Hundreds of families took advantage of the nice weather on March 15 to attend the Purple Woods Conservations Area annual Maple Syrup Festival. Visitors enjoyed demonstrations of both traditional and modern methods of collecting sap, as well as wagon rides and pancakes with fresh maple syrup. Tell us why your Mom’s the best in a brief letter and she could win one ‘ene prizes for Mother's Day: by Telefl q Basket of eb from Upper Canada’s Gardening Collection * Email, mail or drop off by 5:00 p.m., Saturday, May 3 to: The Personal Touch Frorat & Grr SHop 271 Mary St., Port Perry LOL 1B7 ; 905-985-9360 website: | “APRILosszpages:nad 91 are some of the methods on display at ptihiigs Woods. Photos from left, a metal spile used to extract ; an old oak the cen- tury; the more common collecting aluminum pail; and the blue plastic tubing now used in the modem maple syrup gathering process. by J. Peter Hvidsten 462 Paxton ) tik Located across from the hospital De; tal in the Medical Associates building associates 905-985-8459 General Dentists: Dr. Kevin Dunkerley Dr. Sandro Del Rosso Dr. Bob Boyko ENIN' ist: Dr. Farah Walji APPOINTMENTS Ca AVAILABLE New Patients & Emergencies Welcome Dr. Tushar Mahendra Dr. Meetu Mahendra Introducing two new flavours from... NIAGARA + Sangria Zinfandel Blush + Bluepom White Merlot Winemaking at its BEST 38 Water Street, Port Perry 905-985-1197 ~ SERVING Scucoc Since 1997 ~ FOCUS - APRIL 2008 31 924108 8:13:28 AM |