| f : £2 as PIER ? BROOKLIN STORE on malin st., avallable Jan. 1, 1991. Call Herb at 985-0856 or Dave 430-7341. 1000 SQ. FT. Industrial unit In Manchester area. Parking, office, washroom, etc. 985-4097. ODDFELLOW & REBEKAH banquet room - 131 people - cater- ing available. Adequate parking. Call 985-7778. FOUR CORNERS Caesarea - 2 bedroom apartment front half of house - $695/month plus hydro; Two bedroom apt., second storey of house - $600/month inclusive; bachelor apt. back half of house - $425/month plus hydro. For more information call 728-1491 or 668-5266. OLDER 3 BEDROOM house, located close to downtown Port Perry - $850/month, plus utilities. Call 985-9755 or 986-0946 after 6 p.m. 3 BEDROOM house, Scugog Island $1,000/ month, plus utilities, 1st & last, references. 985-2673. 3 BEDROOM HOME - main apartment, lots of parking, near Lake Scugog. furnished or unfur- nished, avallable now - only $700.00 inclusive. References re- quired. Call after 6 p.m. 986-5828. PORT PERRY - 3 bedroom semi- detached, available December 1 -- $900/per month plus utilities. Call Keith at 985-7351. INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL space for storage or make suitable for small business, heated or unheated, washrooms. From $130 per month. 985-9828 or 985-3885. IN PORT PERRY - large 3 bedroom, 2 bath main floor fami- ly room, fridge, stove, refrigerator included - $1,200.00 a month includes utilities. 985-9828 or 985-3885. ROOM FOR RENT - suitable for a single individual or student, shared accommodations. Call Linda 985-4969. N 27 SCUGOG ISLAND - furnished 3 bedroom home - $700/month plus utilities, first & last required. Ralph Fairman, Country Lane Realty 985-7351. N 20 SHOP SPACE - 24 x 40 Reach In- dustrial Park. Days 985-3333; Evenings 985-8704. BANQUET HALL - 80-100 per- sons, with bar & dance floor, catering available. Summerlea Golf Course. 985-2760 or 985-3671. TF STORE/FRONT/INDUSTRIAL - Van Edward Dr., Port Perry, 1300 - 1600 sq. ft. units. 12 ft. cellings, rear loading door. 985-8003. KINSMEN HALL - Avaliable for dances, meetings and receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985-3736. HALL RENTAL - Port Perry snowmobile Clubhouse. Call 985-7130. MASONIC HALL - Available for dances, receptions, parties and meetings. Kitchen & bar. New facilities. Call 986-5335 or 985-8912. TF COMMERCIAL UNIT - Water St. plaza. 700 sq. ft. 985-7174. NEW 1 BEDROOM apartment located at Little Britain, no pets, first & last - $495.00, available Nov. 15. 1-705-786-2514 or 1-416-640-1275 before 12 or after 5 p.m. o2 BROOKLIN STORE for lease on main street, available now. Call Herb Visser 985-0856. BROOKLIN 2 ONE bedroom apartments. Fridge, stove, hydro extra. Immediate occupancy if required renting for $600.00 & $625.00 month. First & last month's rent. Call 655-4544 or evenings 655-8989. PORT PERRY STAR "CLASSIFIEDS" PERMANENT PART-TIME position available at Pentland Jewellers. 14 to 35 hrs./wk. App- ly in person with resume Thurs- day, November 22. Not suitable for students. TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now Is the time to train for your Class "AZ' licence. For pre- screening Interview and job placement information contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Tralning. 1-800-265-3559. CHRISTMAS AT AVON - buy Christmas gifts at a terrific dis- count & earn money to pay those Christmas bills. Show our ex- citing line of products to family & friends; at work or in your neighbourhood. For an interview call Sharon at 986-4612 or Margaret 725-9696. DELIVERY PERSON needed, full time, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., sultable for elther male or female. Call Jim, Port Perry Auto Supply. 