{ | "A Family Tradition for 125 Years" OBITUARY Itis with deep regret, that we say goodbye to a very special lady. Evelyn, Grandma Lynde, yn, 10:00 a.m. Port Perry 2210 Hwy. 7A at Island Rd. Aunt Eve or Mother, she ing Worship East of Port Perry answered to them all. 11:30 a.m. Prince Albert _. 985-8681 She was born Leona Evelyn Morning Worship David & Dasiele, , Pastor Fisher an May A, 1896 lo : | ursery Care i y Services red an es t) Fisher o | N : Always Available ot am. "Tibis School Ashburn, Ontario, Evelyn has SCU asses ages one sister Jean Ruttan, Victor- | Ot Ian Worship Services ia B.C. She was predeceased by PASTORAL CHARGE 11:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. a brother Gordon, and two sis- Minister: Elaine Barber Sr. Youth Program ters Margaret Smith and Doro- 7:45 p.m. y Lunney. SUNL or sr. on Ladies Coffee Hour She grew up to be a young 4 ve Tues. 9:30-11 a.m. lady, met and married Francis | Sigg land Arai Tsay Family Night Program P. Lynde on Dec. 13, 1916. They Speaker: Rev. Jack Griffen adel 203) pa had a fomily ole, Jah sup «ul BA ; t Bible Study & Pra viving, Grace Hopkins, James Lunch and fellowship following Jr. Youth ver (Jim) and Jean Johnston of = g Nursery care available AWANA Boys & Girls Clubs ~~ Ashburn, Barbara Burroughs, . Tr for ages 3 - Grade 6 3 aap land (hove, Sinay Students at Epsom Public School enjoyed a Thanksgiving BLACKSTOCK-NESTLETON BIBLE CONFERENCE Bradley 3 { Tory Hill She a feast on Friday. The students prepared a hearty beef, potato UNITED CHURCHES oa Jods Td . predeceased by husband and carrot stew and a big batch of tea biscuits. The students Rev. Dale Davis Fri. 7 p.m. Di vorce & d Frank, sons Bill and Ross, dressed in pilgrim and Indian wear, adding extra flavor to Blackstock: 10:00 a.m. : ns an daughters Betty Moase and the occasion. Pictured above, Grade 1 student Claire Coop- North Nasfioiop: 1115 am. Sat. 7 p.m. Euthanasia Paces Schell, als two grand- er enjoys her meal. : . ; PY children, Leonard Bradley and Nursery During Worship Sun. 9:45 p.m. Christian Janette Lynde Decision-Making ® -ynde. : She is survived by 26 grand- mmvrecona cnn coi 0 genet aner Sunday School to hold i y Rov Dons Bade bamtor | PE Sho was a diligent worker : A y P urns Presby- Jon Osmond, Ast Pastor : HOPE CHURCH torian rch dhe WMS. La 1 00th ad n n u a f m eeti n g 985-444 Ry . ies. Bible ass and the SUNDAY,0CT.20 ~~ ACHstmReformed Fellowship Chyroh Guild. Giving of her- 9:45 a.m. Christian Education Poi Omtort self, her time and talents (end- and ban u et Oct 1 8 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship bn Sip tario lessly). She always had time to 8 Message: "Beautiful Feet" Song Service: 9:50 a.m. enjoy her friends and family Special Music: Sonbeans Choir ; APY when they called. 6:30 p.m. Praise Service Cora Senin 1010 Pm. Evelyn was laid to rest on Message: Debbie Sirjoosingh Worship Servi hil am. priday, Sept. 13,1991, from the (Kenya) Nurse & Story Ho ; Provided Carson Funeral Home, Brook- Nursery Care and Children's Al Are Wel wl : pe lin, Ontario and interment was Church Provided in Both Services elcome: at Groveside Cemetery, Brook- Tues. 9:30-11:30 a.m. lin. Ladies Reflections Study & Craft Pallbearers were grandsons Wed. 6:30-8 p.m. EMMANUEL FULL GOSPEL, Donald Lynde, John Schell, I trust that everyone had a 3rd for the men. Freeze-out Adult Bible Study & Prayer, FELLOWSHIP Larry Lynde, Gordie Johnston, happy Thanksgiving with lots winners were Irwin Kydd & | Youth Discipleship Training Durham Rd. 23 and 7th Conc. Sian Surrsughs and Greg of turkey and all the trim- Velma Ross with Martin Gall | (Nursery & Children's Programs Rev. Timothy Godfey, Pastor Sy i mings. The weather man coop- & Bill Brown coming second. | Provided) Church: 852-7054 e owerbearers were erated for most of the week- Draws were won by Bill Fri. 7:30-9:00 p.m. Residence: 852-5871 granddaughters Gail Russell, end. Now, looking out, Mother Brown, Stan Beach & Ken "Friday Night Live" SUNDAY, OCT. 20 Barbara Schunk, Leslie Guth- Nature's beautiful leaves need Watts. Irene Fielding won the Youth Event 9:45 a.m. Family Bible School pie, Bernie: Manders, Leanna to be raked as most have fal- 50/50 draw. Plan to attend the "A Church Reaching Out in Love" 11:00 a.m. Worship Services Sa ry " oy Foyster and len to the ground. next euchre which will be held 6:00 p.m. Praise Meeting A © ey Quesne oo herd." Thanksgiving services in in two weeks. NESTLETON Tues. 9:30 a.m. Ladies Fellowship 7.5% "2 fold he er 4 Utica were well-attended with PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Wed. 7:30 pm. Prayerand ~~, S003 2 0 serge 3 quite a supply of food being Sympathy of the community Rev. Wm. Fairley - Minister Bible Study Sh - oe me to Me", donated to the local food bank. to former neighbours Marlene 11am. Sat. 7 p.m. Youth Group e closed her eyes contented- Church service this coming Lajoie and her daughter Shel- All Welcome dS wentinrectwiti Thos eek ill be eld in Soom ly In their bereavement of a . urch at 11:00 a. m. Sunday usband and father, John La- ST. JOHN'S School invites everyone to joie who passed away on A Ta (Hah PRE CHURCH - muffins and coffee following Thursday in Port Perry Hospi- Communi Rev. Stuart McEntyre BA. BD D I the service. tal. Bay. J SAN. Div. SUNDAY, OCT.20 up 1CATE@ on ocicher 18th, the sun. 10:00 a.m. NO SERVICE day " Schaal Boo, Annual Helen utting (nee Claugh- pogo _ iallv invi ici meeting will be held at Ux- ton) of Victoria, B.C. has re- (56) Andrew "A Loyal Friend All are cordially invited to join b id bridge Baptist Church with a cently been visiting i . siting in Wiclooma $3 Sumemunisy Church hte hus ri 1 g e banquet at 6 p.m. followed by area. staying with Ed's Ty their Anniversary Services at 11 the Evening Service at 7:30 Jennie Brawn at Epsom, and BAHA'I FAITH a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Oct. 9 - Afternoon pm, There will be a special visiting with Charlie & Bertha For information about Bahai 4 Table Howell Avg. 42 speaker and special music. Cottyn. While in Epsom, sev- bin. 3 tS 1st. Jack Davies & Bill Lock 54. The U.C.W. held a very suc- eral old friends called to renew to P.O. Box 1153, Port Pe ANGLICAN CHURCH 2nd. Marie Carnegie & Gwen cessful Yard and Pie Sale on acquaintances. Among these write Ontario. LOL TAS or Ty, The Ray Cluster £. Bul Rennie 50 on Woskend wp thank all Youre Mrs. Cora Gunyou and 3 Incumbent 3rd. Gord & Harry Carnegie 47 'hose who helped make it pos- er neice, Mrs. J. i Call 985-4582 St. John's 1/2 id gl sible. Baine of Toronto, Sah. Mitchel GREENBANK Church St. Blackstock 4th. Doris Phinney & Bea There were 11 tables of eu- PASTORAL CHARGE SUNDAY, OCT. 20 Chapman 45 1/2. chre played on Friday evening. John & Pat Sutherland and oe 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer Winners were Marie Geer 1st, children joined with her fami- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Church School & Nursery Evening Doris Hill 2nd, and Jean ly members at the home of ll Minit Church of the Ascension 41/2 Table Howell Avg. 36 Pogue 3rd for the ladies while their parents Len & Doreen a vice 266 North St., Port Perry 1st. Anne Scott & Jack Davies Carl Gimblett was 1st, Earla English at Cardiff on Sunday Pinedale Anniversary WEDNESDAY, OCT 16 45 1/2. Hill 2nd, and Vera Brown was for Thanksgiving Dinner. JASE Don } 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion 2nd. Ed Clark & Bill Mahaffy ih Special + MI Lan ASG SUNDAY, OCT. 20 : A Spedal music: The Four Dads quartet 8 a.m. Said Eucharist, 3rd. Brenda and Jim Gilmour vEIAN v 1:15am, 37172. Com ? MYRTLE UNITED CHURCH hod Schon) & Noa ion ath. Chuck Roach and Cliff L----J munity News Ideas: Olen Bagi, Minister TUESDAY, OCT. 22 damieson 87, s | Call 98 5-7 3 8 3 Service: 9: : 7 p.m. Holy Communion 5h, Devis Jinney and Doris all The Port Perry Star = - ----- ma ---- TT per -- I CT TT LL RL, EL TE Stes SE te Tad. any I