10 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 8, 1990 Remember When? (From page 7) Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dingman have returned home after spen- ding the winter in Sarasota, Florida. 20 YEARS AGO Thursday, May 14, 1970 On Saturday evening, May 9, 1970, two local young men, Donovan Smith and Jim Martyn, were among the 51 Queen Scouts who received their Queen Scout Parchments at Bayview Secondary School. Col. Rankin of Camp Bordon presented the Parchments on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Graduation exercises were held at Kemptville College of Agriculture and Technology on Friday, May 8. Receiving a diploma in Home Economics was Joanne Martyn, Prince Albert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn. During the anniversary celebration of Honeydale W.1., Mrs. S. Naples presented a beautiful leather cover for the Tweedsmuir History, created by herself. President Alice Dodds accepted the gift on behalf of the members of Honeydale. ~~ Mrs/Stanley Taylor, Burketon, made a business trip to erich on Monday. Seagrave News - The stone house on the 14th concession is ee zain occupied. The farm has been bought by the Procuner amily. Excavation has begun for the new Croxall home, to be built in the former Utica school grounds. Around Town - Weekend guests of Mrs. Dora Nott on the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Oise and family of Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. Mike England, eston. 10 YEARS AGO Wednesday, May 7, 1980 Scugog's regional councilor Reg. Rose will remain on coun- - cil until the end of the present term, but he will not be a-can- didate when the municipal elections are held this November. Port Perry High School music teacher Russ Baird has been named director of the County Town Singers. Approx. 350 public school boys competed last week in the Regional Wrestling Championship Tournament held at the Port Perry Arena. Over 125 enthusiastic Durham elementary women teachers & invited ts enjoyed a series of Professional Development Workshops on the evening of April 30 at Port Perry High School. A group of scouts from the Greenbank-Seagrave troop recently toured the provincial legislature building in Toronto as guests of Durham-York MPP William Newman. A number of the local scouting leaders were honoured at a Leaders Award Night held at the Blackstock Community Cen- tre. District Commissioner Walter Welts presented a Lifetime Membership to Mr. Stan Ploughman and a pin for 35 years of service. A barn fire April 30 resulted in the loss of 500 rabbits. The blaze broke out about 10:30 in the evening at the farm of Elmer Huggins, R.R. 2, Port Perry. FITZGERALD'S WEED CONTROL 985-3540 Letters io the editor jt Newspapers vs disposable diapers To the Editor: Regarding Julia Ashton's re- cent column and the comments about disposable diapers. Since she's concerned about the environment perhaps she should be aware that though "2 percent" seems an enormous amount, one of the biggest culprits polluting our environment is the very medium she used to inform us - yes, newspaper. ; According to Dr. Bill Rathje, an anthropologist with the Universi- ty of Arizona who appeared on CBC April first, in a seven year study he found newspapers made up 14 percent of all garbage. In- stead of breaking down, piles of papers '"'mummify" when expos- ed to the elements. While this may seem bad, he states this is in fact And now it's back to youl! To the Editor: We have been reading of the drastic drop in popularity of our federal government and the fact that it is quite obviously the reci- pient of some bad advice. This is so, only because our so called representatives have ab- dicated their responsibilities by not wanting to make waves (security) and have left matters - to the non-elected, over paid Bureaucrats. To use a previous- ly published phrase, Constituents be damned. To which we say - Back to you Mr. Representative. Betty Cummings ; Scugog a good thing -- the ink papers are printed with is toxic. People who have been banning fast food chains or showing up with their own cutlery to underline the need for biodegradeable packing will be pleased to know that this type of packaging represents less than one third of 1 percent of garbage. As far as disposable diapers are concerned, Dr. Rathje's study also examined thousands of soil- ed diapers and found no viruses or communicable diseases remained. Finally, he found that the percentage .of plastic in dumps has remained the same since 1970. With an expanding world popula- tion one would expect it to have in- creased but since it has remain- ed the same, growing awareness of the pollution problem must be having a positive effect. Sandra Smith, Prince Albert Attacks Ottawa Report From Page 7 would not sign a document that gave another province special status over our province." ' Mr. Rickard asked why, if the Accord does not give Quebec any new powers, do we need it at all. He might re-read my 'Report From Ottawa' in which the reasons were explained. Quebec did not sign the agreement leading to our Constitution in 1982. Obviously all provinces must be willing partners in a national Con- stitution. The Prime Minister and the 10 provincial premiers in 1987 agreed on the Accord through which Quebec would become a full partner in the Constitution. That is why the Accord is impor- tant to Quebec - they're no longer left out. It's as simple as that. Premiers Wells and McKenna had not been elected and thus weren't present when the Accord was signed in 1987. But David Peterson and six other Premiers were there, and they continue to support the Meech Lake Accord. Sincerely, Ross Stevenson, M.P. Durham Gaon En (538) NUTS ABOUT QLLCURYS 70 ~~ introducing ... MUOVENPICK Swiss Recipe Premium ice Cream -- FLAVOUR of the WEEK -- .50¢ OFF with this ad = "PISTACHIO" 182 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY \(@==OPEN 7 DAYS a WEEK - 9 AM to 10 PM_--=p Sa al Wein" Ni" Bet i lr, TS CD 0 Jen rs +» Insect Control 10% DISCOUNT WITH THIS ADV, + Weed Control GOV'T LICENCED & GUARANTEED SATISFACTION PAINT SALE! > Create a truly elegant look that you will love to call your own! Regal Interior Latex Paint Finishes...beautiful and long lasting. Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel For Walls and Trim ut $3415 REGULAR PRICE $42.70 AquaVelvet Latex Eggshell Flat Enamel For Walls and Trim Elegant Interiors 517: Begin with -- REGULAR PRICE $39.70 GA -- CENTRAL PAINT & WALLPAPER 295 Ritson Rd.S., Oshawa 434-3939 CUPS one 572 Refill Centre TAYLOR FORD-MERCURY Hwy. 7A West, Port Perry Mon. to Sat. 8 AM to 6 PM NORTH BROCK MOTOR SALES Mon. to Fri. 9 AM to 6 PM; Saturday 9 AM to Noon BLANCHARD's SUPPLY CO., North St. Mon. to Thurs. 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM; Fri. 8:30 AM to 9 PM; Sat. 9 AM to 5 PM GORESKI'S MARINA available soon * Some Custom Colors may be higher in price EE A I Eee RN ET SUN