NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARET JOYCELYN LEE ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of Margaret Joycelyn Lee, late of the Township of Scugog in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 11th day of April, 1990 are hereby notified to send to the undersign- ed on or before the 16th day of June, 1990 full particulars of their claims. IMMEDIATELY after the sald date the assets of the said deceas- ed will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 11th day of May. 1990. FOWLER, DAVIES Barristers and Solicitors, 175 North Street, Port Perry, Ontario, LoL 1B7 Solicitors for Mary Evans, Exexcutrix of the Estate of Margaret Joycelyn Lee Js NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CLARA EDITH RAY ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of CLARA EDITH RAY, late of the Township of Scugog in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 25th day of April, 1990 are hereby notified to send to the undersign- ed on or before the 15th day of June, 1990 full particulars of their claims. IMMEDIATELY after the said date the assets of the said deceas- ed will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 10th day of May, 1990. FOWLER, DAVIES Barristers and Solicitors, 175 North Street, Port Perry, Ontarlo, LoL 1B7 Solicitors for Joan Winifred Morris, Executrix M29 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NORISSE HENRY HOWEY ESTATE ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of NORISSE HENRY HOWEY, late of the Township of Scugog in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 16th day of January, 1990 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of June, 1990 full particulars of their claims. IMMEDIATELY after the said date the assets of the said deceas- ed will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 8th day of May, 1990. FOWLER, DAVIES Barristers and Solicitors, 175 North Street, Port Perry, Ontario, LoL 187 Solicltors for Barry Howey, Executor. M29 Be your own boss for less than $50,000.00. Excellent family business in Oshawa. Established convenlence store with gas bar. Living quarters attached. For more particulars please write to Box No. 12, c/o Port Perry Star, 235 Queen St., Port Perry, Ont. LoL 189. '| «~~ VACATION and ALL PRIVATE MORTGAGES The place to go when your bank says no! Anubis Investments. 416-668-7200 Whitby. MORTGAGE LOANS + FIRST and SECONDS at PRIME RATES + UP to 90% NHA MORTGAGES + REFINANCING at LOWER RATES + EXISTING MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD OTHER PROPERTY + DEBT CONSOLIDATION + PERSONALIZED SERVICE AFTER HOURS AVAILABLE + NO COMPLICATED INCOME or CREDIT REQUIREMENTS + POWER of SALES REFINANCES + REFINANCING of PROBLEM SITUATIONS For more information call: 571-2880 Raycan Financial Ltd. 299 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, Ontario RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGES Firsts & Seconds One day loan approvals * In-office appraisals and other mortgage services provides you with one-stop financing * No fees unless funds are advanced * Avoid unnecessary delays and worries * Confidentiality assured CRESSBROOK FINANCIAL CORPORATION 985-3832 FAX 416-985-4103 Existing mortgages Bought & Sold KK J DISC CAMERA in brown case outside of B & L Donuts, Water St.. Thursday evening, May 3. Sentimental film Inside. Reward. Finder please phone 985-3415. MANNY AUCTION SERVICES Household -- Estate Sales Antique Appraisals PHONE 986-4912 COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household -- Farm Antique -- Real Estate 985-2188 Bailey - Graham AUCTION SERVICES All Types of Auctions. Ross Bailey 985-0697 Harvey Graham 986-4856 HOLIDAY MONDAY MAY 21 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Lemonville Community Centre McCowan, north of Stouffville Rd. The property of the late HELEN GLINISTY. Sale in- cludes: Washstand rocking chairs, parlour table, Duncan Phyfe table, scatter rugs, jam cupboard, piano bench, chest of silver, chesterfield suite, bedroom suite, chest of drawers, fridge, stove, automatic washer 8 h.p. riding lawnmower, 3.5 h.p. rototiller, gas lawnmower, wood lathe, barbecue, quantity of lawn chairs, swing set, number of garden tools, antique apple lad- der, electric sewing machine, limoge plates and others, Royal Albert cups and saucers, and numerous other «pieces. A good place to spend your holiday! Terms: cash. Earl Gauslin Auc- tioneer - 640-3079. SATURDAY, MAY 26 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM The property of the Tate HARRY BROWN of Goodwood. Farm machinery, Charlois and Hereford cattle, tools. Complete list