PROPERTY OWNERS AWARENESS Rain, Rain Go Away! to water run off and drai The Township of Seugog Property Standard how property water run off. _ Property ‘owner’ responsibilities include: run-of it * buildings on the property or migrating onto any other vacent property. © Roof drai hall not be discharged idewalks, stairs or directly onto any adjacent property or permitted to migrate onto any adjacent property. Also remember when doing any landscaping or alteration on your property, it is in your best interest to not alter any swales — They are engineered to provide the best water run off poss If you are found to be in violation of this By-Law, the Township may cause Notice to be sent to you, register an Order on title against the property, perform the required work to remedy the situation, and/or lay charges. Ken REINHARDT Proud Member of ong gowns 's Property Standards and Committee of Adjustment, and Fence Viewing Committee PMB PACreSsiAL Mortaace BROKERs INC. “ Securing Your Best Interest ”® - 905-985-4029 204 Casimir St., Port Perr’ Enjoying 30 Years of Mortgage Lending throughout Durham Region and Beyond I recycle so people and animals have a cleaner world to live in. E) e o > a 2 ee t = 5 = S ° | J @ S 6 FOCUS - AUGUST 2008 AUGUST.FOCUS.40 Pgsindd 6 ® Mailbe Dear Focus... Reader enjoys new format Dear Focus Re: New Focus Format Nicely done and count me among those who like the smaller format. And kudos fora cover that is very effective and generous promotion for the lo- cal production of Music Man. Also, the Lake Stewards pages are a_ tremendously valuable public service. Thanks so much. As usual your old photos offer a vivid time machine look at the great Port Perry1884 fire. Bruce Rogers Port Perry PS: I'd like to share a pet peeve that bothers me in so many publications. Yours may be the least guilty of the annoy- ing habit of writing “located at” and “situated at...” when it is absolutely redundant and un- necessary. From time to time... | don't care if real estate people do it, but otherwise... Gloss cover a welcome upgrade Hi MaryAnn | just wanted to let you know how much | like the new look of the Focus on Scugog magazine. The glossy cover is a welcome upgrade and shows great class to an already good product. The magazine has that small town flare, it is very informative, colourful and the ads are well done. As a business owner in a small town I'm proud to say ad- vertising in your magazine has brought many clients through our establishment. Thanks to all the staff at Focus on Scogog keep up the good work. Noreen Frank, V.P. N & G Soapstone fouftville Received favourable comments Dear Peter & Christina Just a short note to compli- ment you and your staff on the attractive latest issue of Focus (July) and the variety of articles and items therein. I'm impressed Chris man- aged to assemble her profile on me so well, considering the scattered wide range of topics we tossed around that morn- Thanks for the flattering pro- file presented and for the “old gal’s” chance to re-visit a few past adventures and favoured images. Chris is a real keener and a delightful addition to your staff. Thanks again. | know you and your team will keep up your good work as you con- tinue to “Focus” on Scugog. | have received many fa- vourable comments and loved your cover. Sincerely Diane Lackie P.S. | would like to mention one ‘factual gremlin’ in the article. I taught at Port Perry High for 25 years (plus three as supply in retirement) but have lived in my quaint Ottawa St. house in Port Perry for 41 ‘jam packed’ years. LETTERS CONTINUED ON PAGES 15 & 26 renne s0se:s4.u |