it } The @ nee id. = Se Barbara Karthein and her husband bought their first home on Scugog Island about. 25 years ago as a cottage. Always looking for more land, they purchased a farm close to Epsom about three years ago. From 1999, when they moved permanently to Scugog, she has worked tirelessly as a volunteer with the Scugog Lake Stewards. Being formerly a professional landscape designer — working with the Stewards was a natural progression. KARTHEIN They provided her opportunities to use her skills and develop all sorts of new ones as well as to develop lasting friendships. We invite you to meet Barbara Karthein. |. What career would you have pursued if you had not chosen your present o1 Having started out as secretary... who became a high school teacher... who then decided i in middle age to go back to university to study landscape architecture, | have had ample chance to follow my dreams. My current volunteer work is wonderfully fulfilling as it always comes as a puzzle which needs to be researched and solved; always leading me into new and intriguing paths of learning. | think that will be my happy course of action until | am put out to pasture for good! 2. What was youre favourite toy growing up? | grew up on a street full of boys so my toys were distinctly un- girl like. Without sounding at all deprived, | don’t really remember specific toys rather it was boats and water! Growing up in Halifax meant we were always so near water recreation of all types. 3. Something you use every day, or can’t live without? [hate to admit it, but it would be my truck. | use it all the time here although | do drive the car often because the truck is a genuine gas-guzzler and my guilt is great! 4. Your favourite home-cooked meal? oS something simple although when | go out | always choose the complex flavours of other countries. My kids went through a vegetarian phase and, wow, some of the vegetarian Indian or Thai comfort foods are so good! 5. Things that you like most about living in Scugog Township? Friends and balance. | love walking in town and bumping into all sorts of people | know. | love knowing what's going on and taking an active part in making Scugog sustainably great. | love the balance of living a modern life in a heritage town. | love the wonderful green spaces around us but value the stores and services available all in walking distance of one parking spot in town. | am home! 6.What person do you admire and would like to meet? | admire and would like to meet anyone who has a way with words and ideas; people who can make the complex simple, and the ordinary, delightful, just using the right words. So many times Ihave been awed by wordsmiths and feel real joy through the images and ideas they create or enable. NOVEMBER.FOCUS.48.indd 34 10/23/11 10:28:55 AM