10 -- POR (e[} T PERRY STAR REAL ESTATE -- Tuesday, May 15, 1990 SYMONS, Joe & Frances - In lov- ing memory of our dear parents & grandparents. Dad who passed away May 16, 1989 and mother, March 23, 1988. Life moves on, and years roll by But love and memories never die Lovingly remembered, Morley & Marie Ryan & family Neil & Jean Hunter & family B.N.F. PERENNIAL Nursery - open Monday to Sunday (during season) - % mile north of Nestleton Country Store on North Nestleton Road. 986-0509. J19 SCUGOG RAPE /& CRISIS CENTRE + 24 Hr. Crisis Line 1 579-8006 Collect it Necessary Office Hrs. 9 to 5; Tues-Fri. 985-8850 RITCHIE, David at the York County Hospital, Newmarket on Tuesday, May 8, 1990 in his 92nd year. Beloved husband of the late Agnes (nee Boyd). Dearly loved father of Joanna and her husband Bob McDonald of Greenbank, & May and her husband Bill McCready of Alliston. Loving grandfather of Mari and her hus- band John Gibbons of Seagrave, Anne and her husband Jack Jor- dan of London, Ont. & Elaine McCready of Toronto. Great- grandfather of Skye & Bryan Jor- dan. A complete funeral service was held at the Wagg- McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home (985-2171) in Port Perry on Fri., May 11 at 1:30 p.m. Crema- tion followed. If desired a dona- tion may be made to the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontarlo. SLEEP, Mansell Wardell at the Community Memorial Hospital in Port Perry on Friday, May 1, 1990 in his 91st year. Beloved son of the late Arthur & Clara Sleep. Dear brother of Una Sleep of Seagrave. A complete funeral ser- vice was held at the Wagg- McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home (985-2171) in Port Perry on Monday, May 14 at 1:30 p.m. In- terment Greenbank United Cemetery. If desired a donation may be made to the Port Perry Hospital Building Fund. TAKE notice that the week of May 13 to 21, 1990 is hereby declared 'Arrive Alive - Drive Sober' week in the Township of Scugog. W. Howard Hall, Mayor KAREN E. HUNT, C.P.E. Elec- troylsis, permanent hair removal, medically approved, member of E.A.O., member F.E.A.C., pro- fessional & confidential. 985-9085. TIMES ARE CHANGING. Hav- ing trouble adapting? We'll listen 24 hours a day. Distress Centre. 433-1121 or 433-1861. Township of Scugog HOLIDAY GARBAGE PICKUP Monday, May 21st will be picked up Tuesday, May 22nd; Tuesday, May 22nd will be picked up Wednesday, May 23rd; Wednesday, May 23rd will be picked up Thursday, May 24th. Have a Safe and Happy Holiday PETERSON TRUCKING & DISPOSAL OAKRIDGE GOLF CLUB LADIES' DAY SPECIAL MONDAYS 9 Holes ....... $10.00 18 Holes ....... $15.00 985-8390 ATTENTION Ladies Nails by Pat. Sheilas Hairstyling. Call for appointment 985-2274, still at 117 Perry St. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS for help call THE DENISE HOUSE : (formerly Auberge) FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN ToLL FREE: 1-800-263-3725 or Confidentiality Assured 728-7311 SCUGOG | MOVING « STORAGE wc -- PORT PERRY -- 25 Years Experience Bus. 985-3761 If no answer call: (Res.) 985-7288 "Free Wardrobe Service" 169 North St., Port Perry Ontario LOL 1B7 DJ TAYLOR INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 985-8416 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS - DOWSON"S WATER HAULAGE inc. Dependable PURE SPRING WATER WELLS - CISTERNS - POOL - etc. Service & Prompt Delivery -- 7 Days a Week Call Today: 0985-3 81 <} 'CELLULAR PHONE DISPATCHER' Serving Your Area ANNUAL MEETING COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL -- PORT PERRY -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1990 at 8:00 PM IN THE HOSPITAL LIBRARY ' of the Annual Meeting. Meeting. The Annual Meeting shall, in accordance with the By-laws, receive the reports of the committees, receive