next week. Terms: cash. Norm Faulkner, Earl Gauslin Auctioneers. THURSDAY EVENING MAY 24 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Holsteins Dairyman's Delight Sale of Holsteins, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont., in- cluding Reg. & Grade, fresh & close cows, & bred heifers, plus a group of open heifers. Con- signments will be accepted for this sale. If you wish to consign to this sale, please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524 or 9755. WEDNESDAY, JUNE & SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. Selling by Public Auction 39.5 Acre Hobby Farm Farm Machinery & Furniture The property of FREIDA & DON COCHRANE, Lot 2, Con. 8 East, Scugog Island. 1 mile east of Port Perry on 7A Hwy, then north on Reg. Rd. 7 for 2 miles." Turn right on 8th Con. - Watch for signs. Sale includes: Ford 7000 Diesel Tractor with cap, Int. 434 gas tractor with loader & hydr. bucket, 310 N/H baler, 28' bale elevator, 7° snowblower, farm trailer, bale feeder on wheels, 2 sets tractor chains, 16' wagon, fence posts, 3 furrow plough, 4 sec. harrows; ber, garden tools, garden game; rofotiller, gas lawnmower, wheelbarrow. FUR- NITURE: 2 fridges, round oak table, 4 chairs, old rocker, 6 pc. bedroom suite, glass front secretary desk, steel bed with brass trim, wicker rocker, iron glass-top table & 4 chairs, patio furniture, drop leaf Duncan Phyfe table, press back chairs, wicker chair, small tables, table of col- lectable glass & china including Limoges, Depression, glass, cups 8 saucers, crocks, bottles and more. Terms: cash or cheque with 1.D. REAL ESTATE: 39.5 acre hobby farm with ranch style custom built brick home, steel clad barn & driving shed. In- ground pool, painted fences, year- round pond. Land is sandy loam, slightly rolling, cleared, 2 road frontages in quiet area close to everything. room to breathe & ralse a family, (school bus at door) or a quiet place to retire. TERMS: $10,000.00 down day of sale, balance in 60 days or less. Farm sells at 7:30 sharp June 6th, subject to reasonable reserve bid. Financing to qualified buyer at 10 percent. Viewing of property on Sunday, May 27, 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and each day thereafter up to day of sale from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Owner not responsible for accident or Injury in connec- tion with this sale. Sale managed and sold by Cochrane Auction Service. 1-416-985-2788. J 12 SATURDAY, MAY 26 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Farm Machinery The property of the late BILL SANDERSON, Lot 4, Con. 5 Emi- ly Twp. Turn 1 mile north on Vic- toria St. in Omemee (Car Wash) - turn left - first farm on right. (Watch for signs). M.F. 1100 dicsel tractor - cab - rebuilt - new tires, John Deere 710 diesel trac- tor with Allied loader, John Deere 60 standard gas tractor - new tires, 1987 New l|dea 509 haybine 9', Fox 3000 forage harvester - 2 row corn - with hay header, New Holland 27 forage blower PTO, 1 Dion & 1 Fox self-unloading wagon with 10 Ton gearing, Int. 5 - 16's semi-mount spring reset plough, John Deere 3 - 14's trip beam plough 3 pt., Triple K 16' cultivator 3 pt., John Deere 14 T Baler PTO, McKee snowblower PTO, 3 pt. blade, Int. 15 disc seed drill - on steel, Int. pull type cultivator, M.F. side rake, John Deere 2 row corn planter 3 pt. Set of discs, 3 pt. 2drum roller, John Deere 506 Rotary Mower PTO. Field sprayer 20' boom 3 pt. - hand gun, Hay trailer 8° x 16' rack, wagon, round bale feeder, 2 - 4 grain augers with motors, cattle head gate, post hole digger 3 pt.. 3 pt. plough for drainage, Cockshutt 10° trail disc., John Deere 17 tooth cultivator, Co-op 5 h.p. riding lawnmower, 6' hay mower 3 pt., drag harrows, Int. manure spreader PTO, Dehorners, Gougers, Ralgro gun, chain, binder, pump, many other items. Terms: cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Sale managéd & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or Car 705-749-7084. M23 SATURDAY, MAY 19 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Large Auction Sale Sale includes Antiques, Fur- niture, Hammond Electronic Organ, Prints, Plates, China, Glass & collectables, Antique 1952 Chev. 2 ton, Snowmobile, Tools, Appliances and more. NOTE: To be held in the Fenelon Falls Arena. Property of K. BROWN of Lindsay. Moved to B.C. & others. Featuring Antique Round Oak Table, Beautiful Upholstered Red Velvet Settee, Antique Marble Top Parlour Table, 2 Antique Balloon Back Chairs, Antique Walnut Oval Parlour Table, Walnut Antique Washstand, Anti- que Mahogany High Boy, Mahogany Sewing Cabinet, Ham- mond VS 200 Automatic Elec- tronic