10 - PORT PERRY STAR - Real Estate S Section - Wednesday © October 16, 1991 "Scugog's Com Community Newspaper of Choice" 1984 FORD ESCORT - excellent condition, small car economy, easily certified $1150. or B.O. 985-8818. 1986 BUICK SKYLARK, new lires, power sleering, power brakes, automatic, A-1 condition. Asking $5,500. Call 885-9472. BETSY NEEDS a new best friend! 1987 Olds Cutlass Su- preme, 6 cyl., requires compan- ionship, 2 door automatic, power steering, brakes, locks & win- dows; AM/FM radio, well main- tained and cerlified. Asking $5,300. Phone after 6 pm - 416- 985-0002. 1985 PONTIAC Parisienne Brougham. Loaded, new tires, 114,000 kms. $3,200 certified. 1- 705-432-3308. 1979 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 door, loaded, mint. $750. or best offer. 986-0886. Len Wall Motor Sales Ltd. 1989 CHEV SPRINT 4 Door, AM/FM cass., economy at 50 MPG. Factory warranty till Feb., 92. $5,200.00 Certified. 1983 OLDS -88- BROUGHAM Excellent condition one owner Southern car. Never been in salt, loaded with all factory options. $5,500.00 Certified. 985-8684 Late Model Trades considered 1982 DODGE PICKUP slant 6, 4 speed, P.S., good shape, $2,000. Call after 5 p.m. 986-5067. TRUCK CAPS, box liners, run- ning boards, sales & installation. Van & Truck World 579-6868. 1987 INDY 600 3 cyl. long track carbides, cover excellent condi- tion second owner, 2400 miles. $3,850. Call Gord Hooker 852- 3357. 1990 POLARIS Indy Trail, 2 up seat, handlebar warmers, thumb warmer, cover, 800 miles, excel- lent condition, $4,000. - Phone 985-0305. ARABIAN YEARLING 3 COLT reg- istered, grandson of BASK, dark bay, while star, four socks, haller trained, terrific disposition. Must sell-sacrifice. 705-793-2275. WANT TO BUY horses and cat- tle. Will pay cash. 705-277-3089. INDOOR STORAGE for cars, boats, and R.V. vehicles, etc. Contact Don Comeil at 705-786- 2183 or 705-786-2612. O15 ONE BEDROOM APT. - south of Sunderland on Hwy. 7 & 12, fridge & stove included, no pets. 852-9199 & (705) 357-2575. ONE BEDROOM apartment. Blackstock 986-5197. WE ARE STILL LOOKING for lo- cal Crafls people to bring in stained glass - woodworking, paintings, knitting items for our First Country Christmas. Phone 985-1054. CASH FOR 3 BEDROOM Bunga- low. No fireplace, gas or pool. Space for lawn and garden. Send picture and details to Box 21, c/o Port Perry Star, 188 Mary St, Port Perry, LOL 1B7. FURNISHED BACHELOR apt. Five appliances, parking, water bed. $475. mthly. 1st & last. 728- 9759. FOR LEASE - Over 1,000 sq. ft. downtown retail space at competi- tive rates - heat, hydro and air in- cluded. Also suitable for two bou- tiques. For detalls, phone 985- 3508, 985-0305. INDUSTRIAL UNITS in Reach In- dustrial Park, immediate occupan- cy, heated or unheated from $125/month. 985-9828 or 985- 3885. THREE -- Brick TE 'low, Port Perry - Apple Valley area. Close to all amenities, eat- In kitchen, finished basement, 2 car garage, available Nov. 1, 1991. For details call Bryce Philp evenings - 985-8474. O15 WATERFRONT Apartment, large bedroom, full bath, fridge & stove, private entrance, new broadloom, utilities & cable included. 985- 7753. $600. month. BACHELOR APT. - very private, new spacious and bright. West of Port Perry, new fridge & slove and utilities are included. Non smoker, no pets, first and last - $500.00 unfurnished; $550.00 fur- nished. Call 985-1251 after 6 pm. BACHELOR APARTMENT, suit one person. $300. month inclu- sive, in country. 986-5618. TIRED OF THE RENT? Earn $25,000 plus per year in your spare lime. Phone 985-0512. IVPEWRITERS. fax iy ribbons, service and supplies for all makes and models. Jenkins Business 728-7591, 985-9783. DOG GROOMING - professional by Lynne. All breeds. Located al 256 Scugog St. Call 985-4191. ELECTRIC FENCER SERVICE. Repairs to all CSA approved makes. Mobile repair shop al Lindsay Sale Bam every Friday. Come early for same day service. Waller Wright, Blacksliock. 416- 086-4818. NEED A HAND? Call Murray 985-0069. Clean ups, paper, paini, leaves, yard, basement, snow, elc. HANDYMAN - HARRY MORRIS 985-3663. BRICK WORK - Fireplace, chim- ney, elc. Licenced bricklayer, quality work, 15 years experi- ence, references available. Phone Gerry 985-3584. 