985-8481. PART TIME kitchen help needed for lunches and one or two even- ings a week. Call for apppoint- ment 985-2066. ¢ LANDSCAPE maintenance foreperson required, year round job. Experience in all areas of maintenance, ability to manage people effectively a great asset. Call 985-9312. REGULAR PART TIME R.N.'s We require Registered Nurses with cardiac ex- perience and recent active Medical/Surgical skills, perferably with CCl or willingness to take the course. COTTAGE HOSPITAL (UXBRIDGE) Uxbridge, Ontario LOC 1KO 1-416-852-9771 ext. 283 © Fried Chicken FULL and PART TIME HELP required immediately, days only. Apply at store: HWY. 7A at WATER ST. PORT PERRY or call: 985-0020 SEWING & alterations done in my home, Blackstock/Nestleton area. 986-0868. DRESSMAKING & flowers for wedding, Christmas, New Years and all your special occasions. Jill 985-2454. BRICK WJRK - fireplace, chimney, etc. Licenced bricklayer, quality work, 13 years experience, references available. Phone Gerry 985-3584. PROFESSIONAL CLEANERS for commercial and residential, reasonable rates, serving Scugog & Victoria Twp. 416-986-0381 or 986-0126. PROFESSIONAL painting & papering. Reasonable. Call Kevin 985-9024 or 852-5276. TF TYPING SERVICE. No job too small. Resumes, reports, thesis, statements. Office Overload let- ters, etc. Reasonable rates. Hum- mingbird Word Processing. 852-9414. BABYSITTING in my home, full or part time, reasonable rates, snack & daily outings. Call 985-4258. N 27 BASEMENT & backyard clean up or any other odd jobs. Pay by the job, not by the hour. 986-5817. BABYSITTING available in my home. Meals, toys, and friend ship. Call Dawn 9850585 N 27 HOUSE & OFFICE cleaning - rellable, dependable women, own transportation. Reasonable rates. Call Mary 655-4182. N 20 OFFICE CLEANING - painting, snow ploughing. 985-4277. ATTENTION LADIES: Fiberglass or silk nalltips. So natural looking - no polish needed. 985-9332 for more information. RENOVATIONS & repairs: Elec trical, plumbing, carpentry, and drywall. Specializing in basement apartments. Work guaranteed. 986-5838. N 27 GRANDMA'S COMPANY offers "Mother-In-Law-Clean"' (Ready for inspection). We are the front runners for Green Cleaning (no chemicals). Bonded, Insured and Security-checked. 986-0689 or 725-9177 - Serving Durham. N 27 MATURE, HARD worker available, experienced office worker, retall & caring child care worker. Please call 985-2386. JUST LIKE MOM - Top quality child care, hot home cooked meals and snacks. Indoor and out- door activities, fenced in yard - $60.00 per week, after school kids welcome. Only a few spaces left. 985-4870. NEED A HAND? Call Murray 985-0069. Clean-ups, paper, paint, leaves, yard, basement, snow, etc. TF DOG GROOMING - Professional by Lynne. All breeds. Located at 159 Casimir St. (Corner of Water Street & Casimir St.) Phone 985-4191. LYNDA'S HOUSECLEANING Services. Established 1975 - residential homes. Call (res.) 985-8605, (mobile) 432-0369. PROFESSIONAL wallpapering & painting. Reasonable rates. Call Roy Povey 985-0940. i SNOWBLOWING - Call Murray Hoskin 985-0069. EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER - available, my home, Port Perry, low rate, excellent references. Call 985-4669. N 27 Rent me rent me while you can I'm your special handyman Rec rooms, bathrooms Is my deed And my work is guaranteed If your need is big or small Make my day - Glve me a call Harry Morris 985-3663. TYPING SERVICES In IBM Per- sonal Computer. Word Processing for all your needs. 985-9029. TF CHRISTMAS SHOPPING - I'll gladly help you or do It for you. Call JIIl 985-2454. N 27 ANTHONY RITTER - Home im- provements, bathrooms, kit- chens, basements, drywall, pain- ting, custom made cabinets and furniture. 985-9053. FEMALE BLACK LAB - near Junction Hwy. 7A/35 wearing brown collar. 