AY Le Th | DE PES : $ - LI pb! V n 3 heW TAATO vaenag Te09q -- at PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, January 2, 1991 -- 27 POTATOES - 852-6798. SEASONED FIREWOOD - $60 per facecord, 12 inch. $5.00 extra for delivery 985-7745. SEASONED FIREWOOD - 70 per facecord, 16 inch - $10 extra for delivery. 985-7745. J8 ELECTROLUX DEALER now in Port Perry, central vacs, can- nisters and supplies. Call 985-0715 Over Ridge Retail. SPA'S SPA'S SPA'S - Available at Over Ridge Retail Supplies, Reach Industrial Park, Port Perry. 985-0715. NAPOLEAN AIRTIGHT stoves, inserts, zero clearance fireplaces, complete installation. Open regular hours. Call 985-0715. Over Ridge Retail. "Call Glen Kerry HADDEN SATELLITE SYS- TEMS - Satellite systems, towers, rotors, Cantel cellular phones, sales, service, installation. 852-3796. BUILDINGS SPECIAL - Clear- ance - 20° x 24' - $2,900.00; 24' x 24' - $3,100.00; 28' x 36' - $4,500.00; 32' x 36° - $4,900.00; 36' x 48° - $6,900.00; 40' x 60' - $8,800.00. Call 985-7930. TF 1982 POLARIS 440, excellent con dition, 1400 miles - $2,000.00. 1-705-786-2147. 1990 YAMAHA Phazer Il LE - $5,000.00 or B.O. 985-8218. 1976 POLARIS TX © 440, 1300 original miles, $1,200.00. Call 985-8310 after 4 p m. '86 CITATION Skidoo LS - $1,500. 852-5389. 1977 ARCTIC Cat $799.00. 985-4314, or 985-0095. Port Perry Small Engines, Reach Industrial Park. WE CARRY snowmobile parts for Artic Cat & Skidoo, Yamaha & John Deere. Willy & Son Repair 416-985-3192. SNOWMOBILE REPAIR - we do repairs and tune ups to most sleds. Lowest rates around. Call 985-2639 ask for Matt. 1975 ELAN 300, twin cyl. Very good condition - $750.00. Call 986-5356. ASSELSTINE'S YAMAHA have the Parts & Personnel to service your Yamaha. Durham Road, south of Blackstock. 986-4437. TF WOODWORKERS - Looking for a table saw, radial saw, jointer, shaper, thickness planer, lathe, drill press, sander, bandsaw or Shopsmith? Call Port Perry 985-2443. FIREWOOD - top quality, one year seasoned hardwood, hand cut, split & delivered (not machine processed). Reasonable rates. Lindsay yard-corner 36 & 7 Hwys. Kinmount Hwy. 121. Open Sat. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. for pickup. Free kindling with each order. Visa & Mastercard accepted. Galway Wood Products 705-488-2001. FIREWOOD - all hardwood, cut & split 16". 985-3361. FIREPLACE & WOODSTOVE OWNERS. Why tolerate downdraft smoke and weak chimney draw. Install AEROCAP the guaranteed solution from J.M. INDUSTRIES. For free literature call (416) 986-5417. HAY & STRAW - $1.75. 985-9040.J 15 JOHN DEERE 710 3500 hours. 416-986-4624. FRIDGES, STOVES, washers, dryers & freezers. 986-5312. KING SIZE waterbed, full mo- tion, 3 sets of sheets, mattress cover and liner, heater & ther- mostat 1 yr. old. $150 . Phone 985-8659. BORZOI (Russian Wolf Hound), 8 months old, female, champion sired, CKC, Reg. Rare tri-colour, shots, dewormed. Excellent disposition. Phone 986-5002. AT THE GREYSTONE RESTAURANT - on the S Rd. 985-9713. For the month of January. Mon., Tues. Open Wed., Thurs, Fri., Sat. to the public at 5 pm. Open Sun., noon to 9 pm. Every Wed., Thurs., in January "2 for1" on any 2 identical meal items ordered for 2 fiecple, excluding . Yes 2 T-Bones for the price of 1; rie: ied Arisa Ah Ceasar Salads for the price of 1; Yes 2 of anything for the price of 1, Fri., Sat., & Sunday Great Spacia, , 2amasphare reasonable The GST" a. Parties, anniversaries, , special occasions or just want to part. Greystone Is the Place...give us a call 985-9713. AIRTIGHT FIREPLACES * Brand Name Double Wall Heat Circulating WOODSTOVES INSERTS ZERO CLEARANCE * Insulated Chimneys * Liners (stainless steel) * Licenced Installers certified by C.W.E.I. * 5 and 10 Year Warranties : * Quality Workmanship & Great Prices Call Brooklin 416-655-8945 7 Days and Evenings EMERSON FIREPLACES BROOKLN - Move/Start your own business at our location on Hwy. 12, reasonable rent, great exposure. Call Herb or Dave 985-0856 or 430-7341. MODERN THREE bedroom home in Port Perry. Separate liv- ing and dining room, large fenc- ed in yard, on quiet street. Close to schools and shopping $900/ month plus utilities. Available Jan. 1. 852-7793. SMALL APT. for rent. Suits single person only. Rural area near Seagrave. 1-705-786-3084. 12 BEDROOM home, 800 sq. ft. fridge, stove, separate utilities and entrance - $540/ monthly, first & last required. Set on 12 acres, 10 minutes north of Lindsay. 