Dear Santa Clause: How's the weather up in the North Pole? Here's a list of the things I want for Christmas. Lace collar, Rock Tumbler, Jewelery, wheel of furtune, Pic- tionary, sewing machine, Magic Nursery or uh, oh baby, Siplicity doll pillow, or my kid sister, mall madness, Taboo or Talk About, Wheel of furtune nintendo game, nice jogging suit, keyboard, crafts. Love, Jennifer Smith, R.R. 2, Port Perry Dear Santa Claus: Here is my Christmas List for this year. Magic Mosaic Set, Rock Tumbler, Math Computer, Hand Held Computer Game, Duck Tales, Roger Rabbit or Bugs Bun- ny Tape, Wheel of Fortune or Family Fued, Sleeping Bag, Sew- ing Machine, Turbo Bandit Remote Control Car and Battery Pak, Keyboard. Love, Sarah Smith, R.R. 2, Port Perry Dear Santa: Hello, from Scugog Island. This is Alexandra writing to you, my mummy is helping. Hope you are not feeling too tired getting ready for Christmas. : I would like a Barbie for Christmas. Dear Santa, because lots of children would like a Bar- bie, I think it is okay if you can give me, Wet"nWild, or Lavender Surprise or Western Fun. Also if you can I would like some clothes for my Barbie, a hat and scarf, perhaps a Mickey Mouse toy in my stocking and a tape. Merry Christmas, Love, Alexandra Haajaard Dear Santa: How are you? My best friend Daniel and I would like work trucks to play in the snow with. I would like a rac- ing car. I hope that Rudolph and you have a nice trip. I will leave cookies and milk out for you. Love, Simon Age 4 Dear Santa: I would like a walking pup for Christmas. And a magic hair doll, rub a dub dolly, 2 barbies. Love, Bronwyn, Age 4 Dear Santa: I hope you will have a good time giving your presents out. I hope you like our Christmas tree. Please bring me a doll and a ted- dy and a Barbie. I will leave cookies and some milk and I will put my note beside it. I will see you at the Santa Claus Parade. I will hear your reindeers on the top of the roof. Bye Now Santa, Love from, Caitlin Krempowich, Age 5 Dear Santa: I will leave you cookies and milk on Christmas eve. Would you please bring me bracelets and a ballerina. I would also like a Bar- bie doll. Please remember to feed the reindeer. Love Always, Katrina Duke, Age 3 Dear Santa Claus: How are you? I am fine. | am 7 years old and I am in Grade 2 at Greenbank Public School. Are you busy up at the North Pole. I have been busy playing hockey. Do you or your elves play hockey. It's lots of fun. I would like some toys for Christmas. I will give you a list if you like. Here it is. Soper Morio 3, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Sewer Hockey, Teenage Mutant. Ninja Turtle Toys, Two batting gloves, one for each hand, bat and Teenage Mu- tant Ninja Turtle Blimp. I hope you have a nice Christmas. Love, Cory McQuade, 23 Pearl Drive, Greenbank Dear Santa: I want: Nintendo, Super Mario brothers part 2, 3, Anticipation, cobra trian, gle, super team gams, foxanady, golf, dance aerobics, selda 1, 2, Galaga. jekyll, punch out, ice hockey, dou- ble dragon, Ninja turtles, air wolf, friday the 13th, Simons quest, Game boy, power pad, power glove, that is all I want of Ninten- do. Ten karrot gold hart for my girl friend. I realy want a Gameboy! Game boy games: kicks, super mario land, Dr. Mario, bugs bunny, motocross maniacs, tetris. That is all I want for Christmas Santa. by Josh Janah, R.R. 2, Seagrave Dear Santa: How are you? I am fine. My name is Kailey McQuade. I am 31, years old. I have two older brothers named Ryan & Cory. Could you please bring me a doll that has a bottle, walking go- go, and a little rocking chair. I have been a good girl this year. I have a new baby girl cousin named Jasmin. Could you bring her a doll and a truck for my cousin Tyler. Love, Kailey McQuade, 23 Pearl Dr, Greenbank PORT PERRY STAR CHRISTMAS GREETINGS - Tuesday, December 18, 1990 - 15 More letters to Santa Dear Santa: My name is Jenna and | am 3 years old. Mommy and Daddy said I have been a pretty good girl and grandma and grandpa always say I'm a really good girl. Could you please bring me a Fisher Price kitchen? My baby sister would like something with Minnie Mouse on it and our dog, Blue, would like a hamburger! Mom said we could leave you a snack and sugar lumps for the reindeer. Love, Jenna and Crystal, 492 Brentwood, Oshawa Dear Santa: I have tried my hardest to be good boy. I want to be your bud- dy and play with you. When you come to my house at Christmas could I please get a clown with a nose that makes music, hockey net and a tape recorder. Thank you so much. I love you, David Devlin, Age 3 Dear Santa: I hope you are feeling well. For Christmas I would like two ballerinas and a P.J. Sparkles doll. I would also like you to give toys to the poor kids and food for their families. Take good care of Rudolf. Love and Kisses, Katie-Lynn Duke, Age 5 Dear Santa: My mommy and daddy say I'm the best girl in the whole world. How have Mrs. Claus and the elves been? I hope they have been well. For Christmas, please may I have Baby Alive, My pretty ballerina, a Barbie and make-up vanity. Thank you very much Santa. When you come to my house I will have cookies, milk, & treats for you, and raisins for your reindeer. See you soon Santa, Love, Sarah Devlin, Age 5 (SEASON 'S GREETINGS Ross Duff Limited BLACKSTOCK May all the days of,Christmas LIZYLOU COLOUR CRAFT Mary & Christine ° °° NORTH POLE TO SOUTH, ". ° ° CHRISTMAS IS A TIME OF - .°, °° JOYTOTHEWORLD °.- © And here in our small comer of the world, oO S we're blessed with the opportunity to know © ° o © and serve so many wonderful people. Sea- o °o 4 son's greetings and glad tidings to you all! " Oo o o o © o Carel, Eleanor & Staff ® o , o BETTY BRITE o DRY CLEANERS 0 © 118 Scugog Street, o Port Perry, Ont. 0° o 985-0997 o OPEN Dec. 24 & 31; o OC 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM; Closed Dec. 25 & 26. ERRY CHRISTMAS Your kind support is a most wonderful gift. We thank you. HOME HARDWARE -- from -- Susan, Barb, Elizabeth, Louise, Ray, Steve H., Steve D., Shane, Raj and Ish -- HOURS -- Open Sunday, Dec. 23 Noon to 5:00 PM; Closed Dec. 25th & 26th and January Ist. All The Best! It may be cold outside. but our warmest wishes are with you on this joyous occasion. Merry Christmas and many thanks. > -- compliments of -- Ralph Taylor Fuels Ltd.