If you see ... DANIELLE LOWE CENTRE INC. on March 13th, wish her a has limited openings HAPPY 11th BIRTHDAY! available for a a CHILD ENRICHMENT PROGRAM for children 18 months to 3 years. For further information call: 985-0800 STONEMOOR DAYCARE STORAGE inc. -- PORT PERRY -- sus. 985-3761 SCUGOG MOVING . Congratulations ... CHRISTINA & EVERETT on your 45th ANNIVERSARY . March 17th, 1990 25 Years Experience If no answer call: (Res.) 985-7288 "Free Wardrobe Service" SELLING YOUR HOME? Why not try the Real Estate Pages of the Port Perry Star? Phone 985-7383 Best Wishes from Your Children DJ TAYLOR INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 479, 169 North St. Place, port i No 985-8416 Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO SEE US FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS CATHOLIC PARENTS For information regarding the plans for a Catholic Elementary School in Nestleton effective September 1990, please contact me before the end of March. Mary Thompson at 986-0713 DOWSON"S WATER HAULAGE inc. PURE SPRING WATER WELLS - CISTERNS - POOL - etc. Service & Prompt Delivery -- 7 Days a Week Dependable Serving Your Area Call Today: 985-381 "} 'CELLULAR PHONE DISPATCHER' NEXT MOVIE - Walt Disney's "Cheetah and Friends' - Lat- cham Hall, Port Perry, Friday. March 23, Blackstock Communi- ty Hall - Sat. March 24. Start 7 p.m. Admission $2.00 all ages. M 20 SHADOKAI JUDO Club. Come & watch our ""Throw-a-Thon' March 27 at 7 p.m. Immaculate Conception School - new members welcome. LAKE SCUGOG Historical Socie- ty presents A Country Doctor" by Dr. M. Dymond, Thursday, March 22 - 8 p.m. Borelia Com- munity Hall (off Carnegie St.), Port Perry - All welcome. M 20 RUMMAGE SALE at Presbyterian Church, Friday, April 6 -9a.m. -2p.m. UXPOOL 1S still accepting registrations for the Spring ses- sions of swimming lessons. Call 852-7831 for times that are still available. M 20 IRISH EYES ARE SHINING at the Caesarea Hall. Dance Sat., March 17, 1990. Best dressed Leprechan wins a pot of gold. Tickets $20.00 couple advance; $25.00 at door. Refreshments, buf- fet & D.J. Call Ann 986-4751, Sharon 986-4612. "SWING INTO SPRING" Fashion Show, Port Perry United Church, Wed., April 4. Dessert and coffee 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. Show 8:00 p.m. Tickets $6.50 - available at Dor-Jean's and Brocks. St. Patrick's Day BREAKFAST Oddfellows Hall SUNDAY, MARCH 18th 8:00 to 11:00 AM All the Bacon & Eggs You Can Eat! ADULTS $3.00 CHILDREN $2.00 FOLK ART CLASSES Open House & Registration SUNDAY, APRIL 1st 12:00 to 4:00 PM Beginners & Intermediates INTERESTED? Call Leslie at 985-0546 Durham Region Community Care Association Caregiver Relief, COPE, and Home Support Services INFORMATION SESSION Community Memorial Hospital Library THURS., MARCH 15th - 2 PM All people who may be interested in learning more about available services, becoming a Volunteer or paid Relief Caregiver are encouraged to attend. SPRING Craft Classes at FancyWorks 254 North St., Port Perry AFTERNOON & EVENING LOG CABIN QUILT 4 week class DECORATOR WALL CLOCK 2 week class COUNTED CROSS STITCH 2 week class COVERED BAND BOXES 2 hour workshop CHICKEN SCRATCH EMBROIDERY 2 hour workshop PAINTED SUNCATCHERS 2 hour workshop SAMPLES at OPEN HOUSE Thurs., March 8th - 1 to 8 PM Tues, March 13th - 1 to 8 PM for semis 985-3624 MMERSON Ir ri OUON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. LOL 1B9 (416) 985-7306 COUNTRY DANCE: Square dan- cing, rounds, waltzes, polkas and modern. Sat., March 31-8:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. Catholic Church Hall, Bill Taylor Orchestra, sponsored by Port Perry Fair Board - $15.00/couple, bar, prizes. Tickets available at: Country Style Donuts or any Agricultural Socie- ty Director. M3 1ST ANNUAL Antique & Craft Show & Sale. Sponsored by Arena Board, June 9th & June 10th. At Scugog Arena, Port Perry, Ont. Interested vendors should contact Ron Cosway. 416-985-8840. M 27 TABLES available at Communi- ty Nursing Home Spring Bazaar, Sat., May 5 from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. For more information call Kim Mitchell 985-3205. ARTFEST '90 - Port Perry High School, May 5 & 6, Dinner/Auc- tion May 5 Catholic Church Hall. For tickets contact 985-9828 or 985-7303. DANCE: sponsored by and pro- ceeds for Janetville Community Centre, March 17. Music by Bill Taylor and the Tradesmen. Lunch served - $8/person. (705) 324-2026 or 328-2001. M13 FLEA MARKET & RUMMAGE SALE Presbyterian Church SATURDAY, MARCH 17th 10 AM to 2 PM BINGO - Nestleton Community Centre, Friday, March 16 at 7:30 p.m. Proceeds to St. Bernadettes Building Fund. MARCH 17th Tupperware Hospital Fundraiser at the Masonic Hall has been cancelled. Alternate fundraising party to be held Thursday, March 15 at 8 p.m. 24 Poplar Park Crescent, Port Perry. Everyone welcome. Pro- duct Demo - games, draws, refreshments. Info. - Dianne Bunn 985-4302. A CONCERT featuring The Male Gospel Group "One Accord' Sun- day, March 18th at 7:30 p.m. Burns Presbyterian Church, Ashburn. Please come and enjoy an evening of beautiful gospel music. Free will offering. Social hour. