Pre-schoolers can challenge your help Scugog will meet the You can help us to meet the: ; ; Participaction Challenge on Participaction Preschool Challenge. If you run an In-home Daycare or if you are home wi preschoolers of your own please join us on the lawn next to th YMCA building on Participaction Day, Wednesday May 30, at 10:30 a.m. for 15 minutes of '""Mousercize." The children will be led in these exercises and Moms and Dads are welcome to participate and use this as your 15 minutes of ex- ercise for Participaction. If this is not convenient for you just pick any 15 minutes during the day and do any kind of fun exercise with Recreation From Page 14 Pool (15,000 square feet) Heat, light, maintenance, water: -- $45,000 Pool Operator: -- $40,000 Pool Supplies (diatomaceous earth, chlorine, cleaning pro- ducts, pool chemicals, etc.) -- $10,000. 2 Cost -- $95,000; Income* -- $45,000; Est. Surplus (Deficit) -- ($50,000). Note: cost of lifeguards to be covered under direct costs at- tributed to individual programs; additional revenues of $45,000 to be obtained at $1.50 per visit; this assumes a modest 30,000 visit per year (fewer than 100 per day). Arena (two ice surfaces, 60,000 square feet) : Combined cost of operating the full arena with two ice surfaces: Cost -- $240,000; Income* -- $170,000; Est. Surplus (Deficit) -- ($70,000) ~ Note: Based on rental rates now in effect and usage pattern anticipated as a result of addition of second ice pad. Community Hall (6,000 square feet). Heat, light, maintenance -- Cost -- $18,000; Income* -- $70,000; Est. Surplus (Deficit) -- $52,000. Squash Courts (3,000 square feet). Heat, light, maintenance -- Cost -- $9,000; Income* -- $40,000; Est. Surplus (Deficit) -- $31,000. Fitness Gymnasium (2,000 square feet) Heat, light, maintenance -- Cost -- $6,000; Income* -- $25,000; Est. Surplus (Deficit) -- $19,000. Core and Central Locker Rooms - (7,000 square feet) Heat, light, maintenance, water -- $21,000; Management* -- $45,000; Core Staff: 2 persons x $7 per hour x 100 hours/week x 50 weeks/year -- '$70,000; Cleaning -- $40,000; Annual maintenance and repairs -- $40,000 -- Cost - $216,000; Est. Surplus (Deficit) -- ($216,000). Estimated Operating Costs and Deficit ---- TOTAL: Cost -- $584,000; Income* $350,000; Est. Surplus (Deficit) -- ($234,000). Note: We recommend that the Township establish the position of Director of Recreation and Parks (at a salary in the $35,000 - $40,000 range; about half of this person's time will be occupied with the operation and management of Scugog Centre and that portion should be attributed to the Cen- tre's indirect costs; secretarial staff, benefits, office equipment and supplies, etc., would all come from this $45,000 budget item, which we feel should be quite adequate. Impact of Operating Deficit: Assuming a tax base of 7,000, the additional impact on the an- nual taxes (on top of the approx- imately $7 per household now pro- vided for the operation of the Port Perry Arena) of the average household would be about $28 in 1990 dollars. your preschoolers, then phone the Participaction number 985-7393 and register your names. With Wednesday May 30th. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 23, 1990 -- 15 ne MEATING PLACE -- OPEN 7 DAYS a WEEK -- $10.00 per Person 8:30 PM to 12:30 AM FRIDAY, JUNE 8th Tickets call 985-9807 Big Band returns to ... THE ISLANDER Scugog Island, Port Perry 180 Queen St, Port Perry 985-2818 COMPLETE BBQ CHICKEN D Includes: - 1 Whole Chicken 99 Call us in the - 2 Medium Salads morning and we - Rolls will have it ready for - Freshly Baked Apple Pie your evening meal. -- HEAT MIRROR 5 POINTS MALL TAUNTON RD.E,, OSHAWA WINDOWS DOORS - SKYLIGHTS Solariums - Soffit - Additions Custom Installations 436-9733 on Fashion SPECIALIZING IN LADIES' AFFORDABLE FASHIONS Hours: Mon. to Sat. 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM: Fri. to 8 PM. PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-0129 RR EMP I CAA WERE ARIE OWLS) RRR TRARY SOL a ped SR LL Baal) oF EIR " a wot Wetd like to cut you a deal BE 3 sin Deep 'ndelicioug §* Ei: MeCart Original E: RB » chocolate cake l i. hy cg, (EI CEIVE:(T 2 3 iH Be chocolat HE a =| 14 3 be, of. "a = z $ i b : o FE 3 | vi Ox ge Ee 5 iy Kk SY Bi > i es ks i 2 "a "i Pr oy ry EN ke oe ie gE = a a : = oF Wl ii BUA I Bs £3 3 3 E14 E 2 ar x SS F 5 ; 7 e cake is free. (File not included) When you buy a Kentucky Fried Chicken Bucket or Barrel you get a McCain Deep 'n Delicious chocolate cake absolutely free* PORT PERRY 112 Scugog Street 2985-0020