ae Sorte ent ---- Scugog Fire Department Hall 1 held an Appreciation and Awards dinner Saturday eve- ning In honor of the Employers of volunteer firemen. Pictured are employers receiving ap- preclation plaques. Don Steele, Scugog Overhead Doors, Howard Hall, House of Howard, Fire Marshall Representative Dave Carr, Wendy Dyer, Merrick Homes, Bob Jamieson, Pine- ridge Sports, Jim Rowett, accepting for Simpson Bros. , Dave Aspinwall, Ministry of Trans- portation, Steve Bower, Port Perry Cashway, Roy Hope, R&R Masonry, self employed, Earle Stockford, General Motore of Canada, Larry Page, Dominion Auto, Leo Donnelly, Port Perry I.G.A., Ken Dowson, ValuMart, Nell Hunter, Township of Scugog, Jim Keith, Robin Boyce, Region of Durham, Robert Cook, RJC Construction, seif employed, Glen May, Alger Press, Rick Hope, R&R Masonry, Willy Houthuys, Willy and Son, Bob DeShane, Lindsay and District Ambulance Service, J.?. Harold, Willlamson Pontiac-Buick, Don Dick, Dick Construction. Absent, representatives from H.R. Stark Ltd., and Van Camp Construc- tion. Appreciation dinner held for volunteer firemens' employers "Without the help of our local firefighters' employers, a vol- unteer fire department would cease to exist in Scugog." Those were the words spoken by several at Saturday even- ings Employer Appreciation Evening. Scugog Fire Depart- ment Hall 1, hold a dinner, and awards ceremony to show their appreciation to employers of the fireman, who so generously allow the firefighters to leave work in the case of an emergen- cy call. Guest speakers during the evening included Mayor Ho- ward Hall, and Dave Carr, a resentative of the Fire Mar- shal's office. Mr. Carr, praised the local firefighters employers for allowing the men to leave work so freely. Saturday's banquet marked five years since the last appreci- ation dinner, and the depart- ment would like to continue it on a five year basis, because the department realizes what the employers are giving up, and want their appreciation to be shown on a regular basis. Scugog's Hall 1 currently has 28 volunteer fireman, which re- sults in many firms helping to REGENCY 2'6" ROYALE MAHOGANY OAK $112.00 $219.00 * DOORS & MOULDING * HARDWARE * Complete House Trim Packages at Discounted Prices. RR4, UXBRIDGE Durham No. 23, just s. of 47 416) 852-7722 support the volunteers. Some of these workplaces have two to three volunteers in their work- place that may be called to leave at any given time. After the speeches, each fire- fighter individually thanked his employer, and presented each with a plaque of apprecia- The Regional Municipality of Durham B) PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regional Municipality of Durham is consider- ing a by-law to rename a portion of Regional Road No. 2 (known municipally as Oshawa Road, Lilla Street, Seagrave Road and On- tario Street) from the Oshawa-Scugog Townline Road to the boun- dary road between the Township of Scugog and the Township of Brock, as "SIMCOE STREET / REGIONAL ROAD 2" in the Township of Scugosg. work. One other presentation of the evening was to retired firefight- ers. Special presentations were made to Larry Page, and Chris Lane who left the fire depart- ment earlier this year. Of BROCK hendrerit oh | MARIPOSA TOWNSHIP IROAD TO BE RENAMED SIMCOE ST./ |REGIONAL ROAD 2 ) ho " Cy 2 2k uw 1 O- a X ¢ 3 _ 1 ¥ TOWN OF I wHITBY | In order to assist in the evaluation of the proposed by-law, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Region's Planning Department. Information related to the amendment application is available in the offices of the Planning Department, 1615 Dundas St. E., 4th Flir., Lang Tower, West Building, Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 or by calling Mr. Gerry Cameron, Planning Department, (416) 728-7731 (Whit- by) / 686-1651 (Toronto). Submissions concerning the proposed zoning by-law must be for- warded to the Commissioner of Planning at the above-noted address and must be received no later than Friday, November 2, 1990. Please include your address and telephone number in any submis- sions made. Marie Hubbard, Chairman Planning Committee Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P Commissioner, of Planning tion to hang at their place of PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, October 16, 1990 -- 27 Klean Sweep CHIMNEY SERVICE SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1978 * dustless, efficient chimney cleaning * emergency service l) * blocked flues cleared a * go with the experts Technical Training OUR STAFF IS TRAINED & CERTIFIED FULL TIME PROFESSIONAL SWEEPS 985-3111 osuwn 433-4111 PORT PERRY onors of war. Who better to ¢ the battles as they really happened than the veterans "who experienced war first-hand? The NEVER AGAIN! videos provide historical dccounts of Canada's participation in the First and Second World Wars and Korea. mation about NEVER AGAIN! please contact: The Regional Municipality of Durham PUBLIC NOTICE D) Take notice that the Regional Municipality of Durham is consider- ing a by-law to rename a portion of Regional Road No. 8 from Regional Road 23 to Regional Road 2 as "REACH STREET / REGIONAL ROAD 8" in the Township of Scugog. 14th CoN &/ RD. |. nccnoal : | ¢ 7 } 4--- TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG 12h CON.RD 7 MARIPOSA AD. Xl 8th CON. passin 8th CON. RO| _RegAD2Y Ll SECTION OF REGIONAL ROAD TO| BE NAMED REACH STREET/ REGIONAL ROAD 8 | In order to assist in the evaluation of the proposed by-law, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Region's Planning Department. Information related to the amendment application is available in the offices of the Planning Department, 1615 Dundas St. E., 4th Flir., Lang Tower, West Building, Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 or by calling Mr. Gerry Cameron, Planning Department, (416) 728-7731 (Whit- by) / 686-1651 (Toronto). Submissions concerning the proposed zoning by-law must be for- warded to the Commissioner of Planning at the above-noted address and must be received no later than Friday, November 2, 1990. Please include your address and telephone number in any submis- sions made. Marie Hubbard, Chairman Planning Committee Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I1 P. Commissioner of Planning