986-4589. BLACK & WHITE Border Collie, Blackstock area on Sat. Nov. 17. Please call 986-0855. REWARD: For information leading to the whereabouts of 2 lumber tarps 20° x 30° - missing from flat bed trailer on the night of November 13 at Seagrave. 985-7968 after 5 p.m. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - The place to go when your bank says no! Anubis Investments. 416-668-7200 Whitby. TYPEWRITER SALES & ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery. 985-9783. HUNTER'S MINI BACKHOE & LANDSCAPING SERVICE Repairs to Driveways - Backfilling - Gravel & Top Soil - Tile Repairs - Post-hole dig- ging - Raking - Grass Cutting - Tiling - Cement mixing - Snowblowing removal to Parking lots & Driveways & Sanding. CALL DEAN HUNTER 985-3960 CERAMIC NEW WORK or REPAIRS Complete Bathroom Renovations Tites at Wholesale Prices Guaranteed Workmanship References Available 986-5817 -- MORTGAGE LOANS ,~ FIRST and SECONDS at PRIME RATES , UP to 90% NHA MORTGAGES + EXISTING MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD +» VACATION and ALL OTHER PROPERTY + DEBT CONSOLIDATION +» NO COMPLICATED INCOME or CREDIT REQUIREMENTS ,~ POWER of SALES REFINANCES +» REFINANCING of PROBLEM SITUATIONS ~~ PERSONAL LOANS and LINES OF CREDIT FOR ANY PURPOSE LEASING: Auto, Boat, RV, etc. rT ------------e--a --_----_--------n«mr--_--_--s rTmh es mm em --memsem/emem)mlmlllrn NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE VINCENT SULLIVAN ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of LAWRENCE VINCENT SULLIVAN, late of the Township of Scugog., In the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 8th day of Oc- tober, 1990, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned personal representatives on or before the 18th day of December, 1990, full particulars of their claims. IMMEDIATELY after the said date the assets of the said deceas- ed will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, this 9th day of November, 1990. MARY ANN MARTIN, EXECUTRIX, BY HER SOLICITOR, RONALD D. BRIDGEWATER, Barrister & Solicitor, 38 Water Street, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, LoL 1J2 D4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RICHARD CLAYTON DINGMAN ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of RICHARD CLAYTON DINGMAN, late of the Township of Brock, In the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 30th day of June, 1990, are hereby notified to send to the undersign- ed personal representatives on or before the 18th day of December, 1990, full particulars of their claims. IMMEDIATELY after the said date the assets of the said deceas- ed will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, this 9th day of November, 1990. MILDRED LUCEILL DINGMAN EXECUTRIX, BY HER SOLICITOR, RONALD D. BRIDGEWATER, Barrister & Solicitor, 38 Water Street, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, LoL 1J2 D4 Bailey - Graham AUCTION SERVICES All Types of Auctions. Ross Bailey 985-0697 Harvey Graham 986-4856 For more information call: 571-2880 Raycan Financial Ltd. 215 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Ontario Don't waste this space. Small ads pay! New Homes - Additions - General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit Free Estimates Given with No Obligation P 0. BOX 608. PORT PERRY OFFICE: 985-8216 MOBILE: 432-5509 NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 * Yearly Contract *<Insurance Required Scugog Hydro requests TENDERS HYDRO METER READING (PORT PERRY) * Approx. 1400 Meter per Month to read * Instruction on Meter Reading provided (if necessary) * Lowest of any Tender not necessarily accepted * Tenders received till Dec. 10th, 1990 ak SCUGOG HYDRO 68 Scugog Street, Port Perry LOL 1H7 for SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Large Major Snowmobile, RV, ATV, Cars & Truck Auction To be held at NEW MABEE AUCTION CENTRE, Hwy 35 Rosedale, Ont. Call to consign (705) 454-284) or 374-4800 - Don't miss it. