WE GET TO THE BOTTOM OF CAR AND TRUCK TROUBLES Marigold erin: Over 138 years of combined experience of our service & parts technicians State-of-the-art diagostic & repair equipment Largest selection of quality Ford diesel parts & apparel Qualified safety inspection station Service & Parts Hours: Monday: 8 am - 5:30 pm Tuesday, Wecnesdey, Thursdoy Friday: 3 am -5: 30 pm Saturday: 8 am - 4:00 pm Sunday: Closed 1120 Dundas i) on Whitby 905-668-5893 1-800-565-5893 www.marigold.net 28 FOCUS - APRIL 2008 “APRIL.O8/S2pages.indd 28 Did You Know - scugog Township will be offering its popular free compost program at the Scugog Community Centre again this year. Bring your om shovel and container and fill up ehicle). The composting event takes place Saturday, April 19 from 9 a.m. to noon. Great for the garden and all for free... can’t beat that. Anyone wanting more information can contact the township’s public works department at 905- 985-7346, extention 112. Did You Know? - Lakeridge Health Port Perry’s New Life Centre is estimating 330 ba- bies will be born at the New Life Centre this ear, an increase of almost 11 percent over last year’s 298 births. To accommodate this in- crease $75,000 in renovations to the New Life Centre have been taking place for the past few days and will be completed by April 2. What a great facility we have here in Port Perry with the New Life Centre. Any mother who delivered their children there can’t speak highly enough about the facility and care. Did You Know? - Ever since April 1914 the old post office clock has been ticking away. During its first few years the clock was quite unreliable since it had to be wound manually once a week and the local once newspaper wrote, “the clock has scarcely formed a habit of running regularly. Sometimes it ‘strikes’ d sometimes it goes on ‘strike’ an then it neither goes nor strikes.” This still appears to be the case occasionally, although for the most part it keeps good time. Did You Know? - April is by far the most likely month for the ice to disappear off Lake Scugog. Since records for the date the ice went out were started in 1872, the ice has only left the lake 16 times during the month of March, the earliest being 1983 when it went out on March 16. It’s the first week of April and there’s little sign of an early thaw, but don’t fret, the latest it has gone out is April 29, 1965 and it couldn't possibly be that late this year... could it? Unlock your houtage... 175 Penny Street, Port Perry E M. FINDS 180 Queen Street, Port Perry Sousgs amen re focus@observerpub.ca 924108 8:12:08 AM |