2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, Janvary 8, 1991 makes businesses EE a 3 Seta VRE 3 A Sig Ne S88 NS EE Want a muffin? Don't take just one. Buy half a dozen and beat the GST. That's Doreen Kendall of The Meating Place with the muffins. Township of Mariposa 1991 DOG TAGS NOW AVAILABLE Male / Female Dog ............. $10.00 Kennel Licence ................... $25.00 1991 tags are available at the Township Office, by mail or from the Dog Licencing Officer calling on property owners / tenants. No dogs within the boundaries of the Township of Mariposa shall be allowed to run at large. All dogs must be tagged within the Township of Mariposa. Failure to purchase tag / tags could result in a fine of $28.75. Sandra Lloyd, Clerk, Township of Mariposa, Box 70, Oakwood, Ontario KOM 2MO Sod Step in Time presents . When Father Time ticked his way into 1991, Canadians be- gan digging into their pockets a little deeper to pay for just about everything. The effect of the Goods and Services Tax could be felt al- most immediately after the clock struck midnight. Those who welcomed the New Year with a little too much "cheer" paid more for the taxi ride home than they would have if they left the party on Dec. 31. And a box of headache tablets to ease the pain the next morn- ing cost 7 per cent more, too. Week one of the GST era proved there are very few ways to get out of paying the new tax in everyday life. Everything from hair cuts to postage stamps, gasoline to food products were slapped with the tax increase. And since the tax is exempt on certain items, confusion was added to the anger most people were feeling. Jayne Gotthelf, an employee at the Queen Street Becker's store, told the Port Perry Star that a few customers voiced their objections to the tax. "One customer yelled at me because a newpaper was quite a bit higher (in price)," she said. "He seemed to think it was my fault." Any periodical with a staple in it (TV Guide, Sports Illus- trated, National Enquirer) are subject to both the GST and 8 per cent provincial sales tax, Ms. Gotthelf said. Up the street at the post of- fice, stamps went from 39 cents to 40 cents plus three cents GST. But a postal employee ex- plained to the Port Perry Star that people can still use their old 39 cent stamps as long as they're accompanied with a 1 cent stamp. Anyone with a large quantity of 39 cent stamps left over can beat the GST by purchasing seven 1 cent stamps at a time. Anything over 7 cents is GST applicable. Although the GST was on everyone's lips last week, Meat- ing Place owner John Ross said his business didn't encounter any major problems because of it. COUNTRY & WESTERN DANCE LESSONS * Clogging * Country Line * Big Circle * Texas Two-Step 0 PRINCE ALBERT TOWN HALL Saturday Afternoons from 1 to 2 PM Starting January 19th, 1991 4.00 per person * for all ages * fun * fitness * fellowship no partner required MORE INFORMATION: 985-7024 "It has affected people slight- ly but we haven't had any seri- ous problems," he told the Star. "Noone resented it that much." He felt people were more up- set with the way the tax was "sold" by the government and not by the tax itself. But taxes are necessary, he said, to pay for the services Ca- nadians have become accus- tomed to. If there is anyone besides the federal government benefitting financially from the GST, it has tobe the cash register manufac- turers. * The switch over to the GST forced Mr. Ross to purchase two new registers at a total cost of $3,700. He said he could have paid less on a different model, but he wanted to get a register that was compatable with his computer for accounting pur- poses. Sid Tarsey of the Greystone Restaurant on Shirley Road uz 8 9 pach Fa By ; o& s Ey Which one of these periodicals Is GST applicable. Both more competitive, owner says said the addition of another tax on eating out has really forced eateries to become competitive. Since the implementation of the goods and services tax, res- taurants collect the GST, pro- vincial sales tax, an additional 17 per cent tax on liquor. And then diners are expected to leave a tip for the servers. To entice patrons into his es- tablishment, the Graystone is offering two for one dinners on Wednesdays and Thursdays in January. . The GST is incorporated into the price of the meal. Mr. Tar- sey explained that the business figures out how much it made in a month and then gives 7 per cent to the government. Locally, remember to use the GST coupons from January to March at selected stores. Other stores, like Guardian Drug- store, are paying the GST for their customers during the month of January. ) H are. The difference is the one with staples Is also subject to the 8 per cent provincial tax. Pictured with the magazines is Becker's employee Jayne Gotthelf. Let us help you with your New Year's Resolution! Become a member of the ... ... and "burn off those calories"! OPEN 7 DAYS a WEEK For further Information call 985-4742 HWY 7A. WEST in Dowson's Springwater Building When business is good, it pays to advertise... When business is bad, you've got to advertise! i Sm AR wo viride CARRE a "» pray x hs SER adi TT mma : - - i gr yam ci SebRl Hl a