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Refinished Antiques, Collectables And Tools sale for RICHARD AP- PLETON, Port Perry. Sale to be held at Nestleton Community Centre located on Hwy. 7A east of Port Perry and just east of Blackstock. Approx. ¥2 hr. west of Lindsay. SALE INCLUDES: Oak hall stand with umbrella holder & mirror (excell.), Hoosier kitchen cupboard (excell.), walnut parlour table with claw & ball feet, Cloverleaf parlour table, burled walnut cedar lined blanket box (excell.), % cut bow front dresser (excell), walnut sideboard, gramophone (com- plete & working), 2 round oak pedestal tables (excell.), 4 ant. parlour chairs, oak wardrobe (ex- cell.), dresser commode chair (rare & unique), walnut telephone table (excell.), French doors with bev. glass, 6 board blanket box, drop leaf harvest table with pull out bins (excell.), arm chalr com- mode, chlld's commode, Mission oak chair, 6 dining rm. chairs, 4 Windsor back chairs, cast, mar- ble & brass floor lamps, signed et- ched artwork dating back to 1889, child's bedroom suite, Cannonball waterbed (queen size), 7 pc. com- plete wooden lawn furniture (good), pine dry sink (good), brass fire ext. & copper boilers, saddle bench, wagon wheels, old trumpet with case, 2 sets of 4 hoopback style chairs, qty. chairs, qty. wicker, Quebec heater, qty. crocks, small qty. of ant. tools, Medalte 8 gal. crock, qty. collectable dishes & plates, household dishes, 6' x 12' area rug (good), modern kitchen chrome suite (new), qty. hand tools, elect. airless paint sprayer plus much much more. NOTE: Many of the antiques are refinished. Everything in this sale is clean and worthy of attendance. Not to be missed. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for any mishap oc- curring to the public in conjunc- tion with this sale. GARY HILL AUCTIONS - Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 or Mt. Albert 1-416-473-2138. SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 24 SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. Cow-Calf Dispersals at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ont. The property of DENTON JOHNSTON, Peterborough, Ont. 40 mature high-bred - Hereford cows bred Poll Angus - due April, May. Angus Bull. The property of EDWARD CLEAVELY, R.R. 2, Orillia, Ont. 39 head of Pimzgauer & Limousin Cattle. 5 cows with calves by side, 2 bulls, 1 Registered Pinzgaver - 1 Registered Limousin 16 cows Pin- zgaver & Limousin. 3 Pinzgaver heifers due - bred Limousin. 3 Pin- zgaver open heifers. 10 calves. Bulls exposed May. The property of RALPH PORTER, Bethany, Ont. 40 Western Charolais - high class bred heifers. Red Angus Bull exposed 5) days. Due March 20 to Aprll 10. This Is an outstan- ding group - don't miss them! The property of LEONARD & DONNA JUBB, R.R. 3, Fenelon Falls, Ont. 24 head of Simmental Cattle. 12 Simmental cows - 6 Polled, 6 Horned. 7 cows due Jan. 5 due April & May. Purebred Simmen- tal Bull 32 yrs. old. The property of CARL BAYLIS, Uxbridge, Ont. 30 Simmental and Hereford cows due Jan. & Feb. - bred Simmen- tal. Simmental Bull 2 yrs. old. The property of ART BARKEY, R.R. 1, Oakwood, Ont. 60 mature Limousin cows. Some due Feb. Majority due March & April. 1 Limousin Bull. The property of TED JOLLOW, 20 mature Charolais cows due March & April and Charolais bull. The pro- perty of KEN STEPHENS, 15 mature Limo cows, 9 due Feb. 6 with calves by side. All cows will be pregnancy checked and guaranteed safe in calf. This will be a large good quality sale. More herds to add. For further informa tion contact: Sale Barn 705-324-2774 or Carl Hickson Auc tioneer, Reaboro, Ont 705-324-9959 -- Car 749-7084.