the report of the auditors, consider By-law amendments passed by the Board of Directors since the last Annual Meeting and Elect Governors and shall consider such other business as properly comes before the meeting. Copies of such By- laws may be examined at the office of the Chief Executive Officer of the Hospital at any time during office hours, prior to the Annual Meeting. Members eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting are Life Members and those individuals who have purchased their annual membership thirty (30) days preceding the date Every member of the Auxiliary of the Community Memorial Hospital who holds a currently valid member- ship in the Hospital Auxiliary shall be a member of the Hospital Corporation and entitled to vote at the Annual No person shall be nominated at the Annual Meeting for election to the office of Governor, whose name has not been submitted to the Secretary of the Board in writing, signed by two qualified members of the Corporation at least thirty days before the date of the Annual eeting. David A. Bro Secretary-Treasuxer Board of Governors (416) 985-7306 "'MMERSON I. EID INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. L9L 1B9 BUSINESS SERVICES - typing, resumes, income tax, efc. 985-9315. F 13 PORT PERRY Small Engine now open Saturday. Riding lawnmowers, snowmobiles, etc. Last yellow buildings on left, Reach Industrial Park. 985-0095. J 3? MULTI FAMILY garage sale - Sat., May 19, Sun., May 20, Plea- sant Point Estates, Lake Scugog. MAY-18, 19,20 from 9 a.m. -4p.m. 12 miles west of Manchester. SAT. & SUN. May 19&20-9a.m., " - 5 p.m. new garage door opener, table & chairs, plus many extras. Scugog Island, Main Rd. ¥2 mile north past 10th conc. GARAGE & YARD Sale - 572 Sim- coe Street South (north of Prince Albert School). Mirrored dresser, coffee & end tables, lamps, kids toys, miscellaneous household items, X-Country skis. Saturday, May 19-9 a.m. - 3 p.m. HOLIDAY WEEKEND Sale - south side 7A Highway, 4th house east of Caesarea cut-off. Something for everyone. FRI, MAY 18-2p.m.-8p.m. & Sat., May 19 - 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 7 Murray St., Greenbank. Follow signs from Hwy. 12. YARD & CRAFT Sale - Sat., May 19 - 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 250 Rosa St. Lots of bargains. GARAGE SALE -- Reach In- dustrial Park. Everything but the kitchen sink. Sat., Sun. & Mon. - May 19, 20 & 21. EVERYTHING FROM antiques to modern. Sat. & Sun. May 19 & 20-9a.m.-6 p.m. Turn east onto 1st road (12th of Scugog) north of Greenbank on Hwy. 12. Second house on north side. SAT. MAY 19 - Several family yard sale. Scugog Island, Con. 10 east to bottom, turn right, approx. 10 houses on right and left - Baby carriage, car seat, infant clothing, childrens clothing, childs bike, girls and boys skates, toys, many household items. ¢ a.m. - 4 p.m. If rain - cancelled. GIANT YARD Sale - 1 mile east of Greenbank on King St. May 18, 19, 20. Gazebo's, Cupolas, 8N Ford Tractor, 2 furrow plow, Cub Inter- national with front blade, mates bed, harvest table, antique tobac- co cutter, dresser, lanterns, buggy wheels, Beaver table saw, 4" - jointer planer, approx. 5 ton split fieldstone, wishing wells. 