3 OR 4 BEDROOM HOUSE in Port Perry. 985-4243. ONE BEDROOM APT. private, five minutes to Port Perry, $495 plus hydro. Available Dec./91 985-1467. HALL SPACE for rent. For bright, pleasant, carpeted meetings, ban- quels or exercise space. Call 985-7278. BRIGHT, COZY one bedroom apt. Celina Street, Oshawa, laun- dry facilities, all inclusive $550 per month available November 1. Call Andy after 6 p.m. 986-4895. PORT PERRY AREA , excellent four bedroom, two bathroom, fin- ished rec room for young at heart family in couniry setting. Park, playground, access to private beach with dock, 10 minutes from downtown Port Perry $995 per month plus ulilities. Available Dec. 1/91. 416-649-3183. BROOKLIN - One + 3 bedroom apartments for Dec. 1st and Jan. 1st. Close lo all amenities. 432- 4023. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT on Water St. facing Lake Scugog. $749. plus hydro, appliances and parking included. 1-416-264- 4916. COMMERCIAL - Retail or Cffice. 760 sq. ft. Prime Water St. loca- tion. Also available slorage space. 1-416-264-4916. COCAPOO PUPPIES for sale. Call Susie or leave message. 986-5873. ADORABLE Yellow Lab Pups For Sale Registered & Tattooed $500.00 668-2462 after 6:30 CENTRALLY LOCATED - large 2 bedroom apariment, fridge & stove included, $630.00 month plus heat & hydro. First & last, available Nov. 2. Reply Box 305, Port Perry, LOL 1A4. 900 SQ. FT. INDOOR STORAGE space, 7 day access, private en- trance, $250.00 month. 655-8827 (leave message). TWO BEDROOM APT. wall to wall carpet, fridge and slove. Heat and water included. Down- town Port Perry. Available Nov. 1st. Call 985-7651 after 6 pm. KINSMEN HALL - available for dances, meetings and receplions. Kitchen and bar. Plenty of park- ing. 985-3736. e Horses boarded ¢ Modern facilities Greystone Equestrian Center on Shirley Road Restaurant on premises For more information: Call Judy 985-1598 ¢ Indoor arena $300.%/month CLUBHOUSE HALL rental. Port Perry Snowmobile Club. Call 985- 7130 after 6 p.m. TF SHOP SPACE - Reach Industrial park - 1000 sq. ft.; 2000 sq. ft. units, starting from $400.00. 985- 3747 days or 985-8704 evenings. PRIVATE STORAGE - Second Month Free for furniture. Adjusta- ble units to suit your needs. 985- 2597. STORE/FRONT/INDUSTRIAL - Vanedward Dr., Port Perry, 1300 - 1600 sq. ft. units. 12 Ni. ceilings, rear loading door. 985-8003. BUNGALOW STYLE townhouse, 2 bedroom end unit, 8 miles east of Port Perry, washer & dryer hookup, big lot, storage unit & 2 car parking. Available November 1st. References, no dogs. $660.00 plus utilities. 985-2143. STORAGE Mini & Maxi PORT PERRY AREA a16) 985-7622 LINDSAY AREA 705) 328-0061 MINI STORAGE In Town Paved Lot 50 Vanedward Dr. 985-8003 across from Lake Scugog Lumber OFFICE SUITE Port Perry Ground floor, newly renovated, climate- controlled, modern office space. High traffic location with lots of parking. Available Nov. 30. Reception, general office area and two private offices. $800.00/month net/net. Call Nancy at 985-9744 MOTHER OF TWO looking for re- sponsble student to babysit in my home (Apple Valley) for two weeks each month, 1-2 hours per day. If interested call Mrs. Burns after 5 p.m. 985-0965. NEW IN ONTARIO. Fun and easy spare time opportunity. Show our affordable fine fashion jewellery at home gatherings. Consultants and managers need- ed. No deliveries. Under $30.00 investment, or maybe you'd like to know how to obtain free jewel- lery. Call Connie 985-0845. Could you be a Red Cross Homemaker? Red Cross employs, trains and supervises mature, inendly individuals 1o take care of people i in their homes within the Durham Region. + Part-time flexible hours + Some non-traditional hours required + Paid training » Paid mileage + Uniforms supplied Applications available at Oshawa Branch 45 Bloor St. E. BILL'S CHIMNEY SWEEP for a complete cleaning of all fireplaces and chimneys. 