Organ c/w Auto Rhythm, Bench & Music (A-1 Condition), Pressback Rocker, Blanket box, Oak Bookcase, New Rug, Cast Bell, End Tables, Pictures, Prints, Collectable Plates - featur- ing Royal Doulton Kristina & Marilyn & Lucia & Chad, Knowle Reco Belik, 2, Collectable Ships, Crystal floor lamp, Original Oil Painting by ANNA 8 Water Col- our by ANN WARDLY, Decoys, Quantity of Glass & China, Garden Tools, Yard Gazebo, Lawnmower, 1952 Chev. 4 ton, V8, Southern Truck, good condi- tion, 440 Kawaski Snowmobile, Double snowmobile trailer, Plan to attend. NOTE: Consignments welcome to this sale by calling CALVIN MABEE AUCTIONS, Cambray 705-374-4800 or 374-4435. Ms MAY 19 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M.Saturdays Auction Action Pethick Auction Barn, Haydon 10 mi. N.E. of Oshawa Every Saturday Night This week to Include: large assortment of air and hand tools, plus other hardware, furniture to Include: bedroom suites, dressers, old trunks, lots of chairs, tables, oak side board, patio table & chairs, new wicker settee & chairs, plus lots of glass and collectables. Come out and have a look at our Monday sale on Saturday night. Terms are cash, cheque or Visa. For information call 1-416-263-4252 - Garry K.- Powell, Gary Shmyr, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, JUNE 16 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Farm Equipment Some Furniture Including 3 tractors, cultivator, plow, disk, tractor, horse drawn equipment and more for Lou Ferenzc, R.R. 1, Hampton. For more Information call 1-416-263-4252. Garry K. Powell, Gary Shmyr, Auctioneers. MAY 19 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Real Estate & Farm Implements & Household Furniture The property of the late FRED YEO, Lot. 23, Con. 4 Regional Town of Newcastle (formerly Clarke Township), 2 miles north of Newcastle Village on Hwy. 115 & 35 to Twin Oaks Motel & east 1 mile on Con. 4 & 1 mile north or 1 mile south of Orono on 115 Hwy. to Con. 4 & 1 mile east & 1 mile north, Century property 50 acre farm frontage on 2 roads, 40 acres prime agriculture land, 10 acres pasture land, 9 room 2 storey frame house, 4 bedrooms on se- cond floor, 2 stair cases, living room, dining room, full bathroom & kitchen on ground floor and summer kitchen, excellent out Buildings, good well. An excellent property for a hobby farm. FARM IMPLEMENTS: Massey Ferguson 180 diesel tractor with loader, 1941 Minnlapolis Moline tractor with chains, New Holland 275 baler, M.F. double disc, M.F. plough 4 furrow 145, Grain o vator blower, M.F. 33 seeddrill 17 run grass grain 8 fert. excellent cond., N.H. side rake, N.H. mower 3 pth., fertilizer spreader, wagon on rubber, bale buncher, hay elevator, N.H. manure spreader pto, hammer mill belt driven, grain auger with motor, single plough, farm scales, little carrier & track, cattle squeeze, quantity hay & straw, tools too numerous to mention, quantity of rails, lawnmower, ladders, 1981 Oldsmobile car good condition - as Is. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: dining room suite with six chairs, lead glass buffet & oval table, side board, chest of drawers, odd tables, Findlay oval stove, dining room table & six chairs, couches, Hot Point electric stove, Hot Point refrigerator freezer, RCA TV, record cabinet, hall tree, dresser with mirror, 3 plece bedroom suite, single bed, antique cradle, beds, butter bowl, coal oll lanterns, enamelware, dishes and many items too numerous to men- tion. Viewing of real estate May 18-9 a.m. - 7 p.m. or by appoint- ment call 416-623-5461 Bill Bragg. Real Estate terms 10 percent down sale day - closure in 60 days, subject to reserve bid. Sale time: 11 a.m. furniture & machinery; Real Estate 2:00 p.m. Terms: Cash - no reserve. Sale manager & auctioneer Arnot Wotten, R.R. 1, Hampton. 416-263-2512. Charles Reid Auctioneer 416-983-5914.M 15 THURSDAY, MAY 24 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay Shrubs, About 200 Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Trees, Blue Spruce, Etc. 6:15 Sharp Complete estate of LOLA GLASS, Lindsay. Quality fur- niture, appliances, antiques, glass & china. No reserve. List next week. Orval McLean Auctions. Call to list your farm or estate: sale. Orval & Barry McLean, Auctioneers 324-2783 Lindsay. SATURDAY, MAY 26 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Estate Sale - Quality Furniture, Appliances, & Real Estate Estate of the late JOANNE OP- PERS and LUCY KNIGHT In village of Nestleton. Colonial chesterfield set, love seat, rockers, gas barbeque, compo- nent stereo, large round coffee table, dinette set, maple dining suite, 2 oriental pattern