14 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, January 2, 1991 i Dumps, elections, When Durham Region announced the two parcels of land In the former Cartwright Town- ship had been chosen for potential landfill sites, residents in the area kicked up quite a ruckus. They immediately formed a group called Zero Garbage to fight any landfill site within the Cartwright boundaries. Pictured above at an information meeting is regional councillor Yvonne Christie and Zero Garbage leader Bill Lishman. From Page 11 JULY A guilty vedict was handed down in the Ghost Road mur- der trial. Gary Newman of Ajax was found guilty of second de- gree murder in the death of Al- fred Meitner. Meitner's body was found in October of 1989, in a field along Ghost Road. Crime Stoppers was in Scu- gog July 6 to film a re- enactment of a June 14, 1989 car accident which killed one child and sent a mother and an- other child to hospital. The driver of the vehicle that hit the family, Kenneth Arthur Hudson, escaped from the hos- pital, and police have been un- able tolocate him. Regional Planners projected a slow growth pattern in Scu- gog, Brock and Uxbridge Town- ships. These three communties would be subject to limited growth over the next several years. Ward 1 councillor Neil Hunt- er posed a question to the Re- gions' planners and planning committee at a June 26 meet- ing if Scugog was a possible nep location for a landfill site. gional chaiman Gary Herre- ma declined to answer the ques- tion, but did not give a categori- cal no. Sam Cureatz, Durham East MPP, announced this month that he is getting out of politics. Scugog residents welcomed Bahamas, Mexico, Spain, and Great Britain at another suc- cessful summer festival in Port Perry. Scugog's new Information Tourist Booth opened for busi- ness this month located at the Waisrhont ball diamond snack ar. A father and son were found safely adrift in their boat after it was reported they had not re- turned from a fishing trip on Lake Scugog. The pair spent the night in their boat after having motor problems. It was announced that Har- vard Industries in Ashburn would be closing its doors and moving to the U.S.A, leaving 120 people out of work. I) ) hkmBwIASes IE -------------- eS A Scugog hired a part time by- law officer this month to take vigorous action and to prose- cute those who discard garbage on Township property and road allowances. Scugog Councillor Marilyn Pearce announced she would be seeking the Liberal party nomi- nation for the provincial riding of Durham East. The OV Pro Bass Port Perry Open 90 attracted 150 two-man teams competing for $45,000 in cash and prizes. Peter David- son of Port Perry, and his part- ner Hector Peach of Toronto took top honors. More than 300 Model T's rolled into town during the last week of July. It was the largest tour in the history of the club which was celebrating their 34th annual tour. A life in prison sentence was handed down to Gary Newman in the Ghost Road killing of Al- fred Meitner. Harry Archibald, the hit and run driver that struck Kristy Trotter, 6, on her bicycle near 'Greenbank was given a longer sentence. Originally sentenced to two years less a day, and three years without a license, was raised to three and a half years in prison, and banned from driving for six years. Welfare cases are on the rise. Statistics show that 2.7 per cent of the region's population is living on welfare. AUGUST The Mississauga's of Scugog First Nation issued a state- ment of support for the Oka Mo- hawks who are involved in a bitter land dispute. The band erected a sign that read "Scu- gog First Nation" supports Oka Mohawks. A Japanese film crew was in town to film Ghost Road and the Murray House as part of a television documentary on weird phenomenons. A welcoming party was held at Scugog Shores Museum for 14 participants in a Canadian Thailand exchange. The stu- dents spent three months in Scugog Township. Bill Lishman was ordered by the Canadian Wildlife Services togive up his geese. David Peterson was in Port Perry this month to talk to local residents and help clean up Palmer Park with the Environ- mental Youth Corps. The New Democratic Party announced that Gord Mills of Orono has been nominated as a candidate in the riding of Dur- ham East. A sixteen year old Uxbridge youth had to undergo plastic surgery to save a severly in- jured arm after a boating acci- ERP Ae Volunteers have lead an Iintensl dent on Lake Scugog. Township council amended its littering bylaw to increase the minimum fine to $1,000 up from the previous $250. Lieutenant Governor Lincoln Alexander was on hand to open the 125th annual Blackstock Fair. SEPTEMBER The Annual Port Perry La- bour Day weekend Fair proved tobe yet another success. NDP Gord Mills pulled out the victory in the election squeaking by PC Kirk Kemp by an unofficial 7 votes. Jason Pascoe, 17, of Scugog, was the top Canadian competi- tor at the Young Riders Cham- pionships held in Bromont, Quebec. Arthur Edmonds of Port Perry celebrated his 100th birthday with family at the Port Perry Community Nurs- ing Home. Scugog Mississaugas held a vigil in support of the native claims at Oka, Quebec, and oth- er parts of Canada. Two sites within Ward 4 of Scugog Township have been se- lected as candidate sites for a long-term garbage dump. The Port Perry BIA made a proposal to generate more parking spaces in the down- town core by adding 30 spots be- hind Brocks Department Store, by levelling the land, and tear- ing down old fences. The Canadian Tire Fastball team defeated Scarborough in the final round to win the cham- pionship of the league. The school year began with 4,020 students enrolled in local publicschools. Mayor Howard Hall told council this month that he wanted a decision soon on the new recreation facilities for this community. The Lung Association held an official opening of an Asth- ma Outreach program th oc go i TS ur 3 a HL i id ik = ve at will IR search for missing women Elizabeth Bain and Julie sh GST -- 1990 had it all be held at Port Perry Communi- ty Memorial Hospital. OCTOBER An information meeting, de- signed to explain site selections of two candidate landfill loca- tions in Ward 4 was disrupted by over 700 angry ratepayers. A Prince Albert man, Kevin Stuart Murray, was convicted this month of dangerous driv- ing and failing to remain after a hit and run accident claimed the life of an 11-year-old Oshawa boy last year. For the first time ever, Scu- gog Township announced it was providing a limited curb- side leaf-collection pick-up. Scugog Shores Museum held its annual Fall Harvest, com- plete with authentic circa 1812 uniforms, and demonstrations of muskets. Wendy Bateman had one of the most thought-provoking displays at Scugog Library this month. Mrs. Bateman makes unique art out of garbage. Apple Fest was a big success in Port Perry, with a scarecrow contest for the children and an antique car parade for the adults. Durham Recycling employ- ees received notice their jobs would be terminated at the end of their shift on November 31. The permanent lay-off affected 100 workers. Country Style Donuts of Port Perry was named number 1 in the country out of 156 stores in 1990. The Port Perry shop is the second busiest in Canada, averaging 42,000 customers each month. Firefighters from Scugog Hall 1 left for Seminole, Florida to test their extrication meth- ods with the best in the world. Three members of the Scugog Fire Department were honored with service medals this month. Chief Jack Cook, for 31 years service, Charlie Lown, Turn to Page 15 ATER ER L 4 Sf ad RL Stanton In Scugog Township. Over 100 volunteers -- equipped with dogs, horses and scu- ba gear -- have been combing the open fields, forests, lake and ponds. The search will continue into 1991. [VE BI TW EE Cert) CIE EB WE SE Om PN ET