Yo \ fo] 8] Hal-m Col} (-olmerel0(e[ele] . ‘esh, we fork out a lot of money lunches and dinners. for a really great meal. We You don’t have to "STONE BAKED PIZZA A quick snack, light lunch or ‘SPECIALTY SALADS. . DAILY SPECIALS a delicious dinner? y, PICKLES & Look no further than these eating establishments. Meet tne August 5" of} the Patio! SUMMER IS FINALLY HERE. DINE OUT! B 6:30pm ut the Jester’s Court 4 nights, 4 alternate ‘» endings! a F | 279 Queen St., Port Perry 905-985-2775 Don't "Forget about it!" www.jesterscourt.ca Se bene bakeside Restaurant BREAKFAST BUFFET Saturdays and Sundays: 9am - 1lam (weather permitting) $9.95 aautts © $5.95 Kids under 10 8 FOCUS - AUGUST 2011