-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 15, 1990 Horticulture society to hold plant auction Brooklin Horticultural Society will hold their spring plant auc- tion on Wednesday evening of this week at 7:00 p.m. in Grass Park, Brooklin. Bring a friend and help to support our Society. Special birthday greetings to a very special lady, Evelyn Lynde, who celebrated her 94th birthday on Monday. Her daughters Shirley Hamilton, Minden, Carol Bradley from Tory Hill and Bar- bara Burroughs from Highland Grove spent the weekend with her, helping to celebrate this hap- py occasion, as well as other members of her family. It was nice to see Evelyn out to church on Sunday, with her daughters. Jim and Elaine Ewing from Orangeville visited Joan and Theo Knight on Sunday. Visiting with Bill and Bernice Gardner recently were Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Hoad, Stouffville, Mr. and Mrs. T. Yeandle and Mr. and Mrs. J. Cunnington of Guelph. The Eleanor Knight Group of the Women's Missionary Society held their Spring Thank Offering at the church on Wednesday even- ing, May 2. Honeydale WI celebrates 55th anniversary Honeydale Women's Institute celebrated its 55th anniversary on Monday, May 7th, with an ex- cellent attendance of members of our own branch, plus represen- tatives from branches i in Altona, Brooklin, Greenbank, Kinsale, Scugog Island, Shirley and Thornhill. Following the singing of the opening Ode, our President, Mary Cannon welcomed everyone. The roll call "Name a way to stretch a dollar," brought many in- teresting and original answers. We were pleased to have Coun- cillor Marilyn Pearce with us. She brought greetings from the coun- cil, and congratulated us, in par- ticular, on our show of concern for the environment, by making a donation toward the planting of shrubs and trees to beautify our area. There are three charter members of this branch still liv- ing, Clara Warren, May Williams, and Mae Raines, two of them were present. There was some reminiscing by Clara Warren about how this branch was '"born" in 1935, also several other members recalled other in- teresting happenings over the years. The Women's Institutes originated in Stoney Creek, On- tario, in 1897, and has grown, un- til today its members number nine million, world wide. It is non- sectarion, non-partisan, and non- racial, and it's stated aim is to develop a more abundant life for rural people. Among other things, we have the W_.I. to thank for the flashing stoplights now madatory on all school buses - a resolution that started at the branch level, then passed to provincial level. Among many other resolutions to pro- mote health and safety, which can be attributed to the W_I. is the one for wrapped bread, which was pointed out tous ina reading com- pose by Maude Stell, and given at our anniversary meeting. We are proud to be members of this worthwhile organization, and want to thank the committee who planned the program, did the decorating, made the favors, and arranged such a lovely lunch, complete with birthday cake - and good fellowship enjoyed by all those'present? * + + ttre It was nice to have some of our men folk join with us. The even- ing began with a dessert tea at 7:30, with many yummy desserts to choose from. President Lois Daw called the meeting to order at 8:15, with a call to worship. Scripture was read by Ruth Oliver. "Now Thank We all our God" and '"The Little Brown Church in the Vale" was sung. We were pleased to have Bill Burgess as our special speaker for the evening, and he shared with us the history of the Old Stone Church at Beaverton. This church is celebrating its' 150th anniversary this year. Con- struction of the church began in 1840, and was completed in 1860, when the balconies were put in. Services began in the church before it was finished, using planks of wood for seats. Summer services are still held in the church, being the first Sunday in June, July, August and September. The Ladies' Bible Class met at the home of Florence Ashton last Wednesday evening. The meeting opened with the singing of "'A Christian Home." The scripture Proverbs 31:10-31 was read by Bernice Gardner. Meditation was titled "What is a Family?' Joan Knight led in prayer. Muriel Fisher was in charge of the pro- gramme. She asked each person present to share a few happy memories of their mothers. Sheila Parrott and Bernice read two Mother's Day 'poems from "Ideals." Everyone enjoyed a friendly chat over the tea cups. There was a gooa attendance at morning worship last Sunday morning at Burns. Rev. McEn- tyre delivered an inspiring message titled "Inheritance of the Humble." Scriptures were read by Bernice Gardner and Barbara Porter. "Wheels to Meals' luncheon will be served at St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Brooklin on Wednesday at 12 noon. Special feature will be the Meadowcrest Children's Choir. Hope all the mothers enjoyed their special day with their families. VEHICLES MAY NOT BF EXACTLY AS SHOWN o Powerful 3.1 litre V6 MF] engine * No-Charge air conditioning © Automatic transmission © Power steering and brakes GM Dealers. For a limited time; take advanta Save on leasing, too. Ask models with Smartlease' NOBODY STACKS UP TO GM. CHEVY CORSICA LTAND PONTIAC TEMPEST WITH V6 POWER UNDER cloth trim ® Floor console 9 né YEARS $15,500 Find all the family car you'll ever need right now at your GM Dealer. 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