17 h.p. Kohler 2ngine, many other items too numerous to mention. MARIPOSA ESTATES - Fri. May 18; 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.; Sat., May 19 - 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Turn right off Durham Rd. 2 just past Seagrave. SAT. & SUN. May 19 & 20. Dishes, clothing. furniture, etc. Something for everyone 7A Hwy. 1 mi. east of Caesarea cut-off on north side. 4 ROBINGLADE, Seagrave - bikes, light fixtures, boys clothes - 6-8, ladies uniforms - 5-7, misc. Sat. May 19 from 9 a.m - 1 p.m. GIGANTIC yard sale, Sat., May 19 & Sun., May 20-9a.m. - 5p.m. Everything one would want, come and see. Scugog Island, Conc. 10 east 2 km. See you there! BLACKSTOCK - Old Scugog Road, 1st farm south of Shirley Road. May 19, &21.83.m. - 5p.m. SAT. ,MAY 19 - 9 am. - 4 p.m. Multi-Family, microwave, TV, games, dishes, toys & much more. 1 mile south of Blackstock on Old Scugog Road. SAT., MAY 19 -9a.m. - 660 Scugog St. All proceeds to support vaca- tron Bible School of Emmanuel Full Gospel. GARAGE SALE - May 19, 9-4p.m. at 1 Carlan Dr. (north side of Port Perry fairgrounds). Contents in- clude: hardware, tools, building materials, plumbing, electrical & household Items. 65 ALLAN ST. May 18 from 8a.m. - 4 p.m. Sat. May 19 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. A varlety of articles in- cluding: doors, large fan, humidifier and even the kitchen sink. - SAT., MAY 19 - 589 Alma Street, Port Perry. Dishes, furniture, small items. i FRI. & SAT. - Summit Dr., Caesarea. Loads of baby items. 40 is Great! SHARON Love from your family HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY Anne & Murray Blain MAY 15th, 1965 Love from the Family Forty years ago, May 20th, 1950 JACK and WILLIE NESBITT took the plunge! HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY" Love, Rosemary under the Municipal Act. The Corporation of the Township of Scugog NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS 'Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, 1988 Statutes of Ontario, 1988, Chapter 51, Sections 3, 16 and 23, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Township of Scugog are destroyed by Friday, June 1, 1990, and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land, and that such amounts shall be collected in the same manner as taxes The cooperation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. Weed Inspector -- Clayton Love -- 985-2307 Earl S. Cuddie, Clerk-Administrator, Township of Scugog FAMILY & friends are Invited to celebrate Les Argue's 80th Birth- day on Sunday, May 27 at Nestleton Hall - 2 p.m. Pot luck. M23 TRAFALGAR CASTLE SCHOOL, 401 Reynolds Street, Whitby cordially invites you to at- tend their annual May Day celebrations on Saturday, May 26, 1990 at 2 p.m. In conjunction with our crowning of the May Queen we will be hosting a *'Grand Auc- tion." Articles include a trip to Eleuthera, Bahamas, an original painting, autographed sports ar- ticles, Blue Jays Tickets, china and much, much more. Also, a Garden Market and International Food booths will serve refreshments. M23 JACK & JILL for Ed Anderson & Michele Tytler, Saturday, May 26 at the Nestleton Hall, 3 p.m. - 1 - $10.00 per person. Tickets sold at the door or call 985-8125. WOMEN & BUSINESS present the dinner/workshop, 'Choices and Changes: An Overview on Healthy Aging' at 6:30 p.m. on June 6, at Greystone Equestrian Centre. Our speaker, Evelyn Poletneff, will discuss how women can cope with their own aging, as well as that of their parents. For tickets, call Lynda Kendry (Remax) 985-7361 or Bette Hodgins 985-7321. BORELIA CO-OP is having their 3rd annual summer mixed tour- nament on June 9, 1990. Anyone Interested In entering a team or for further information call Perry Anderson 985-0417. KINSMEN CLUB of Port Perry ' presents Big Band Bash at "The Islander" on Scugog Island, Fri- day, May 25, 1990 from 8 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. Tickets $10.00 -- 55 & over $5.00. Tickets avallable at Pete's Pet Pantry, Port Perry Op- tical, Selections, Emmerson in- surance, Irwin Smith Music, Lake Scugog Lumber Company. "For Scugog Community Care Pro- grams." Refreshments available - support your community. RABIES CLINIC -- May 26 from 10a.m. - 2 p.m. -- $7.00 per animal at the Prince Albert Hall, Queen St., Prince Albert. M 23 TRS RT SA