Ann Wanninkhof was pleased with the results of this year's Thanksgiving Food Drive. The food drive Is a project by Operation Scugog, to help ensure that all local residents en- joy a festive holiday meal. Mrs. Wanninkhof stated that the amount of food brought In was much better than the last food drive at Easter time. Harrell may never again vacation Oshawa councillor Irv Har- rell may never take another holiday again for the rest of his political career. "It's amazing what can hap- pen when you take two weeks holidays," he told council at Wednesday's meeting. My. Harrell, who claims he D hadn't taken a vacation for over five years, returned home after a two week retreat from local litics to -find all heck had roke loose in his ward. "I came home Sunday at 2 a.m., started to look through the newspaper and that was the end of that evening," he told The Regional Municipality of Durham PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regional Municipality of Durham is consider- ing a by-law to rename a portion of Regional Road No. 2 (known municipally as Oshawa Road, Lilla Street, Seagrave Road and On- tario Street) from the Oshawa-Scugog Townline Road to the boun- dary road between the Township of Scugog and the Township of Brock, as "SIMCOE STREET / REGIONAL ROAD 2" in the Township of Scugog. TOWNSHIP OF BROCK Advent Al REG RD.G _._ YMARIPOSA TOWNSHIP --- we rr [7 4 } J TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG wi v [4 /\ SIMCOE ST./ | [SECTION OF REGIONAL IROAD TO BE RENAMED _|REGIONAL ROAD 2 ALEG.HL _ 4 h] £ OWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGE 7 EV La 3 In order to assist in the evaluation of the proposed by-law, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Region's Planning Department. Information related to the amendment application is available in the offices of the Planning Department, 1615 Dundas St. E., 4th Fir., Lang Tower, West Building, Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 or by calling Mr. Gerry Cameron, Planning Department, (416) 728-7731 (Whit- by) / 686-1651 (Toronto). Submissions concerning the proposed zoning by-law must be for- warded to the Commissioner of Planning at the above-noted address and must be received no later than Friday, November 2, 1990. Please include your address and telephone number in any submis- sions made. Marie Hubbard, Chairman Planning Committee Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning council. i A parcel of land in his north- east Oshawa ward was selected as one of the five candidate landfill sites for the Durham- only long-term garbage solu- tion. "Sunday the phone never stopped ringing," he said, add- ing it will be a long time before he takes another holiday. D pee -- | Regional | W.I. meeting on family, consumer affairs The Regional Municipality of Durham PUBLIC NOTICE r) : .-- .-- gil & aL SHIP OF SCUGOGQ 12ih CON.RD RRR ia hat 'I'hese frequent rains certainly would be great in a growing season. However we must ex- press appreciation for the almost perfect Thanksgiving weekend of Saturday and Sunday, when the autumn beauty of colour and plen- ty was emphasized. For all those who attended the Scugog United Church on Sunday it well be noted that it was a beautiful occasion that can never be forgotten. Everyone was in- volved in some manner like a big family. You couldn't help realize the amount of work and planning that had gone into each ar. a. Though the Interim Minister will be missed next Sunday, Oc- tober 14, at 11 a.m. the whole Pastoral Charge will rejoice in another Scugog Anniversary when Rev. Harry Atkinson will be the guest speaker. He is no stranger to the Island and it will be a pleasure to welcome him back again. Next Wednesday, October 17, the W.1. will meet at the Township Hall for Family and Consumer Affairs with Penny Kutlik as Con- venor. Being mindful of Hallo- ween in the near future, the Roll Call will be 'A Halloween safety tip for trick or treaters." The mot- to is "A miligram of prevention is worth a kilogram of cure." The program will centre around a Take notice that the Regional Municipality of Durham is consider- ing a by-law to rename a portion of Regional Road No. 8 from Road 23 Yo Regional STREET / REGIONAL ROAD 8" in the Township of Scugog. Road 2 as "REACH _..AEG.RD.8 J Pr OF UXBRIDGE | ND TOWNSHIP RO. 4 Xl 8th CON. & 8th _REQAD2) ) HWYS 7 2 12 ' pressisnassye CON. RD] SECTION OF REGIONAL ROAD TO| BE NAMED i REACH STREET/ REGIONAL ROAD 8 vd IT Planning Department. by) / 686-1651 (Toronto). sions made. Marie Hubbard, Chairman Planning Committee ras In order to assist in the evaluation of the proposed by-law, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Region's Information related to the amendment application is available in the offices of the Planning Department, 1615 Dundas St. E_, 4th Fir. Lang Tower, West Building, Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 or by calling Mr. Gerry Cameron, Planning Department, (416) 728-7731 (Whit- Submissions concerning the proposed zoning by-law must be for- warded to the Commissioner of Planning at the above-noted address and must be received no later than Friday, November 2, 1990. Please include your address and telephone number in any submis- Dr. M. Michael, M.C.|.P. Commissioner of Planning r - a wi a wo "Farm Child Care" study. I guess, last week I made a boo- boo in reporting the happy 25th wedding anniversary for Marilyn and Norman Tripp's double celebration. When I said 'family' for the evening celebration, I felt it would include the complete family of Manns and Tripp. I knew who was catering for one occasion but not the second one so neither was mentioned. 1 did not know the details involving the Tripp fami- ly planning and work. Now, I'm sure everyone appreciates their efforts in making the evening such a success. In reporting, I would not know- ingly slight anyone. But from ex- perience we all know that a writer does not always give the same im- pression to those who read their words. Therefore, I'm sorry for this seeming neglect and over- sight. I know -everyone ap- preciated the wonderful occasion. Hospital Report September 28 - October 4 Admissions............................ 24 Emergencies........................ 289 Operations..................uu.......... 6 Discharges.............coouuuee... 22 Remaining............................. 42 Please recycle this newspaper Back to School Specials from $199.00 4 Ak V4 A T 4 A) I'YPEWRITER SALES & SERVICE - repairs to IBM & Smith Corona - & All Other Makes - Ribbons for all makes & models - including Printers - We pickup and delivery BIA (TAY BUSINESS EQUIPMENT 985-9783 7128-7591 BILL'S CHIMNEY SWEEP For a Complete Cleaning & Safety Inspection -- CHIMNEYS -- FIREPLACES -- STOVES -- CLEAN OUTS -- INSERTS Please call: 3 H 5 Wat Ent DANY ef S91 yi Vix Ts PRE ERE FT EER EE na] AE Ir A SM