"gw The Scugog Landfill Site was closed and in its place is a new transfer station. Bins for household garbage and recyclable goods have been set up. 1990 - What a year it was From Page 14 Deputy Chief for 31 years ser- vice, and Bill Harrison, Cap- tain, for 27 years of service. The official recount for the election was tallied. Gord Mills came out on top with a 55 vote edge over PC Kirk Kemp. A vandalism spree in Port Perry totalled over $60,000 in damage to cars, driveway lamps, and a construction shed that was seton fire. Lang Cope, a local business- man developed a way to help consumers fight the GST. Local businesses will be giving GST coupons to consumers with each purchase they make at in- dividual stores. The coupons can be used against the GST the first three months of 1991. Charlie Farquharson enter- tained at the fundraising din- ner for the Scugog Memorial Li- brary. The television show W5 was in Scugog Township to film Ghost Road, and claims to have solved the mystery. The Port Perry Midgets host- ed a hockey team from Ham- burg, Germany, and came out of a lop-sided match on a 9-2 winning note. NOVEMBER The search for two missing girls Julie Stanton, and Eliza- beth Bain moved into Scugog pry Pe Township, with about 80 volun- teers searching ditches, brush, and wooded areas along town- ship roads. An auto accident took the life of Rick Taylor, 32, of Scugog Is- land. Kevin Stuart Murray was sentenced to two years less a day after being convicted of dangerous driving as a result of a hit and run accident which killed 11 year old Jamie New of Oshawa. Over 200 people attended a memorial service for entertain- er Craig Russell in Port Perry. Scugog Township shelved the recreation centre plans for five years. It will be 1995 at least before the town is able to make any decision on whether to proceed with new recreation facilities like a swimming pool or second ice pad. Seven deer were reported to have been struck in just ten days. Police are warning motor- ists to drive carefully near dusk or dawn. The annual Santa Claus pa- rade hit town this month as hundreds of people lined the streets of Port Perry to get a good look at the jolly man him- self. The Port Perry Star com- menced its 125th year of publi- cation this month. A new logo 1990 was a year of environmental Issues. The garbage Issue wa was incorporated into the mast- head to celebrate the 125 years. The Durham Board of Educa- tion has placed three projects for Scugog Township in its five year capital forecast. Cartwright and Port Perry High Schools held their com- mencement exercises this month. Vicky Newsome, and Mike Toye were the valedictori- ans for the two schools. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 419 held a wreath lay- ing ceremony, and Remem- brance Day Service, as well as a parade. DECEMBER Scugog Township became the focal point of an intensive search for the body of Elizabeth Bain. More than 100 searchers were out in the wooded areas, swamps and fields along the lake. A team of 18 divers worked in Lake Scugog and in numerous small ponds in the area. The suggestion of an open air ice rink on Lake Scugog was warmly greeted by members of Scugog Township council. The Toxic Taxi arrived in Scugog for the months Decem- ber and January to pick up household hazardous wastes. The Scugog Transfer Station opened this month, complete Turn to Page 16 A em rai. nt and centre for the ai" 8 fro entire 12 months as residents and politicians fretted over a solution. One solution to re- duce the amount of trash entering landfill sites Is the Toxic Taxi. it came to Port Perry In December. COLDWGECLL BANKER O RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, January 2, 1991 -- 15 COUNTRY LANE REALTY LTD. ® Hwy. 7A & High Street - Port Perry, Ont. 985-7351 Ao adepeadenthy suned ond wo sled membe Loker of (oidwell Banker Nlales of (nada nc * "What you conceive and believe, you achieve." Limited openings in most age groups, 18 mths. to 3 yrs. Stonemoor QO 2. 3 AS Care Cent? Stonemoor Day Care Centres Inc. offers a Child Enrichment Programme. Full and part Time Openings Available For further information call % % i 9 WN Bp - 0 i. 0 O u id % 3 Financial and Business Planning Corporations - Farms - Small Business Income Tax Planning and Preparation DEADLINE FOR APPEALING YOUR 11990 PROPERTY ASSESSMENT Tuesday, January 8th, 1991 The final day for appealing your 1990 property assess- ment to the Assessment Review Board is Tuesday, January 8th, 1991. Your assessment will be used to calculate your 1991 municipal and school taxes. You should appeal your 1990 property assessment (a) if you are dissatisfied with the amount of the assessment, even after discussing it with your Regional Assessment Office; (b) if you appealed your previous assessment and the appeal has not been settled; or (c) if you received a Notice of Property Valuation which does not reflect a settlement of your previous appeal. The Assessment Review Board is an agency of the Ministry of the Attorney General and operates less formally than a court of law. It is authorized to decide if your property assessment is fair and equitable, comn- pared with similar properties in your area. You may present your own case, retain a lawyer, or ask a friend or relative to act as your agent. A Notice of Appeal form is available from your municipal office, your Regional Assessment Office, or the Assessment Review Board. You may also use the reverse side of a Notice of Property Valuation or write a letter. Appeals should be forwarded in writing to the Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Board at the address shown below. If you have any questions or require assistance in filing the appeal, please contact your Regional Assess- ment Office. The address and telephone number are in the Blue Pages of your telephone directory, under "Property Assessment Information." \ Ministry of Revenue Ontario Regional Registrar Assessment Review Board 277 George Street North, Suite 207 Peterborough, Ontario K9J 3G9