Lf 4 ead Loe Bee. aula PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, September 15, 1992 - 11 "A Family Tradition for 126 Years" 95th anniversary for |Qellabration school Cadet Corps By Kelly Lown Port Perry Star The Port Perry High School Cadet Corps is celebrating its 95th anniversary this year. The Cadet Corps #41 RC (A) CC will begin its 95th year with a new commanding officer. Ma- jor Patrick Dooley, a former commander of the Corps, has re- turned to the local high school. After a nine-year absence from the Cadet Corps, Major Dooley has returned with big plans for the cadets. "It is a training program de- signed to develop leadership and citizenship, while having some fun," Major Dooley said. "It is a leadership course, as well as a course which offers in- sight into the military life," he added. Letters fo the editor The program is open to boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 18. There is no cost for the trainingor for uniforms. The Cadets meet every Wednesday night from 6:45 p.m.until9 p.m. In addition to the meetings the Cadet Corps offers summer camps, trips, hiking and a first- hand look at the military. "The experience can be used as a starting point for a career in the Armed Forces," Major Doo- ley said. Sometimes the experience can lead to employment for third or fourth-year Cadets, he added. Major Dooley is shooting for between 80 and 90 members this year. If there is a large membership he plans to have an extensive list of activities for the group. "It (Cadet Corps) really is something that should be taken advantage of," Major Dooley told the Port Perry Star. Inquiries into the Port Perry High School Cadet Corps can be made on Wednesday evenings at the school, or by calling Major Dooley at 985-7337, or 723-9930 or Lieutenant John Vanden- bergat (705) 324-8152. Old towels, rags heeded for project To the Editor: Further to Janet Banting's article on Waste Reduction Week in last week's paper the writer has volunteered as the Rag Man for that project. My job is to organize and co-ordinate the collection of clean, dry rags; i.e. old towels, wash cloths, dusters, drapes, curtains, bed- ding, etc. and other disposable material including used cloth- ing. This material can be deliv- ered to either the Caesarea or Port Perry Fire Halls on Friday, Oct. 2 and Saturday, Oct. 3. The material will then be delivered to a factory for the manufacture of industrial hand wipers and other such products. Start searching and saving now but don't stop at the com- pletion of Waste Reduction Week. This should be a year round and forever domestic pro- ject to reduce our garbage out- put and save landfill space. Please co-operate. Roy Gnerson. WE SUPPORT OUR HERITAGE. DON'T MISS THE NUTS ABOUT MILITIA, ! J by : ~ ~ - NGAI mY | Serremser - 19 & 20 AT $Cheam Z SCUCOG SHORES MUSEUM VILLAGE! PORT PERRY Open 9am to 10pm \_ 7 days a week Wy, a KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY STAR Port Perry High School held an activity day on Friday for the Grade 9 students. The day was intended to introduce the new students to the activities they could join at the school. Pictured are student council president Chris Brozina and vice-president Melissa Rudy. STONEMOOR DAY CARE CENTRES INC. 399 Queen Street, Port Perry B Offers a "Child Enrichment Programme" for children 18 months to 1 Full time and part time available [lowurs 6:30 am to 6:00 pm For further information call 985-0800 5 years. clean Sweep '92 Sale '92 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE $21 795% *19,900% '92 BUICK REGAL CUSTOM *12,995% 4 door, low km's # '92 SUNBIRD SE SEDAN Almost New '91 BUICK REGAL LIMITED 4 door, 14,000km '91 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE SE 4 door, 42,000km '91 CHEV CAVALIER Z24 COUPE 19,000km '91 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT 4 door sedan, 70,000km '91 CHEV CAVALIER COUPE 29,000km '91 PONTIAC FIREFLY HATCHBACK 5 door, 25,000km '90 BUICK PARK AVENUE 4 door, new car condition, 46,000km ------ '90 BUICK LeSABRE LIMITED 4 door, 49,000km '90 PONTIAC SUNBIRD LE 4 door sedan, 59,000km '90 PONTIAC TEMPEST automatic, air, 56,000km '90 SUNBIRD LE SEDAN 67,000km '90 CHEVROLET SPRINT 3 dr. hatchback, AM/FM radio, 39,000km '89 BUICK PARK AVENUE 4 door sedan, 55,000km '89 BUICK CENTURY CUSTOM 4 door sedan, 65,000km '89 CHEVROLET CORSICA 4 door sedan, 29,000km '89 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4 door sedan, 64,000km '89 SUNBIRD LE COUPE 55,000km '89 CAVALIER SEDAN 4 door, 76,000km '89 SUNBIRD LE 4 door sedan, 121,000km '87 SUNBIRD SEDAN iE 8 it od od TH i ik VANS & DEMONSTRATORS or cue smn ir $16,900 20 passenger 2000 17 600% OO essonger, 74,000k *16,500 89 oon widosan, 65,000 10,900 89 bon wdosite, 19000m 10,900 28 bo, decid, 99,000 10,900" 08 passenger. 98,000 #10,700 o divivaso iow sg 00m vaRISE Gr 7300 3 box, wiceside, T1000 7 900 OPEN DAILY - except Sundays & Holidays FARM, BUSINESS For Trimming, Pruning & Professional ; & RETAIL Removal of Branches & Trees os) COMPLETE COMPUTER +Stump Removal *Tree Removal & Pruning *Hedge & Shrub Trimming SETUP & SUPPORT IBM COMPATIBLES Repairs + Modems + Fax's & Upgrades - Computerized Records + All Major Software Packages Supported WM. 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