6 -- PORT PERRY STAR REAL ESTATE -- Tuesday, January 8, 1991 a THE PORT PERRY STAR is pleased to announce the MOVING of its office, retail & production facilities to 188 MARY STREET - PORT PERRY (directly behind the Post Office) NOTIGE The offices of the PORT PERRY STAR at 235 Queen Street will be oe 2 "es Seas £000: "a" oe ow Jo - - for the move of the newspaper production facilities and retail office supply to our new building at 188 MARY STREET - PORT PERRY. Please Note: The Star's Business Office, WATCH FOR OUR Editorial and Advertising Departments will be open at 188 Mary Street commencing 1:00 p.m. GRAND OPENING Wednesday, January 9, 1991. The office supply | : store will open on Monday, January 14, 1991 | i Sorry for any inconvenience | IN THE SPRING