BO EO OC EE RAS TAT RRR mimrasnmRemmmemmme mmm oui. Si i. ei tii PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, January 8, 1991 -- 31 cathy® by Cathy Guisewite wim, OE -- THIS WEEK'S PORT PERRY STAR IT WILL TAKE EVERY NEUROTIC TLL SNEAK IN AT NIGHT TI will HAVE A BONFIRE of A You HAVE TO GLOBAL LITLE PILE ON MY DESK, MX EMPTY THE FILE CABINETS MY "T0 READ" STACK! HA, HA! SEPARATE DESTRUCTION THEM ALL TOGETHER, AND AND DRIVE THE CONTENTS A CLEAN OFFICE! I wilL BE | [EVERMTHING RUINS HEAP THEM IN THE TRASH ! T0 THE DUMPSTER ! REBORN f! I WiLL FINALLY OUT FOR THE ANOTHER I -- ----------1| BE ABLE To BREATHE '"! | | RecycLERS PARTY. \{ Co FIRST, CATHY. TT [ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fn i iN 3 Pov) 3 2 : 12 13 14 ) 1 NY) 4 ) w i Vr Iq i 15 16 17 2 | 5 = i gE pr 2 18 19 20 | a. = & yi : Ji o|3 Bi 22 | 24 25 | 26 S = i 8 te or 5 = ° 30 3 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson > rare CRORE HCA TTL SAY! THE | [wo ARE \ THERE'S A SNOW] | WHATS) IT'S LIKE A SNOW | | OW, 1S THAT WHAT | WHAT Do iz - NICE SNOW | WALLS ARE TWO You GOON RUNNING | | A SNOW | MAN, BUT A ALL THOSE UGLY You MEAN, . FORT. FEET THICK LOOSE! (FT GROTESWE , EVIL, | | THINGS YOu MADE ALL AND WE'VE GOT WERE YOU, © DEMENTED MONSTERJE| IN THE FRONT TE -- 1 SO SNOWBALLS WOULONT STICK YARD ARE? IN HERE ! AROUND. THIS s2 | {53 54 SN COULD GET Vel. . _ _ | . = TU 2 core bE Chen 3 Ghee 12 Bacchanal's cry po Youn boy 11 Affirmation ie Lo 13 Eliminate 57 ong 19 -- Lincoln ©1991 MILLER FEATURES = 14 Medicinal plant 21 Tima Hs Da DOWN 23 Radioactive gas ® 17 Captures 1 Pronoun 25 ___ Allen . 18 Pouch 2 Night betore 26 Dreads GEECH 20 Pacific Standard 3 Mauna __ 27 School organization Time 4 Individual (imt.} 22 Investigate 5 Tracked 29 Manuscripts (abbr) : Rn % UATE 1 ¢ 23 fobs h ° few i ddiinitial = 27 Made smoot \ : : YOU DON'T K eve YOU'RE }§ a Dips 28 Method HLS WEEKS i Um AND 1'LL THROW UNDERSTAND, [i OK, How OFFERING HW "rusToMER, 0 La ses PUZZLE ANSWER 36 Had mercy on iar [Reid | Ia || Brgondl | RCTS) SAN I Ile fr - SHOWTIME. hs. TUROW IN MEANS WIRING 36 prima 43 Thosein power HIM. 39 Opponent 44 New 40 Aches 45 Sailor 41 Tiny ____ 47 Girl's name 42 Skill 49 Mine product 43 In 50 Fastener 46 Bistro 51 Harden, as concreie B.C. by johnny hart YOUR WEEK AHEAD HOW FAST CAN YoU DRINK. DOES THAT A QUART OF BoOZE 7 FH ROSC LEE TAKE 7 IT \ Your Week Ahead Horoscope DEPENDS. Forecast Period: 1/6-1/12/91 dl \7 ARIES Relationships, social and professional, call fo " V 4 Mar. 21-Apr. 19 increased responsibilities. Handle day to day af- At . : . ; fairsinarational manner. WHATS THe Best WAY TO EAT SCRAPPLE © TAURUS Gather the young and senior generations lo- Apr. 20-May 20 gether for a picture that will long be cherished. Make your emotions work for you. Yl GEMINI Take time to get budget and finance records in Cron CREATORS STHDICATE. WE May 21-June 20 order. You may havetodosome reorganizing. CANCER A cheerful approach to working matters leads to June 21-July 22 first class accomplishment, whatever the task put before you. LEO Direct restless energy toward doing kind things July 23-Aug. 22 for those you love. Be sensitive to the problems of co-workers. D BRAN Ke VIRGO A romantic attachment from the past suddenly BRAN f. OY... Aug.23-Sept. 22 reanpears. Your social life takes on an air of ---- Mo mystery and intrigue. LIBRA Domestic harmony has its ups and downs. You ORY SIR he Sept. 23-Oct. 22 may experience a restless need for change of any Don) SE sort. PATRONS WHO SCORPIO Old matters concerning relatives or neighbors Oct. 23-Nov. 21 keep cropping up. Inspirational influences help tobring harmony. SAGITTARIUS Changesin earning capacity call for some budge- ' Nov.22-Dec. 21 tary refinement. There will alwavs be plenty to [ill your needs. CAPRICORN Win others over to your point of view by present - Dec. 22-Jan. 19 the facts frankly. Let no hint of scandal cloud things up. AQUARIUS Calm your fears and bring order to a chaotic mind. Jan. 20-Feh. 18 Limiting factors are swept aside. Look for the rainbow. ©1990 MILLER FEATURES PISCES Enduring benefits gained from sincere friend- Feb. 19-Mar. 20 ships help you in realizing your fondest hopes and wishes. Return the favor. I © 1991 Jim Unger/Distnbuted by Universal Press Syndicate Ed Ito rs Q u ote B 00 K "Remember the days of sl ae SSE Lh. ' - . old, consider the years of "These should make you relax. You won't he Sogn Pars Close 0 aS ENA have any money to do anything else." Truth." Deuteronomy 32:7 EB White ==) _ _ --