30 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, October 1, 1991 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Ministers Rev. D. Robert J. LePage, BA. M. Div. SUNDAY, OCT. 6 WORLDWIDE COMMUNION FAMILY SUNDAY 10:00 a.m. Port Perry Morning Worship 11:30 a.m. Prince Albert Morning Worship Nursery Care Always Available Joyoe Scugog Island 9:45 a.m. Manchester 11:15 a.m. Sunday School & Nursery Care Rev. Dale Davis Blackstock: 10:00 a.m. North Nestleton: 11:15 a.m. Church School and Nursery During Worship EMMANUEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Regional Road 8 at Simcoe Port Perry, Ontario Rev. David Beesley, Pastor Jon Osmond, Asst. Pastor 985-4441 SUNDAY, OCT. 6 9:45 am. Christian Education 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Message: "He is Able" Message: "We are Able" Nursery Care and Children's Church Provided in Both Services Mon. 7-9 p.m. Women's Ministries Tues. 9:30-11:30 a.m. Ladies Reflections Study & Craft Wed. 6:30-8 p.m. Adult Bible Study & Prayer, Youth Discipleship Training (Nursery & Children's Programs Provided) Fri. 7:30-9:00 p.m. "Friday Night Live" Youth Event "A Church Reaching Out in Love" BAPTIST CHURCH 2210 Hwy. 7A at Island Rd. East of Port Perry 985-8681 David S. Daniels, Pastor Sunday Services 9:45 a.m. - Bible School Classes for all ages Worship Services 11:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Sr. Youth Program (after p.m. service) Ladies Coffee Hour Starting Oct. 1 Tues. 9:30-11 a.m. Family Night Program Wed. 7-8:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study & Prayer Jr. Youth Program AWANA Boys & Girls Clubs for ages 3 - Grade 6 Nursery Provided at all services Wheelchair accessible 166 Simcoe Street South Prince Albert, Ontario 985-9679 Song Service: 9:50 a.m. Worship Service: 10:00 am. Coffee and Fellowship 11:15 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Nursery & Story Hour Provided All Are Welcome! SUNDAY, OCT. 6 9:45 a.m. Family Bible School 11:00 a.m. Worship Services 6:00 p.m. Praise Meeting Tues. 9:30 a.m. Ladies Fellowship Wed. 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Sat. 7 p.m. Youth Group BAHA'I FAITH For information about Baha'i meetings and activities please write P.O. Box 1163, Port Perry, Ontario, LIL 1A9 or Call 985-4682 COLUMBUS UNITED CHURCH A Community Church For All Rev. Jack Griffen, B.A. M. Div. SUNDAY OCT. 6 10:00 am. "World Wide Communion" Welcome to a Community Church for Everyone ST.JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Stuart McEntyre BA. BD. SUNDAY, OCT. 6 9:45 a.m. Morning Service Interim Minister Rev. Dr. Shirley Gale Telephone: Stouffville 416-640-5275 Church School & Nursery During Worship For information call: 985-3630 ANGLICAN CHURCH The Rev'd Charles E. Bull Incumbent St. John's Church St. Blackstock SUNDAY, OCT. 6 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion Church School & Nursery Church of the Ascension 266 North St., Port Perry WEDNESDAY, OCT 2 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion SUNDAY, OCT. 6 8 a.m. Said Eucharist 11:15 a.m. Holy Communion More Port Perry fair results Port Perry Fair coloring con- test winners: 10-12-years-old: 1st Stephen Michel; 2nd Amanda Ulorr; 3rd Jonathon Michel. Would these winners please contact the secretary at 985- 3819. Pre 4-H Class: 1st Jordan McKay, Willowtree Counsellor Ruth; 2nd Sarah Smith, High Point Jacky Lou. Junior Calf Class: 1st Holt- byholme Holsteins, Ronbeth Steer Missy; 2nd Florian Ca- martin, Kallanda Lindy Lucy, 3rd High Point Farms, High Point Jacky Lou. Senior Calf Class: 1st Phoe- nix Brothers, Dappledale Treasure Diana; 2nd Sunny- field Holsteins, Sunnyfield CC Felicia; 3rd Rod McKay, Wil- lowtree Counsellor Ruth. Summer Yearling Class: 1st Scott J Wilson, Tedesco In- spire Nina Bee; 2nd High Point Farms, High Point Inspire Lisa; 3rd Howard W. Doner, Noel Acres Rosie. Junior Yearling Class: 1st Danny and Colétte McFadden, Hazelholme Petit Pamora; 2nd David Moore, Gleneric Inspira- tion Ina; 3rd Scott J. Wilson, Coachside Reflection Vale. Winter Yearling Class: 1st Howard W. Doner