CAMPBELL CR ‘BRUCE St Continued from page 37 Confusing yes, but we digress! This article is about street nam: Years ago, staff at the Scugog Town- ship offices requested members of the community to suggests historic names which could be used for streets in future developments. Local historian Paul Ar- culus provided a six page list of names, detailed with why each name would be appropriate. le most have never been adopted, in December 2009, then Mayor Marilyn Pearce presented a street sign to descen- dants of Drs. Robert and David Archer, two well respected physicians who served the area around Lake Scugog for decades. This was a start of what was expected to be many other local individuals be- ing honoured, but aside from this one example, few others, if any have been used, Scanning through the pages of Paul’s list, where he has documented names and backgrounds, there are dozens of residents from this town who excelled in their lives and deserve consideration. Some of these include: Edwin Campbell - A graduate of Port Many streets in newer developments with names like Chimney Hill Way and Steinway Dr. have no local connection 88 FOCUS - JULY 2014 It was a proud moment for the Archer family in December 2009, when this street sign was dedicated as “Doctor Archer Drive” in honour of Drs. Robert and David Archer. On hand for the occasion were, from left, Bob Archer, Mayor Marilyn Pearce, Jean Baker and Robert Baker. Mr. Archer and the Bakers are grandchildren of Dr. Robert Archer. The Doctor Archer Drive sign is intended to be erected in one of the future subdivisions planned for the area. New street signs should reflect Port Perry heritage and honour local young men who lost their lives in two world wars. ised, but th a of others vhs could be honoured with a street. named in ‘heir memory.