(souTHSIDE q Downtown Port Perry ready to bring on the Dr. Jim Brown season with 12-12-12 905-985-5600 ) The Christmas season is officially underway. 14990 Simcoe Street n — C— Last Saturday, Santa made his way to Port Perry (corner of Simcoe and Hwy. 7A) in the annual Santa Claus parade and was greeted by held, linic@hell F ca streets lined with young and old alike. » y | Now the Port Perry downtown Business Improve- ment Association (BIA) is making plans for “Tis The Season To Shop Local” event. Throughout December BAKERSVILLE GINGERBREAD VILLAGE participating merchants will be holding their “open D 7th-D 28th f houses” as a special way to thank the community for eC. hala eC. supporting them throughout the year. CEE ee dings _Check with your favourite store to see when they Created by a variety of will be hosting their Christmas celebrations. community members. aN Then the community is invited to join in the fun Want to be a participant? of ”12-Twelve-Twelve” evening. This shopping event Ww Pick up an information sheet at the gets its name from taking place on the 12th day of library. There is no fee, and entries from individuals, S the 12th month with stores open until 12 midnight. Rerriles SP TOPS 6 Bring your Check to see which downtown merchants will Scugog Memorial Library creations to the library Dec. 2to 6th. stay open until midnight for this new event, offering eet er Bet Pore Reng oA specials and in-store happenings for your list! Grom our family to yours a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. YORE Y TAYLOR FORD SALES |+—8 1565 Hwy. 7A, Port Perry (ju of Walmart) ‘TAYLOR 905-985-3655 * www.taylorfordsales.com 8 FOCUS - DECEMBER 2013