and Came- ron Lane Holsteins; Cameron Lane Astro Jean; 2nd Phoenix Brothers, Dappledale Eclipse Chloe; 3rd T. Robert Flett, McCall Inspiration Wynn. Senior Yearling Class: 1st David Moore, Kenrise Jethro Marny; 2nd Raivue Farms Ltd, Raivue Raven Nicki; 3rd Randy Fish, Roybrook Lulu Pamela. Junior Champion: Howard W. Doner and Cameron Lane Holsteins, Cameron Lane Astro Jean. Reserve Junior Champi- on: Holtbyholme Holsteins, Ronbeth Star Missy. Dry Cow Class: 1st Raivue Farms Ltd, Raivue Legend Col- leen; 2nd Werrcroft Farms Ltd, Werrcroft Ned Gwen; 3rd High Point Farms, High Point Na- dine. Two-year-old Futurity Class: 1st Florian Camartin, Kallanda Jet Krista; 2nd Rod McKay, Willowtree HHS Mis- ty; 3rd Rod McKay, Willowtree Astro Rube. . Junior 2-year-old class: 1st Rod McKay, Willowtree As- tro Rube; 2nd Howard W. Don- er and John Buckley, Argyl Brenda; 3rd Els Rock Hol- steins, Els Rock Dixiecrat Heidi Ho. Senior 2-year-old class: 1st N. Robert Flett, Donvue Lauretta; 2nd Florian Camar- tin, Kallanda Jet Krista; 3rd Rod McKay, Willowtree HHS Misty. Junior 38-year-old class: 1st Loa-De-Mede Farms Ltd, Loa-De-Mede AJ Edie; 2nd Lloyds Holsteins, Thorahlea Buck Arab; 3rd Rod McKay, Willowtree Type Nance. Senior 3-year-old Class: 1st Sunnyfield Holsteins, Don- A-Dale Sultan Dixie; 2nd Flori- an Camartin, Kallanda Tab Joelcarta; 3rd Loa-De-Mede Farms Ltd, Loa-De-Mede Sul- tan Joy Four-year-old class: 1st Flori- an Camartin, Kallanda Stylist Erle; 2nd Loa-De-Mede Farms Ltd, Loa-De-Mede AJ Mona Lisa; 3rd Randy Fish, Elmcroft Conquest Donna. Five-year-old class: 1st High Point Farms Ltd., Grawin Jet Ruth; 2nd Loa-De-Mede Farms Ltd., Loa-De-Mede Matt Julie: 3rd Lloyds Holsteins, Lloyds B. Nance. Mature Cow Class: 1st Phoenix Brothers, Dappledale A.T. Polly; 2nd Danny and Co- lette McFadden, Oak Ridges Flint Sadie; 3rd Werrhurst Hol- steins, Werrhurst Warden Ni- cole ET. Grand Champion: Sunny- field Holsteins: Don-A-Dale Sultan Dixie. Reserve Grand Champi- on: Loa-De-Mede Farms Ltd.: Loa-De-Mede AJ Edie. Honorable Mention: Phoe- nix Brothers, Dappledale AT Polly. Best Udder Class: 1st Sun- nyfield Holsteins, Don-A-Dale Sultan Dixie; 2nd Phoenix Brothers, Dappledale A.T. Pol- ly; 3rd Loa-De-Mede Farms Ltd., Loa-De-Mede AJ Edie. Breeders Herd Class: 1st Loa-De-Mede Farms Ltd.; 2nd Rod Mckay, 3rd Werrcroft Farms Ltd. High BCA Cow: Royal Bank Award: 1st Raivue Farms Ltd: Raivue Legend Colleen. Premier Breeder and Ex- hibitor Banners: Loa-De- Mede Farms Ltd. Greenbank United Church. in Nashville for their honeymoon. MEISNER - HOWSAM Heidi Meisner and Brad Howsam were married on July 20th. 1991 at The bride is the daughter of Sharon and Angus Meisner of Greenbank. The groom is the son of Joyce and Harold Howsam of Greenbank. The reception and "party" followed the ceremony at Brad and Heidi's farm in Greenbank.The newlyweds spent a week camping and a week Duplicate Bridge Sept. 26 - Afternoon 31/2 Table Howell - Avg. 24 1st - Doris Phinney and Judy Atkinson 35 2nd - Joyce Heard and Nancy Dressing 31 1/2 3rd - Marie Carnegie and Illene Wilton 24 1/2 Eyoning 4 1/2 Table Howell - Avg. 36 1st - Joan and Bill Lock 41 1/2 2nd - Joan West and Judy At- kinson tied with Brenda and Jim Gilmour 40 1/2 3rd - Miriam and Charles La- banovich 37 4th - Bonnie Davies and Bill Church School & Nursery haf; intial Mabhaffy 36 1/2 7 p.m. Holy Communion ETON Don't waste PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH S space y . - Minister , Rov. Wm. Fairley Small ads pay! All Welcome * PHOTO COURTESY OF MIKE TOBIN DOWSON - KOLLAARD Debra Ann Kollaard and Brian James Dowson were married on Saturday, July 27, 1991, The wedding took place in the back garden at the home of the bride's parents. ~ 5 The bride is the daughter of Lloyd and Mary Kollaard of Kirkfield and the groom is the son of Arthur and Helen Dowson of Sunderland. Attending the bride as maid of honour was her sister Susanne Kollarrd, Heidi Lycett was bridesmaid. The bestman was John Peebles and usher was Scott Woodman. The reception was held at the Sunderland Community Centre. PE IE TE EE TE RE TE TE TE TE SE ERR