St., Port Perry ¢ (416) 985-2543 Featuring The Art Of: Robert Bateman Carl Brenders 'Walter Campbell James Lumbers John Newby . . . Shirley Deaville 'i 'and many others. Christmas Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 A.M. -9:00 P.M. Saturday 9:00 AM. - 5:00 P.M. Sunday 1:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. about $154,000 each. "No developer can put a price on lots until all costs have been calculated," Mrs, Christie said, and that means accounting for all the missing items in the plan. Mrs. Christie said the tests needed are very expensive, and if Mr. Wilson goes ahead with them, there is still no guarantee regional council will accept the plan. She said there are many rea- sons for this. Since the proposed subdivi- gion is in the rural area of Scu- gog Township, each lot will need a separate well and septic system. At present, the mini- mum lot size needed to accom- modate these services is be- tween 11/2to 13/4 acres. The site is also located on the head waters of Cedar Creek which flows into Lake Scugog, creating an environmental con- . cern. Council also contends that af- fordable housing would be more appropriate within urban areas where services (such as sewers, public transit and schools) are already available. In support of his proposed subdivision, Mr, Wilson told councillors thatthe 70 acre par- cel is "very r" farm land which yielded only 26 bushells of wheat in one growing season. He told council that he felt they were denying him approv- al because it is a low cost hous- ing project and he would be looking for subsidies. Mrs. Christie told the Star his accusation was unfounded. "Mr. Wilson has not been . treated any different than any other developer," she said. "There are the same constraints on him as any other developer." Oshawa councillor and vice . chairman of the planning com- mittee, Irv Harrell, told Mr. Wilson that the region has been prepared to debate the pro- posed official plan ammend- ment application before the OMB. A hearing date had been set at the OMB for July 19, but Mr. Wilson asked the board to post- pone the hearing so regional and local discussions could con- tinue. The hearing has not yet been rescheduled. Durham Region Council unanimously voted against sending the proposal back to its planning committee for further investigation and told Mr. Wil- son that his next step should be the OMB. ' DON'T LET "WINTER SALT YOUR 07: ¥ 9:\'1/:% ¢ -------------------------------- «| RUST | any | IF ITAIN'T RUST CHECKED «+« ITAINT! Oshawa North 10 Russett Ave. - (Simcoe N., 1st street S. of Taunton) Oshawa 436-6167 Still only $99.95 Stocks are limited - All Sale PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 19, 1989 -- 13 TOYS | \ CLEARANCE SPECIAL ALL wy THIS ---- WEEK AN EXTRA PRICES CHRISTMAS SPECIALS - CELLULAR g 6 4 O* PHONES | Reg. Os SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF CHRISTMAS TAPES AND C.D.'s SUPE C.D. PLAYER Realistic Telephone Answering REG. 199 951 | machine 89 95 $299.95 REG. $129.95 CLOCK RADIOS ||c.B. Walkie Talkie "reo 29 feo. ie 95 SEE? 1199" BIG SELECTION IN EVERY PRICE RANGE! to $1,299.95 Cordless Telephone KEYBOARD CLEARANCE REG. bY, 95 $99.95 A 25. Items subject to prior Sale! 247 QUEEN ST. - PORT PERRY - 985-2272 eStats i alyd abit rtd Sob LAF RE bb Sloss Ca Q Sos RL