Thanks for two great years Scugog Attaining the age of two years old is not somethi to get particularly excited about... it’s not really a mile stone by any means. But turning two is significant to the gang here who enjoy bringing you Focus on Scugog maga- zine each month. The issue you hold in your hands is spe- cial, at least to us, because this issue marks the first of our third year. Who would have thought two years ago this little magazine would still be here... let alone have carved out such an enviable niche in the hearts of our readers. We are still astounded by the favourable comments we get every day, on the street, the phone, the mail and electronically by way of email. Our readers truly make us blush with their more than generous and gracious comments. Little did we know two years ago when we started out, there was actually room for another publication in this town, which al- ready was supporting two newspapers and dozens of specialty products and publica- tions. The reason we are still here is a tribute to our advertisers. Without their financial support, by way of advertising, it would be impossible for us to continue. We thank each and every one of you for having the confidence that Focus on Scugog will pro- fessionally deliver your advertising mes- sage to the consumer. And of course we can’t forget our faith- ful readers who provide ongoing support and encouragement. Thanks so much! So now we enter our third year. We're happy to still be here and hope you keep enjoying your monthly ma; Thanks Scugog... you're the best! Mailbox Dear Focus... Parents of Canadian soldier serving in Afghanistan feel very fortunate Dear Editor: How fortunate am I? This is a question that I have been asking myself many, many times over the past few months. First, let me say I think I speak for a great many wives, mothers and sweet- hearts of our young men and women who are serving in Afghanistan, as well as our boys and girls who are in a combat zone where there is a fine line between life and death. place where these proud Canadians stand up and are counted on daily to defend what each and every one of us holds dear, “freedom and dignity for all.” I wonder and am amazed at how women ever went on with their lives during WWII, when their loved ones were serving overseas. Weeks and indeed months could go by and they wouldn’t hear from their son, husband, brother, sweetheart or daughter. They carried this burden of not knowing whether their loved one was miss- ing in action, dead, or Today thank God, times have changed. We hear from our son on a regular basis, we see him on our computer and we share his pride in serving our country. How fortunate am I indeed? The Canadian Army has been so helpful and kind. They take the time to phone Larry and I to make sure we are well, and to ask if we have any concerns, to make sure we are hearing from Mark. They care! The Canadian Armed Services have programs for the young families, they have special programs for little children, teenagers and get togethers at the vari- ous bases where families can get together and share. They have special councillors for wives and mothers to help them understand their feelings. For example, when the media reports the loss of one of our own, I know 2,500 mothers, or wives, girlfriends sit and their minds and bodies are frozen with fear and dread, they fear for their son or loved one. Their hearts seem to stop beating and they wish the world would just stop. Stop the hatred, stop the killing and then you wait and wait for what seems for- e ver, You're afraid to answer the phone or the door and you wait. Finally after See fortunate” on page 15 10 FOCUS - APRIL 2008 | “APRIL oBSepages ince 10 © Keep on keeping Focus coming Hi Peter T've just received the latest issue of Focus and have only had a chance to browse through it. Your maga- zine seems to be getting bigger with each issue, good ork. My heartiest congratulations for your prestigious award, it is richly earned and certainly well deserved. High five to you. T’'m enjoying the magazine and have every issue here at the ranch, keep on keeping on, as my youthful compatriots might say. Just one quick question, do you have any idea of “what in the hay” is happening at the intersection of Reach Road and Bigelow Street, the hydro location? The crews have been digging, removing dirt for more than a year. Are they removing nuclear waste per- haps? Keep up your great work. Don Mitchell Port Perry Students enjoyed experience Dear Peter What a joy to have read your article on the students from Port Perry High School who received the Lieu- tenant Governor’s Ontario Heritage Award for Youth Achievement. As soon as the article and pictures came out, stu- dents were running to their teachers showing us what they had achieved. The students enjoyed the whole ex- perience from beginning to end. The students were happy to be able to participate ina project which gave them pride in their community. They worked diligently to do research on former stu- dents who gave their lives so they could live in free- dom. On November 9th, the students hosted the Remem- brance Day ceremony and met over 40 family members related to the soldiers we were honouring that day. If this was not enough, the students were nomi- nated and won the prestigious Lieutenant Governor’s Ontario Heritage Award for Youth Achievement. See ‘life changing” on page 15 ‘9124108 8:10:20 AM |