26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, November 27, 1990 | HER BLOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS We've moved our office to a NEW LOCATION - 174 PERRY STREET, PORT PERRY 985-9803 HOURS: Thursday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM ww - adeus a Seafood & Steak House : 1180 Simcoe St.N., Oshawa 436-9333 or 436-9065 A OPEN 7 DAYS a WEEK Banquet Facilities Available EVERYDAY DINNER SPECIALS For a touch of class ... Dine with us! 3- MARTIAL ARTS CENTRE 110 Lilla St., Port Perry Open 7 Days a Week Join Anytime Family Rates Visitors Welcome 985-0205 U BUSHIpo Wey Kay "ns, - t Ll RY 2 DONNER = arity er) > FARAMDT PCTURES RESTS AME VUFLOUERRY SHER. OX PRODLCTION A JOHN NC TERN AL SEAN COMRY AE SAWN TE ANT FR AED OCTOBER SOTTO MEST OES SHELL mar A POLED. mcm ww THEME HARSH eo empan X INF tame rs UAFRY OF WARY oe JY SHER. snmp LARRY FERGUSON DONALD STON mew mary TH FLYCY vac WA VESTED o] pecan THR UTE te bem nmr | PARAL PUTURE sms (Ze) VHS hd v Vilorg © 9 yun om 4 8 wre ON VIDEOCASSETTE AND LASERDISC TM & Copyright ©1990 by Piramount Pictures AR Rights Reserved | IAN NRE Rah PEM ar? ii | | | | | : | 68 Water Street PORT PERRY 985-9888 76 Baldwin Street BROOKLIN 655-3306 1487 Simcoe St.N.,, OSHAWA 432-3727 Bazaar/Tea a success Thought: Ah! what a bleak month is November, the 11th month of the year! The trees are bare; forlorn in their nakedness; where just a few weeks ago they were a blaze of colour! Black clouds roll across the sky; wind, threatening heavy rain or snow. Everything is quiet; most of the birds have gone, before the com- ing cold. This is the unsettling character of November. We feel uneasy and lonely in November. We are influenced greatly by the weather. It is appropriate that Nov. should come just before Advent; the Christmas season; a time of renewal, and a new beginning; a time of deliverance and Hope! Bazaar & Tea A Success The 24th annual Christmas bazaar and tea held by the members of the Court Lady Snowbird L1930 this past Thurs- day evening, Nov. 22, at Nestleton Community Centre proved to be a successful venture. They will be celebrating their 25th year in operation in March. Our warmest congratulations - a credit to the Nestleton Community! President Irene Train, extended a cordial welcome to the many folk who at- tend the event year after year! Mabel Cawker chaired the pro- gram. Delightful toe-tapping music was enjoyed with gifted entertainers Eva Hunter on the piano and Bob Cawker on the sax- aphone. Familiar Christmas carols were sung, and Grant & Eva Hunter sang two harmonious numbers much to the enjoyment of the audience. Our warm ap- preciation to the musicians! After the bazaar was declared open those attending took advan- tage of the great array of temp- ting baking, sewing, crafts, novel Christmas ideas, etc. attractive- ly displayed. The Penny Sale was a decided success! A super lunch topped off with tea, coffee or juice, was enjoyed at the tables. Exciting draws were featured and the lucky winners were: 1st - China doll - Mary Lou Hurren, Oshawa; 2nd - Afghan - Rika Wygerde, Nestleton; 3rd - Doilies - Karen Doyle, Nestleton and the Grocery Hamper - Marion Leslie, Little Britain. Door prizes were won by: Winnifred Davison, Angie Judson, Carrie Gobkes, Sonya Blundon, Kathy Tromans, and Robbyn Boecknon. Evening UCW Unit Meets Ina Davis, Caesarea, hosted the November meeting with 8 members present. Discussions were held on the possible lunch for Zero Garbage Auction at Nestleton Community Centre on Dec. 8. Operation Scugog was also discussed and plans made. Barb Weir reported on the Presbyterial Regional meeting held at Hamp- ton recently. Plans for the Christmas party were finalized - it will be held on Dec. 12, 6:30 p.m. at the home of Chris Davis, Scugog Point Rd. The Devotional was given by Yvonne Priebe with two readings, "That Great Gettin' Up Morning' and "When Will Jesus Come Again' followed by prayer. Barb