705-374-4686. PRINCE ALBERT - clean and nicely decorated 2 bedroom apt. Includes fridge, stove, carpet, blinds, deck & parking. Feb. 1 - $625 plus hydro. 1-416-668-5802. BROOKLIN ONE bedroom apart- ment. Close to all amenities. Available Feb. 1, 1991 $527.00/month. Herb 985-0856 or Dave 430-7341. TF ONE GOOD WOOD planer. Also other good wood working tools. 416-263 4492. TOOL & DYE MAKER required. Starting Jan. 7, 1991 Minimum 510 yrs. experience. Must be familiar with fixtures, cutoff dyes, testing fixtures. Will train. Schildt Machiriing Ltd. 985-8877. full time for standard Utica PURSE MISSING - Christmas Eve, please return identification cards to P.O. Box 5034, Port Perry GROOM - bred horses, will train - area. 852-3607. BRICK WORK chimney, etc. bricklayer, quality work, 13 years experience, references available. Phone Gerry 985-3584. CLEANUP YARDS, garages. basements, etc. Have pickup and dump truck. Phone 985-3833. fireplace, Licenced LoL 1B7. HELP WANTED CREDIT / COLLECTION POSITION. A major Food Distribution Company has an im- mediate opening for a Credit/ Collection person. The ideal candidate must be enthusiastic, and able to function independently and with minimal supervision, in a fast-paced environment. Several years of collec- tion experience is required. The company in return offers a competitive salary/benefit package. If you HUNTER'S MINI BACKHOE & LANDSCAPING SERVICE Repairs to Driveways - Gravel & Top Soil, Backfilling - Tile Repairs - Post Hole Digging - Raking - Grass cutting - Tilling _ - Cement Mixing - Snowblowing Removal - Parking lots & Driveways - Sanding Call Dean Hunter - 985-3960 feel you can meet the challenge of the above, please reply by January 11, 1991, to: Box 2, c/o Port Perry Star - 235 Queen St. Port Perry, LOL 1B9 1964 CHEV. Impala SS, 2 door, hard-top, 327 automatic, air, tilt, cruise, pw, and many more op- tions. California car - $18,000.00. Seagrave area 1-705-786-3084. 1982 PLYMOUTH Reliant, sta- tionwagon, auto, air, new tires, exhaust and brakes - $900.00. Seagrave area 1-705-786-3084. ° 1982 MAZDA pickup, 5 spd., long box, cassette - $1500.00. Seagrave area 1-705-786-3084. TRUCK CAPS, box liners, runn- ing boards, sales & installation. Van & Truck World 579-6868. BROOKLIN - Very large one bedroom apartment close to all amenities. Available Feb. 1, 1991 - $675.00/month. Call Herb at 985-0856 or Dave 430-7341. "CUTE-AS-A-BUTTON" - 2 bedroom house, downtown Port Perry. 985-4422 or 985-9777. D 18 SHOP SPACE - 24 x 40 Reach In- dustrial Park. Days 985-3333; Evenings 985-8704. COMMERCIAL UNIT - Water St. plaza. 700 sq. ft. 985-7174. 4 BEDROOM HOME - 2 baths, kitchen, living room, dining room, finished rec room, finished base- ment, 10 min. from Port Perry - $1,000/month plus utilities. Available Feb. 1. 416-649-3183.D 27 LANDLORDS - Houses, apart- ments, rooms, urgently needed. Phone Housing Registry (collect) 579-0622 - 8:30 a.m. Monday to Friday. TF 3 PLUS 1 bedroom ranch style bungalow on huge lot in town. Large kitchen, living room, din- ing room, and family room on main floor. Attached garage - $950/ month plus utilities. 985-0121. HALL SPACE for rent. For bright, pleasant, carpeted meetings, banquets or exercise space. Call 985-3213. FOUR BEDROOM home, a spacious treed lot, high efficiency furnace - new, - $1,100/per month plus. 655-8770. J2 3 BEDROOM HOUSE - main apt., lots of parking, furnished or un- furnished, available now, only $750 - utilities included, references, first & last. 985-2143. LARGE ONE bedroom apart- ment available Jan. 1 in Blackstock. No pets. Parking available. 1-416-286-1703 or 986-5197. EXECUTIVE RANCH style coun- try bungalow, 6 km. east of Port Perry on 7A Hwy. 3 bedrooms, liv- ing and dining room, oak kitchen and family room with built-in stove & oven, 3 bathrooms, available Feb. 1/91. Asking $1,050.00 plus utilities. For more information phone 986-4573 after 6 p.m. References required. STORE/FRONT/INDUSTRIAL - Van Edward Dr., Port Perry, 1300 - 1600 sq. ft. units. 