erry Ar inthe Cadets, from left are, Samuel Baker, P eir 15, Tava Hubbard, 14 and Cory Hubbard, "6. The local cadet corp is in its 110th year in the local community. Photo by Jonathan van Bilsen Port Perry Army Cadets At 110 years old, the local cadet organization is the fourth oldest active corps operating in Canada During this time of year, when we remember those who served our coun- try, we do not want to overlook another group of individuals who are also part of the greater Canadian Forces umbrella, the Canadian Cadet organiza- tion, especially Port Perry’s own army cadets When I was a Boy Scout (back when Baden Powell was still living) I re- member the cadets as the ‘guys with the short hair’ and wondered how vig- orous this group was in today’s society. Well, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the organization is flourish- ing and still active in Port Perry. I had heard rumours that their numbers were down, so I met with Captain Mark Hlozan, the Commanding Officer of the Port Perry Corp. First of all, I should explain that Mark Hlozan is not the gruelling, stereo- typical, drill sergeant I expected. In fact, he is a Financial Planner who went through Port Perry’s Cadet program when he was young and enjoyed it im- mensely. His kids are also involved and his wife is active in the Cadet League (a group of volunteers who support the organization administratively). So who gets to join? The Cadets are open to young people between the ages of twelve and eighteen. I was surprised to learn it has been a co-ed organization since 1974. There are currently 56,000 cadets located in 1,115 corps and squadrons in cit- Please turn to page 20 20 FOCUS - NOVEMBER 2008 Cadets Cameron Walker and Bryan Sinclair salute as they lay a wreath for the Port Perry Cadet Corps in this November 2006 picture.