Weir, in charge of the program had a game; which was won by Janice MacKenzie. Barb presented everyone with gifts she had made herself. A period of making "Ribbon Candy Christmas Tree" ornament was of interest. Ina Davis served a delicious lunch, and each one expressed a thank you to her as they left for home. Happy Occasions Our very best wishes go out to John & Carol Doyle of Nestleton, who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Nov. 27. On Saturday, November 24, our neighbour Scott Davis celebrated his 14th birthday, at his home, Hyde House, Scugog Pt. Rd., - we hope Scotty will have a fine year ahead! Lorne Lee of Nestleton, enjoyed his 50th birthday at the Nestleton Community Centre with approx- imately 100 friends and relatives present to help him celebrate in earnest. A great party; and we wish for Lorne many more happy years. Nestleton Women's Institute Mrs. Grace Bajema of Nestleton, graciously opened her new home to the Nestleton Branch on Wed., Nov. 14th at 1:30 p.m. Neta Fish chaired the meeting as president Rika Wygerde was ill. After a warm welcome to the members, the Ode was sung and Collect repeated in unison. A peom "Friendship" was read. The minutes of the Oct. meeting were read and approved and financial report given. Proficiency Awards to grade II GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES -- ANNUAL RATES -- Rates subject to change without notice. SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES A DIVISION OF CRESSBROOK FINANCIAL PLANNING LTD. 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY "Serving Scugog for Over 15 Years" PHONE 985-3832 students - Shari Masterson and Janine Prosser were presented at the C.H.S. Commencement. The school principal replied with a note of appreciation. The Dec. meeting will be held at the home of Rika Wygerde, and take the form of a pot-luck lun- cheon at 12:30 p.m. Members are asked to bring 2 stamped Christmas cards, to be sent to shut-ins and former members - also, 2 prizes for Bingo. The roll call - *'A bonus of being a W.I. member" was well answered. Pennies For Friendship were read. Get well cards were signed for Norma Frew & Irene McKee. Christmas greetings were sent to our English Institute in Consett and a gift will be sent later. The Motto: 'Only what we give away, enriches us from day to day" was given by Winnifred Davison - Public Relations Of- ficer. An informal talk by Neta Fish re - her trip to Carnduff, Sask. to visit her Aunt Jane who is 94 years old was interesting. Her aunt still pursuing a very ac- tive life style working in the church, community and manages a farm - making bread, soap, driving her car, shopping in U.S.A. and lately has been unveil- ing and helping dedicate historical buildings (old schools, etc.). The first house on the farm is still standing and dirt floors were the order of the day then and buildings stand so lonely in the vast open prairie "Wheatland." The P.R.O. Winnifred Davison thanked the executive - and reviewed the Aims and Ideals of Public Relations in the W.I. as we take our place in the community, working For Home & Country. A reading from the Scottish Home & Country magazine entitled, "Working Women" concluded her remarks. Turn to Page 31 The Beam $399 VETO By HEH CF TH A Built-in Vacuum with 1990 features at a 1980 price! * This Christmas, with your new Beam, you'll have cleaner carpets and floors than you ever thought possible. * One easy sweep of the lightweight hose picks up pine needles, spilled nuts, pet hairs ... even cold fire place ashes. * Amazing price includes a Beam 167 3-inlet kit, complete with everything needed to install and clean! * We're not Scrooge ... we offer complete satisfaction or your money back - even one year laterl Our Pledge: Buy before Dec. 15th & we'll install before Christmas)* * Beam Installation Is extra; or Install It yourself with our step-by-step guide and video. 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