i ES ------ Large crowd attends Remembrance Day Service a BEES, Essai A large number of friends and relatives attended the Open House in honour of June and Harry Degeer's twenty-fifth wed- ding Anniversary held at the Pur- ple Hill Hall on Saturday after- noon. Congratulations and best wishes to you June and Harry. Sympathy is extended to Linda and Lawrence McLaughlin and family on the passing of Linda's father last week. The community extends sym- pathy to Barbara and Jim Sleep and family on the very sudden passing, as the result of a heart attack while hunting, of Bar- bara's father Mr. Tom Puckrin. Many from here are attending the various events at the Royal Winter Fair last week and this coming week. A capacity crowd from this community and many distant points enjoyed so very much, the dynamic performance of Rod Beatty's Wingfield's Progress. His stories will be retold time and time again, I am sure. There were 12 tables at the weekly card party on Tuesday evening with the following win- ners - Carl Gimblett, Mary Poots, Jim Gibson, Harold Burgess, Florence Larmer and Carl Ferguson. Low - Myrtle Gimblett. Draws - Carl Ferguson, Murray Beare, Marie Crawford, Muriel Butson, Richard Manns, Manny Saltariche. The Blackstock Women's In- stitute met on Wednesday, November 7 at the Township hall. Following a delicious lunch and social time, President Jean Adams opened the meeting with a poem on Remembrance Day. The meeting continued with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Carol Thornton introduced the guest speaker Joan Hood from the Port Perry Hospital who gave a very informative talk on Nutrition. The business included making plans for the Bread Making Course which will be held on Mon- day, November 26 at 1 p.m. or 7 p.m. at the Recreation Centre kit- chen at a cost of $5.00. This is open to anyone in the community who wishes to learn more about bread making, Please call Dora Martyn at 986-4378 before that date so that a book can be obtained for you. A fine crowd attended the - Remembrance Day Service at the Recreation Centre on Saturday morning. i! Go With The Green Service Preventive Medicine (within 35 km. of Utica). John Deere service stops small problems before they can become big problems. The best time to take care of a problem is before it becomes a real problem. We are pleased to again offer Winter Month Maintenance Programs for your John Deere Lawn Equipment. All repairs will be customer authorized and eligible for a 10% Cash Discount and a 50% Discount on Pickup and Delivery Book your service special today and be ready when the snow blows or the grass grows. 1 EQUIPMENT LIMITED £2 2 miles west of Manchester on Durham 21 985-9710 Scugog Mayor Howard Hall welcomed everyone present. Local councillor Glenn Malcolm read the scripture and Linda Kyte played for the singing of the hymns. The message was brought by Rev. Dale Davis. The group was led by the Colour Party to the Cenotaph where the wreaths were led pr the customary reading of the names by Mayor Howard Hall followed by the Period of Silence. The Service concluded with the members of Beavers and Brownies tying yellow ribbons remembering our young people in the Gulf Conflict. Lorna Edgerton, Jean Mahaffy, Gerald and Joyce Kelly and Elaine attended the events con- nected with the passing of Mrs. Henry Walker of Fenelon Falls. Ken and Leisa Phillips have returned from an enjoyable holi- day in the Manchester area of England. While there they attend- ed a family reunion that was held to celebrate Ken's mother Mrs. Phillips' seventy-fifth birthday. A belated word of congratula- tions to the young people on Hallowe'en. The costumes were i Blackstock Rec (entre excellent and the manners of the young visitors need to be applaud- ed. Congratulations. George Jackson of Port Perry displays the glant pump- kin that earned him $30 and second place In the General Mo- tors pumpkin contest. This giant tipped the scales at 149 pounds, six ounces. George and Ray Webster cut the pump- kin up and donated it to the nursing home for ples. The top pumpkin in the contest weighed In at 155 pounds. IAL COMPANY {MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION IGRANITE MARBLE BRONZE CEMETERY LETTERING & 7 RENOVATIONS CUSTOM 'DESIGNING & LETTERING Quality & Satisfaction assured by our own 45 YEARS OF PERSONAL SERVICE Written Guarantee 852-3472 108 BROCK ST. WEST mission ov reauest Now is the time to register. Are you ready for the pro- posed GST? If not, now is the time to register and prepare. Registration applies to anyone involved in a commercial enter- prise. This includes fishing, farming, professional services and many activities carried out Have you? by non-profit organizations. Revenue Canada is ready to assist you with information on: m How to register and the benefits of doing so ® What the GST means to your operation ® Simplified accounting options and administrative procedures m Rebates of the Federal Sales Tax m How to recover GST on business purchases m GST return and filing options Contact us today. Phone: 1 800 461-1082 Telecommunications device for the hearing impaired: 1 800 465-5770 Or drop by the Revenue Canada Excise Office nearest you, Monday to Friday, 9:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Canada's GST. It's good business to prepare now. [| » [| Revenu Canada Revenue Canada Douanes et Accise Customs and Excise Canad