¥. abn Rotary event whips up the “ waves on © Witte Lake:Scugog The Rotary Club of Port Perry held its 17th annual “Aquarama” fundraising event at the lakefront, Port Perry on August 15. Fifteen teams entered the fun filled races, raising more than $11,250 for Rotary charities. Pictured above is Kevin “Kevina” Proskin, of Devonport Divas, winding it out on the course. Left, John Mackey helps Nancy Thompson and her dog ‘Hope’ (who always rides with Nancy) get ready for their race. Bottom right, Sarah Gatchell flys through the course helping the ‘Township Troopers’ win the fastest time trophy. Bottom left, David Stell riding for the Port Perry Star ‘Super Stars’ and centre left, Bob Brownson, Julianne Bouwhuis and Anne Bouwhuis serving bacon on a bun. OTARY AQUARAMA www.focusonscugog.com 40 FOCUS - SEPTEMBER 2010