rugs, recliner, oil painting, modern 5 pc. bedroom ste. with good box & mattress, antique buried walnut tall boy with carved gallery top with bevelled mirror, antique brass bed, chest freezer, Simplicl- ty gold spin washer, Inglis superb auto dryer, Hotpoint White F.F. refrigerator, 30' auto electric stove, Panasonic 19" colour T.V., other good furniture, dishes, walk behind garden tractor with 4 at- tachments. REAL ESTATE: 1 P.M. Excellent 2 storey brick & vinyl home on beautiful lot on Main St., garage, 3 bedrooms, plus 1, hardwood floors. This Is a well kept, well decorated home, ready to move in, selling as Is, subject to reserve bid. Terms: $5,000 at sale. Balance 30 days. PROPERTY MUST BE SOLD TO SETTLE ESTATE. View early so you can arrange financing. Call Orval McLean Auctions, Orval or Barry McLean, Auctioneers (705)324-2783. M23 THURSDAY, MAY 24 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Monthly Machinery Auction Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ont. John Deere 1840 tractor with 245 loader, Duetz 6250 tractor - 490 hrs., Case 2090 tractor with duals, Universal 4 x 4 tractor with loader, New Holland 273 baler with thrower, Int. 991 haybine - good, Owatonna 200 haybine, M.F. 26' winged cultivator, Int. 45 vibra shank cultivator 18%2' - wings, New Holland 479 haybine with float head, Int. 13' cultivator, Turnco gravity grain box - gear- ing & hydraulic auger, 3 wheeled rake - 3 pt., haybines, round balers, good line of haying equip- ment. For consignments or fur- ther information contact Sale Barn 705-324-2774 or Carl Hickson Auctioneer 324-9959, Car 749-7084. Sale day - 324-8311. SATURDAY, JUNE 2 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Large Auction - Farm Machinery, Livestock, Hay & Straw The property of HARRY KUENEN, AND FRANK BROWN. Sale will be held at the Kuenen farm, 1 mile north of Greenbank on Hwy. 12 and % mile west. LIVESTOCK: 45 head of Limousin and charolais, cows and heifers with calves by side or close springers, 2 P.B. Limousin bulls (5 and 6 yrs.). Note - this is a good herd of cattle, plan to at- tend this sale. 10 round bales each of hay & (1300 hundred pd. bales). MACHINERY: Case No. 930 diesel tractor - good, A.C. No. D 17 diesel tractor, A.C. No. D 17 gas tractor with loader, G!eaner com- bine model F (gas) motor overhauled last year. 16 ft. header, with variable speed con- trol. N.H. No. 479 baybine, N.H. No. 276 baler with thrower, 4 flat bed wagons with racks. (all new 2' bottoms), N.l. spreader (P.T.0.) Cockshutt.disc. (16 ft.) I.H.C. cultivator 17 ft. with levell- Ing harrows, Landall chisel plow, 7 tooth (heavy duty) M.F. mower 7' Case 5 furrow plow, 2 Turnco " wagon boxes, 44' auger 6' with undercarriage, Allied hay elevator 42° with undercarriage, Better buHt liquid manure spreader, Ford blower with hood, Ferguson side rake, 65 mow elevator, |.H.C. hay loader, Husky liquid manure tank, 8 - 40° steel trusses, cattle squeeze. Cedar rails & .much more. TRUCKS: 1.H.C. 1973 cattle truck, 14 ft. rack with hoist, 1977 G.M.C. 3% ton pick up (both sold as is). MACHINERY FOR FRANK BROWN: [.H.C. diesel tractor No. 656, David Brown diesel tractor No. 990, Ford diesel tractor No. 2000, Ford 2 ton truck 1974 as Is, corndryer Toxwick (as is) with tester, M.H. disc harrow, cultivator, cultipacker, Patz silo unloader 20 ft. mix mill with 4 augers, post hole auger, 60° bunk feed auger, cylinders, dehorners, and quantity of small goods. Terms: cash or cheque with 1.D. Greenbank ladies wlll serve lunch. Owners or Auctioneers will not be responsible for any acci- dent the day of sale. Note: both farms have been sold. Reg & Larry Johnson Auctioneers - Phone (705) 357-3270. M 29 THURSDAY, MAY 17 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Orval McLean Auction Center, "Lindsay About 200 Evergreen Shrubs, Trees, Blue Spruce, Etc. 6:15 sharp. Complete estate of the late DOROTHY HARRIS, Lindsay. Antique & modern furniture, an- tique ching, glass, many collec- tables and knick-knacks, also 16 Royal Doulton figurines, refrigerator, stove, microwave, portable colour TV, VCR, dishwasher, Maytag auto washer and dryer, electric organ, antique fancy china cabinet, antique sideboard, pressback high chair, wicker items, 4 pc. Jacques & Hayes settee set, antique washstands, dressers, tea wagon, china cabinets, drop front secretaire, armoir, walnut sideboard, pressback childs rocker, trunks, lamps, chester- fields, old boxes, upright freezer, cedar chest, plus very large selec- tion linens, bedding, antique china, glass, etc. Don't miss this interesting estate sale. No reserve. Orval & Barry McLean, Auctioneers 324-2783, Lindsay.