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Dessert Luncheon, Bridge and Euchre, Tuesday, March 20, 1990, Prince Albert Community Centre. Special prizes - admission $3.00 each. Doors open 12:30 p.m. for dessert and refreshments. Games start 1:30 sharp. M 20 PHIL WALMSLEY will be teaching basic photography on Sat. March 24 at Scugog Public Library. Phone 985-0744 or 985-9261. 12 person limit - $30.00. M 20 RUMMAGE SALE - Port Perry United Church, Thursday, March 29,10a.m. to5p.m. 7-9p.m.; Fri- day, March 30, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Donations of Good, Wearable clothing accepted. FIREWOOD - cut and split 16". 985-3361. Tickets $10.00 per person. Yes, we are having another ... DANCE The Canadian Cancer Society Scugog Branch presents our ... "RETURN of the BIG BAND BASH" at the ISLANDER, Scugog Island FRIDAY, APRIL 27th - 8 PM to 1 AM Available at: Irwin Smith Music; Emmerson Insurance; Brock's Dept. Store; Re/Max or call 985-7674 or 985-7201. Tickets also available at the door. "This ad is sponsored by Paul Gouin, Provincial Traffic Signs You are cordially invited to attend a Surprise Party for AL CAPONFE'S BIRTHDAY THE TIME: The 1920's; prohibition THE PLACE: The Southside Speakeasy; Al Capone's personal secret hide-away THE EVENT: A Surprise Party for Big Al's Birthday Join us for a step back in time. Be one of Al's closest friends with a special invitation to this celebration in his honour. Share the ex- citement as a fresh batch of illegal booze arrives after a close brush with the Feds on its way up the river. Thrill to the Torch Songs and the Charleston Dances of the flapper era. Experience the drama when a rival mob leader tries to muscle in on big Al's territory. It's all here, exactly as it might have been; only you are there. 3 COURSE DINNER & SHOW only $29.95 pusps. The ISLAND RESTAURANT, Scugog Island FRIDAY, MARCH 30th at 7:30 PM TICKETS: Irwin Smith Music & The Islander Restaurant For information phone 985-9807 -- A KEN ATKINSON MUSICAL PRODUCTION -- CEDAR FENCE posts, reasonable seasoned & unseasoned firewood. 986-0828 leave message. M1 BOAT & MOTOR 14 ft. Springback, good shape and 15 H.P. Johnson, excellent shape - $1,700.00. 985-2988 - call after 5 p.m. BEAUTIFUL SATIN bedspread, peach color with pretty white lace and 2 pillow shams for queen size bed. Paid - $200; will sell for $125. Phone 985-7764. 4 TRANS AM honeycomb rims 15°". 986-0066. M 20 FRIDGE & stove, both green, very good condition - best offer. 985-2414 after 5 p.m. 7v2 FT. ROSE coloured marble, double basin vanity top. Never us- ed - $599.00. Phone 985-3569 or 985-3274. BUILDINGS SPECIAL Clearance - 20° x 24' - $2900.00; 24' x 24' - $3100.00; 28' x 36' - $4500.00; 32° x 36" - $4900.00; 36° x 48° - $6900.00; 40' x 60' - $8800.00. Call 985-7930. TF ASSELSTINE'S Yamaha have the Parts & Personnel to service your Yamaha. Durham Road, south of Blackstock. 986-4437. TF WOODWORKERS - Looking for a table saw, radial saw, jointer, shaper, thickness planer, lathe, drill press, sander, bandsaw or Shopsmith? Call Port Perry 985-2443 GRAND KIDS GROWN! crib, mattress & access. - $100.00; high chair - $30.00. Also, 3 drawer file cabinet - $100.00. Call 985-7270. WESTERN SADDLES - like new - $200.00, Old - $25.00. Angora rab- bits - $30.00 each. Egg layers - $1.00 each. Chesterfield set - $150.00. Sue 986-4557. M 20 LOWER SEED prices for 1990. Call Swain Seed at Blackstock for certified, oats, barley, soybeans, mixed grain and NK Seed Corn. We have hay, pasture & lawn seed for all types of soil. Call 416-986-4331. 2 BEDROOM mobile home in Tampa, Florida. 985-8588. M 20 WHEAT STRAW for sale - $1.50 per bale. 985-9040. WELDER MILLER Thunderbolt 225 (24 ft.) cables also welding helmet never used - $350.00. Phone 985-2720. AIRTIGHT Stoves, fireplaces, complete installations. Hours - Wed. to Sat. 10-6 - Closed Mon. & Tues. Over Ridge Renovator - 985-0715. SEASONED FIREWOOD $70.00 per face cord. $5.00 extra for delivery. 985-7745. 'J 30 HADDEN SATELLITE SYSTEMS - Satellite systems, towers, rotors, Cantel cellular phones, sales, service, Installa- tion. 852-3796. MSs COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on busy four corners of Manchester, 173 ft. frontage on Hwy. 12 - $83,000.00. For information call Danny - home 985-0045; business 686-2075. FIREWOOD - YES - we still have seasoned hardwood for dellvery or pick-up, bagged kindling, chunks and ends - pick-up only. Visa/Mastercard. Galway Wood Products. 705-488-2001. TF FRIDGES, STOVES, washers, dryers & freezers. 986-5312. SHELTIE PUP Large, Lassie Colour, Purebred. 6 mon. - *200. 986-5164 @ 3 3 i ASN PR Ee ON --T