12 ft. ceilings, rear loading door. 985-8003. KINSMEN HALL - Available for dances, meetings and receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985-3736. ASSISTANT FIELD SUPERINTENDENT (1991 CONTRACT) The Kawartha Region Conservation Authori- ty invites applications for the above position. The successful candidate will report to the KRCA, Field Superintendent and be respon- sible for the supervision of work crews, capital APPLICATIONS are now being accepted for Board Members to sit on the Committee of Management Scugog Shores Museum RR #3, Port Perry Ontario LOL 1B4 (att. Mrs. Clive Boyd) project development and the maintenance of conservation areas. Candidates should be a Community College graduate in parks and recreation, forestry, fish and wildlife or related discipline. Experience in a similar type of position would be an asset. A valid MTO driver's licence is required. The 1990 salary range (under review for 1991) is $18,108 to $19,988. Please submit resume no later than January 22, 1991 to: KAWARTHA REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Box 819, Fenelon Falls Ontario KOM 1NO PRIVATE MORTGAGES - The place to go when your bank says no! Anubis Investments. 416-668-7200 Whitby. NEEDED - live-in female compa- nion. Preferably middle aged to provide necessary duties for elderly lady. Location - in town of Uxbridge. Wages negotiable. For INDUSTRIAL UNIT avaliable February 1, 1991 Located Van Edward Drive between new car wash and Van Camp Contracting. Block building, 16 ft. ceilings, 14 ft. overhead door, 550 amp service, infa- red heating, fluorescent lighting with bathroom and paved parking lot. Days 985-8507 Nights 985-8786 Ask for Glen Enyce pL 5475 ind op MASONIC HALL - Available for dances, receptions, parties and meetings. Kitchen 8 bar. New facilities. Call 986-5335 or 985-8912. TF STORAGE Mini & Maxi PORT PERRY AREA 16) 985-7622 LINDSAY AREA 0s) 328-0061 MINI STORAGE In Town Paved Lot 50 Vanedward Dr. 985-8003 across from Lake Scugog Lumber more information call 1-416-852-7074. MORTGAGE LOANS - ADAM AIRD. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT ADAM AIRD ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of ROBERT late of the Township of Scugog in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 2nd day of November, 1990 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of January, 1991 full par- ticulars of their claims. IMMEDIATELY after the said date the assets of the said deceas- ed will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 11th day of December, 1990. FOWLER, DAVIES Barristers and Solicitors, 175 North Street, Port Perry, Ontario, LoL 187 Solicitors for Executors, Carol Lyn Aird and John William Aird J 16 Farm Dabt + FIRST and SECONDS at i Review Board PRIME RATES » UP to 90% NHA MORTGAGES » EXISTING MORTGAGES or CREDIT REQUIREMENTS + POWER of SALES REFINANCES +» REFINANCING of PROBLEM SITUATIONS +» PERSONAL LOANS and LINES OF CREDIT FOR ANY PURPOSE LEASING: Auto, Boat, RV, etc. 455 Loader S/N 1824 And you are hereby notified of your right to generally become due; or For more information call: 571-2880 Raycan Financial Ltd. 215 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Ontario Review Board at: Any application must be réceived by the Farm on the security. Dated this 21st day of December, 1990 at Farm Debt Review Act for a review of your financial affairs and to obtain a stay of pro- ceedings against this action provided you are actually engaged in farming and: a) unable to meet your obligations as they generally become due: or b) ceased paying your current obligations in the ordinary course of business as they You may apply for a stay of proceedings by making an application to the Farm Debt NOTICE OF INTENT TO REALIZE ON SECURITY Section 22 of the Farm Debt Review Act As required under section 22 of the Farm Debt Review Act 403931 - 403956 BOUGHT & SOLD OTTER HILL FARMS + VACATION and ALL of RR. 3, PORT PERRY. ONTARIO LOB 1NO OTHER PROPERTY is hereby notified that it is the intent of BARCLAYS BANK AGRICULTURAL FINANCE CORPORATION +» DEBT CONSOLIDATION to realize on security being CONDITIONAL SALES AGREEMENTS +» NO COMPLICATED INCOME on Deutz Allis 6275 Tractor S/N 7760-2623; Deutz Allis 465 Loader /Bucket S/N 1600: Deutz Allis KS150 3PTA Rake S/N 3117; Gehl 2330 9'6" Disc Mower S/N 2765: Gehl 1465 4x5 Round Baler S/N 16213; Wako 20 Flat Rack & 9 Ton Horst Gear S/N N/A: MacFarland 16' Chain Harrows S/N N/A; Int. Harvestor 4x16 Furrows S/N N/A: Kon- skil 15" Stine Cultivator; Deutz Allis 6240 (AWD) Tractor S/N 77260512: Deutz Allis make application under section 20 of the 450 SPEEDVALE RD. WES].-GUELPH, ONTARIO N1H 7Y9 Tel: 1-800-265-7288 Debt Review Board within fifteen business days of receipt of this notice, failing which a secured creditor may take action to realize Etobicoke, Ontario I. Simac, Secured Creditor or authorized representative » ------ ay ox