12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, November 27, 1990 Letters io the editor Where do you stand as parents? To the Editor: Do you want condoms in the high school washrooms of Durham Region? The majority of our teens do. Surprised? The Board of Education Trustees recently polled the student coun- cil presidents of the region and an overwhelming majority said yes. After all, 50% of teens are sexual- ly active and should have the con- venience of purchasing condoms and not have to be embarrassed by being forced to purchase them ala drug store. And most parents agree that if they're going to "do it" they should have the protec- tion made available.... Where do you stand? As a society we see the increase of child abuse and baby racketeering yet we condone por- nography, we tell our kids to sa no to drugs but condone alcoho we are appalled at the unjustified taxes yet we want new multimillion dollar complexes, we don't want more garbage dumps in our back yards yet our household contributions increase, we say to our teens abstinence is best, but here's a condom. Is it any wonder that our future generations questions what is right anyway. When will we stop sending double messages that our children don't have maturity to evaluate? Don't they look to us te have the guidance and wisdom that they lack because of years" The rd of Education will very soon decide on the issue of condoms for kids by polling four schools in the Region, which they feel will be an appropriate representation of our views. ondoms are the best present method of preventing the spread of HIV (human immunodeficien- cy virus) among sexually active people, even though the breakage rate is high. Pregnancy often oc- curs with the use of a condom, and the virus that carrys Aids is even smaller so is more easily transmitted. To quote Dr. Richard Gorden: "If we take a couple, one of whom is infected with Aids, and they are using the best condom and spermicide, the uninfected person has a 23% chance of being infected after five years." With a cheap condom and no spermicide, he predicted the risk over five years would rise to 83%. (Taken from the teachers manual supplied by the Board of Education). A survey that states that 50% of teens are sexually active includes in that percentage those "secon- dary virgins" who have had inter- course once but now abstain, which invalidates the basis for the request for condoms. Will the minority win again? Like the ones that wanted prayer taken out of the school that left everyone reel- Ing 1n shock over what had happened! eenage pregnancy is a tramatic experience, abortion carrys with it life enduring puilt and Aids Kills. Please don't kid yourselves into thinking it'll hap- pen to someone else, we used to say that about cancer. As parents it's our responsiblility to love, care for and raise our children to be a productive contribution to our society and we cannot be silent on this issue that directly af- fects their future and that of our Sogiety. Too ong have we tried to apply a band-ai type solution to major problems. It's easier to put things off and deal with results, than it is to correct the problem at it's source. Experts predict that Aids will pass epidemic proportions by the year 2000. Do we go along for the ride packing a band-aid or do we try to alter the course now? Toronto has the highest number of Aids cases in Ontario, that doubles every two years and how long do you think it will be before it touches its community? If our schools are to be an ex- tension of the family in teaching our children, then where is the preservation of family values when condom machines are in- stalled in the washrooms? Your lack of response to this issue send the message that you would agree with your child engaging in sexual activity, because the very presence of bedroom Return to sender From Page 7 stuffed with "junk mail" and advertising which is improperly addressed if addressed at all. I trust that, as promised, this material will be all returned to the sender. This is a very positive move and will greatly reduce the amount of paper waste that we are now forced to take into our homes. Many thanks, W.S. Buchanan, Port Perry, Editor's Note: The above letter was sent to Canada Post, Urban Services, Toronto, in response to a letter mailed Oct. 20 by Canada Post to customers in Port Perry. Zero Garbage looking to raise funds by auction The Zero Garbage Commit- tee in Scugog will be holding a fund-raising auction and is looking for donations of items that can be auctioned off. Since this is a fund-raising venure, the Committee is look- ing for quality items such as an- tiques, collectables, odd or unu- sal items and good quality furniture. "Everyone must have something they don't like, don't need or won't miss," said auc- tion committee chairman Terri Ness last week. She said the committee is hoping to have between 160 and 200donated items on the auc- tion block. The auction will be held De- cember 8 at the Nestleton Hall, starting at 11:00 AM. Anyone with items for do- nations can bring them to hall the previous evening or before 11:00 AM on December 8. Pick-up of items can be ar- ranged by phoning Terri Ness at 986-0941. All proceeds from this auc- tion will be used by Zero Gar- bage in its fight to keep landfill outof Ward 4. EF -------- Editorial Comment (from page 6) 5 . 4 fo ---------------------- eR iiss 15 3, ae Blo & Ney) a co Citizens groups (including Zero Garbage here in Scugog) | that have formed to fight landfills at the Regional level, may find themselves in a fight to keep GTA garbage out of their condom machines in the washrooms says that we agree Restaurant and Wining Lounge with what it represents. Canadian any Dutch Cuigme The Board of Education "Con- pack yards. ~ Gorn Complies ill make #3 Ms. Grier has already stated she will ask, if necessary . ' 3 ; 3 3 recommendations soon, you mus : 4 p ey d ' Emiel's Place introduces Prime Rib Sunday | FRUTCEIGENE YOU hat three nearly full landfills including Brock-West in Picker- they need. ing, have their capacity extended.-Ard she hasn't ruled gut Whitevale or Brampton if the emergency situation becomes acute. . ; And hanging over all of this, is the fact that the GTA needs a long term, large landfill, and needs it soon. 3 I's no wonder members of Zero Garbage are reacting FRESH PRIME RIB of BEEF with Yorkshire Pudding, cooked to your satisfaction. Served with soup, salad, potato, fresh vegetables, coffee or tea ............... $ 1 4. 95 Children's Portions also available (served from 4 to 9 PM) Karen Diceman Port Perry Please recycle QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY 985-2066 this newspaper | cautiously to the statements last week. Somebody, somewhere is going to wind up getting a lot - of trash from the several million people who live in the Greater ( : ~ ) Toronto Area. 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