Vol. 125 No. 07 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO - TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1991 Copy 65¢ (61¢plus 4¢ G.S.T.) 48 Pages = "Sy, The first baby born at Community Memorial Hospital in 1991 Is Morgan Michelle, an eight pound daughter for Jac- queline and Keith Barr of Greenbank. Morgan arrived on January 3, and is doing just fine, says Mom Jacqueline. Brother Dylan, 15 months can hardly wait for Morgan to come home. Proud grandparents are Rod and Donna Baker of Saintfield and Bill and Shirley Barr of Port Perry. | Preparing for largest outdoor skating rink Township men rescued from icy Lake Scugog Two Scugog Township men were rescued by firefighters Sunday evening after their snowmobile went into open wa- ter on Lake Scugog. The pair, whose names were not made public by Dur- ham Police because of the new Privacy and Freedom of Infor- mation Act, were treated at Port Perry Hospital and later released. The incident began about 6:00 PM Sunday when the two snowmobilers apparently hit a stretch of open water on the East Arm of Lake Scugog, about a mile off-shore from Sun- rise Beach. Details are sketchy as to what happened, but they were able to get up onto firm ice sur- rounded by open water and call for help. Their cries for help were heard by Sunrise Beach resi- dents John and Marion Abbott who were fishing in an ice hut just a few yards off shore. While his wife went to the house to phone police, Mr. Ab- bott walked with a flashlight in the direction of the calls for help. "I could hear them calling, but I could not see them," said Mr. Abbott later, adding that the ice was starting to get very thin. Work got underway Sunday at noon on putting up fencing and placing Christmas trees around the open air skating rink on the Port Perry waterfront. Flooding was slated to start early this week and organizers say the official opening ceremonies will be this Satur- day at 1:00 PM. In photo above are three of volunteer committee members who have played a large role in making this skating rink a reality this winter. At right: Ken Koury, El- gin Knopp wearing striped togue and Lang Cope in white hat. At left is Dave Goldberg who will manage the rink. And the name, by the way, is the Port Perry Open Air ice Palace. Four members of the Scu- gog Fire Department in Port Perry donned wet suits and used an aluminum boat to make their way across the thin ice and open water to where the two were stranded. Soaking wet and very cold the two were rushed to Port Perry Hospital by ambulance. Mr. Abbott said it was for- tunate it was a still night, or he and his wife likely would not have heard the cries for help. Regional Police would say only that the two men are resi- dents of Scugog Island. Police say there were at least three other incidents of snowmobiles and vehicles going through the ice over the week- end in the area of the lake off Caesarea. 1,300 vehicles stopped in Port during RIDE's holiday blitz It appears as if young peo- ple are getting the message that drinking and driving make bad mixers. At least that's the case in one large area of Durham Re- gion where Regional officers stopped just under 12,000 vehi- cles during the December RIDE program and did not make a sin- gle drinking charge against anybody under 21 years of age. "We were a bit surprised, but very encouraged (by this) It has to say something about the young people," noted Sgt. Char- lie Green. He's the officer in charge of the Regional Police RIDE pro- gram for District 2 (Ajax, Pick- ering, Port Perry, Uxbridge) Working 16 days in the month of December, the RIDE Unit in this district stopped 11,708 vehicles, said Sgt. Green. And the result was 18 charges for over .08 on a breath test; five impaired charges and 29 temporary (12 hour suspen- sions) for the roadside ALERT test. Officers asked 126 drivers to take the ALERT test, 18 failed and were subsequently charged after taking the regu- lar breathalyser. One person was charged with refusal to take the breath test. In addition, the RIDE pro- gram in District 2 resulted in 42 charges under the Highway Traffic Act; 447 warnings under the HTA; and eight non-alcohol related criminal charges. In Port Perry, the RIDE Unit stopped just over 1300 ve- hicles, and there were no charg- es for over .08 or impaired driv- ing. Although final stats for the entire Durham Region were not yet available, Sgt. Green said the fact that no persons under 21 were charged in District 2 seems to represent a trend. And he said there were no women charged with alcohol/ driving offsenses. Of the 18 charges for over .08, 11 were in the 25-34 age Turn to Page 3 Outdoor rink named This coming Saturday, Jan. 12 has been set for the "offi- cial opening" of the ice rink on Lake Scugog, just off from Palmer Parkin Port Perry. Volunteers worked last Sunday to start setting up snow fence and Christmas trees to de- fine the skating area, and if the weatherman co-operates this week, the large rink will be ready for the opening ceremo- nies this Saturday at 1:00 PM. A "name the rink" contest attracted more than 100 sug- gestions and the organizing committee selected "Port Perry Open Air Ice Palace" to be the official name. Open Air Ice Palace The person who submitted this name will receive a $100 gift certificate, courtesy of sev- eral local businesses. While organizers and vol- unteers spent much of Sunday erecting snow fence and placing the Christmas trees, they were also checking ice conditions to determine when it will be com- pletely safe to put equipment on the ice for cleaning, grooming and flooding. That work was slated to get started on Monday. The rink will be made up of a 300 metre "oval," and around Turn to Page 3