JASON COTTRELL Born: June 19, 1985 Residence: Toronto, Ontario Graduate: Port Perry High School - 2004 University of Western Ontario 2008 (Ivey School of Business) Current Position: Service Manager Like most young lads growing up in a small town like Port Perry, Jason Cottrell enjoyed the outdoors, playing hockey and spending time at the family cot- tage in Temagami fishing and canoeing. But at a very young age, he also took a keen interest in computers and by the time he was 12 years old, this self-proclaimed “Star Wars geek” had designed his first website. In fact, the site became the fourth largest Star Wars site on the internet before he closed it down due to escalating costs to keep it online. It was this early interest in computers and the internet that propelled him into designing a website for his father, a local dentist. The site was launched with the name www.luvmydentist.com. This was followed by his first true client, Brian Callery of Port Perry, owner of “The Callery Group” - a local financial planning firm. Today, a little more than 10 years after his first commercial venture, Jason operates his own company, “Myplanet Internet Solutions” servicing 125 clients with a team of six full-time employees. In addition to this tremendous responsibility, he also works with a global management consulting firm, travelling across North America tackling operational and strategic challenges. So how did this busy young entrepreneur manage | to balance his love of sports, education, business and | hanging out with friends while achieving high stand- ings in both high school and university? Like most successful people, Jason is extremely organized and focused on the task ahead of him. He recognized that education was of paramount im- portance and to this end graduated from Port Perry High School with a 95 percent average. This was followed by winning the Laureate of the Millennium Excellence Award and becoming a finalist as the Student Entrepreneur of the Year at the \ University of Western Ontario. } Then in 2008 he was awarded first place for the Wes aah vt Nicol Entrepreneurial Award at the Richard Ivey School of \ Business. FO Please turn to page 30