986-0807. BOOKKEEPING and Personal In- come tax services. CGA students. Leave message between 9 am and 5 pm. 655-5170. ATTENTION HUNTERS: Custom cutting of your wild game by ex- perienced butcher. Port Perry, Carl 416-985-9916. TYPING SERVICE - No job too small. Resumes, reports, thesis, slatements. Office Overload let ters, etc. Reasonable rates. Hummingbird Word Processing. 852-9414. PROFESSIONAL Wallpapering and painting. Reasonable rates. Call Roy Povey 985-0940. DAYCARE OFFERED - Mother of two, Union Ave., Prince Albert. Lots of toys, outings and love. Ex- cellent references, receipts. Helen 985-2594. DAYCARE - In my home, Scugog Island. Large indoor and outdoor play areas. Lots of TLC, nulritious lunch and snacks. 985-4255. WILL BABYSIT in my home, any age welcome, playroom for chil- dren. Call Caesarea 986-5437. MOTHER OF THREE will look af- ter children of any age in her home. References available. Call anylime. 985-7783. DAYCARE in my home. Conc. 8, just off Hwy. 12. Greal referenc- es. Non-smoker. 852-3989. SPANKY'S HAULAGE Topsoil - Limestone Sand - Gravel Septic Sand Mini-Hoe and Mini Dump 433-7273 986-4917 PRIVATE MORTGAGES - The place to go when your bank says no! Anubis Investments. 416-668- 7200 Whitby. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Claims against the Estate of Frederick Arthur Ballard, Late of the Township of Scugog in the Regional Municipality of Durham must be in our hands by Novem- ber 5, 1991 after which dale the eslale will be distributed. Dated Oclober 8, 1991. BAILEY AND SEDORE, Barristers and Solici- tors, P.O. Box 1030, Uxbridge, Ontario. LOL 1N3. Solicitors for the Estate of Frederick Arthur Bal- lard. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the Estate of Wal- ter Charles Moore. All persons having claims against the Estate of Walter Charles Moore, late of the Township of Scugog in the Regional Municipality of Durham who died on or about the 3rd day of September, 1991 are hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 8th day of November, 1991 full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the sald date the assests of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitied there- to, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario this 2nd day of October, 1991. FOWLER, DAVIES Barristers and Solictors, 175 North Street, Port Perry, Ontario LoL 1B7 Solicitors for Joyce Ross, execulrix. Meet new | friends for romance or marriage. MATCH MATES Personal Introductions Service 434-8399 CARDBOARD BOXES flat, good size for moving or storage. Con- tact the Port Perry Star 985-7383. NORM'S GENERAL CARPENTRY * New homes * Hot tar roofing * General residential, commercial & farm repairs OFFICE: 985-8216 MOBILE: 432-5509 NORM TRIPP (after 6 pm): 985-3563 | bdrm. apt. $519. 2 bdrm. apt. $620. Borelia Co-operative Homes Inc. Enjoy co-op community living in Port Perry on the shores of Lake Scugog We are now accepting applications for market rent units Mon-Thurs *985-0423e 10-5:30pm 2 bdrm. TH. $662. 3 bdrm. TH. $746. MORTGAGE LOANS 7 FIRST & SECONDS at PRIME RATES # UP to 90% NHA MORTGAGES « EXISTING MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD « VACATION and ALL OTHER PROPERTY «+ DEBT CONSOLIDATION # NO COMPLICATED INCOME or CREDIT REQUIREMENTS «# POWER of SALE REFINANCES « REFINANCING of PROBLEM SITUATIONS « PERSONAL LOANS and LINES OF CREDIT FOR ANY PURPOSE LEASING: Auto, Boat, RV, Etc. For more Information call: 571-2880 Raycan Financial Ltd. 215 Simcoe St. N. Np L x Bj CON 3 UCTIONS LTD. PO Box 220, Greenbank, Ont LOC 1B0 (416) 985-1068 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23 SALE TIME 5:00 PM Auction Sale of Furniture and Glassware for the Estate of Zorah Holliday, Oshawa. Selling at Neil Bacon Auctions Lid, comer of Hwy 12 & 47. To Include: 7 pc. dining room suite (ex), bed ches- terfield and chair (beige - 3 mos. old), bedroom suite, rocker, oil painting on tin, cornflower pcs., German pcs., pictures, linen, sil- ver, salt and peppers, cups and saucers, decorative plates, brass pcs. Also large quantity of 14 kt. precious stone jewelry such as: rings, earings, etc. Silver dollar coins as well. Sale sold and man- aged by NEIL BACON AUC- TIONS LTD. 985-1068. Oshawa, Ontarlo