Students travel to Italy to take © part in service Dad & Barb Canadian Aviy tanks and Infantry advance through the streets in Or- tona, italy during the final stages of the fighting in the coastal town. @ 917 Canadians on behalf of today’s youth of Canada. SINC LEML The “Remembering Ortona” 65th Anniversary Tour which begins in Milan, Italy, has been organized by David Robinson of Port Perry High School to augment the Canadian History course for Grade 10 students. The Tour has been in the plan- INSURANCE BROKERS UN ing ste ince April 2006. our Duthan Remembers Group has also been very busy We sa pite our veterans. inviting students from across Canada to join us in our journey to Ortona. Currently, we have over 1,400 students from across Canada registered. This will be a historical moment not only for these students but also for all of Canada; a ceremony such as this in Ortona has never been attempted before. In preparing for this tour, all the students have received extensive background materials about this historic battle, in- cluding the Regimental histories for all the Canadian Regi- ments that fought in the Battle of Ortona. On the weekend of October 3-5, students from PPHS joined 180 other students from across Ontario for “Operation Husky”, held at the Camp Connaught Training Centre near Ottawa for i P tial learning the Bat- Students slept in army barracks and were up at 5:00 each morning to attend in-depth seminars led by military specialists from across North America on topics that included: the Cana- dian Soldier; the German Soldier; Artillery; Tank Warfare; Be- hind the Lines; The Army Engineers; the Role of the Medics; Self -Defence; Communications and Command and Control. On the Sunday, the students attended a specially arranged and choreographed special effects battle re-enactment of the Battle of Ortona. All in attendance were greatly impressed with th ization and scope of thi Once again, our PPH! were part of aned opportunity that had never been attempted before anywhere. Our sincere gratitude to Veterans Affairs Canada, the Cana- dian Military, re-enactment volunteers, military museums and " 7 ‘ : teachers from across Canada for providing their services and . wees time for this remarkable “hands-on” experience. 193 Queen Street, Port Perry By David Robinson 995-985-7306 1-800-387-5642 Special to Focus on Scugog FOCUS - NOVEMBER 2008 19