HTN oI SE) EE DR Vuk pl A -- _ a [pa mms ET oe Ea mp -- 4 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, October 27, 1992 . "Scugog's Community Ne wspaper of Choice" Township of Scugog Temporary Help TRAFFIC COUNTING The Township of Scugog, in co-operation with the Ministry of Transportation, examines on a yearly basis all local roads and streets for the purpose of developing a logical long range improvement programme. The determination of traffic volumes on the local road system is an essential part of the Study and is based on actual counts, at selected locations. Because of the large mileage, traffic at a number of those locations will be counted manually. The Township staff is not sufficient to cover all locations and consequently the assistance of residents is sought. Details are as follows: Period of Time Required: Approximately 6 hours in total - 4 hours for counting and 2 hours for advance instruction. Wednesday, November' 4th, 1992, approximately 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p-m. with instruction in morning and counting in afternoon. An insured vehicle to travel to count location and a driver's license and ability to count and record traffic with reasonable neatness on simple forms provided. A mileage travelling allowance and an hourly rate in accordance with the Township's policy for casual help will be paid. This work could be interesting for retired or semi-retired persons, housewives, or others who have time available on November 4th. Persons interested in applyin should contact the office of the Roads Superintendent, Mr. R.C. MacDonald. Applications will be selected according to receipt of application. Date: Requirements of Applicants: Compensation: R.C. MacDonald Road Superintendent Scugog Municipal Building Port Perry, Ontario Telephone: 985-7346 KARATE from 6 years to 65 VETS IMPROVES SOAS DAY NIRV I [OA PHYSICAL SOAY DI UN (OAYAYE RESPECT FOR OTHERS DISCIPLINE IMPROVES GRADES DRUG PROOFING SELF- CONFIDENCE SELF- ESTEEM ee ee ELAR I ETT helps me with a positive attitude and physical conditioning." AIDA CRAY OMY | DAE CHILDREN HIRYU BUSHIDO KAI Martial Arts Centre LSPSTRSTT [oo T- RST 3 3 2 Port Perry 985-0205 [Fm = mm mm mm -- Hospital beefs up security By Julia Dempsey Port Perry Star Community Memorial Hospi- tal has installed a new door- opening system at its emergen- cy entrance. The system will be more ac- cessible for people with limited mobility and will provide more security for the hospital, its pa- tients and staff. Connie Jamieson, manager of personnel services, and Rae Robson, director of nursing, said the two outer automatic sliding doors will remain the same. The change has been im- plemented on the two inner doors. One feature added to the doors is the "push and go" sys- tem, Mrs. Robson said. From the emergency foyer, a gentle pull on the doors will acti- vate the automatic opening sys- tem. From inside the hospital, the inner doors will open with a sim- ple press of a button, making it easier for people with limited mobility. The doors will be locked, how- GRADUATE Marion (nee Layzell) Watson of Blackstock recently received her Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Waterloo. Congratulations from her parents, Robert and Mary Layzell of Uxbridge, husband Randy, and children Stephanie, Robbie, Jesse and Joel. ----------- EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST, PORT PERRY ONT L9L 1B9 (416) 985-7306 ALL LINES OF 6.5% GENERAL INSURANCE A Division of National Victona 1 YEAR ANNUAL INTEREST 7.5% - 5 Year Annual NATIONAL "and Grey Trustco Rates Subject to Change without Notice A ---- ever, during the night starting at 10 p.m. A video camera and a two-way voice box have been in- stalled in the foyer. They are hooked up to monitors in the main and emergency room nursing stations. "What we are hoping is that if people have to come in after 10 p-m., they'll give us a call and we'll meet them at the door," Mrs. Jamieson told the Star. The women stressed that al- though there is always a doctor on call, he or she may not be at the hospital when an injured or sick person arrives. Calling ahead helps the nurses assess the urgency of the emergency. In a bid to upgrade securit Mrs. Jamieson says the hospi- tal realizes not everyone will call before coming to the hospi- tal. "Nobody will be denied en- trance if they don't call ahead of time," Mrs. Jamieson said. Mrs. Robson added, though, that large groups of people may be turned away, with admit- tance to only the injured person and perhaps one other person for security reasons. The new security system was installed as part of the Hospital Watch program. "We are conscious of the safe- ty and security of our patients and staff," Mrs. Jamieson said. y at Community Memorial Hos- pital, as well as making entrance easier for limited mobility visitors and patients, the hospital has installed a new door- opening system on the inner doors of the emergency en- trance. Connie Jamieson, manager of personnel services, and Rae Robson, director of nursing, are pictured showing the effectiveness of the system. -- The Children's Den Queen Street, Port Perry 985-9982 rm SIOUARE BO | i Pick-Up Special 11 20 slice © 2A] |MEDNIM PIZZA || BIGFOOT PIZZA & SUBS | erty POP 12 Slice Pizza H with 3 toppings and 80 Water Street, Port Perry * ree els mgm | Find us fast in I plus tax with pepperoni 1a cans of [] 9 i y Rg uU x 085 -844 8 ina Limited : pa tow | Additonal toppings available Not vaid with PEPSI Pie 13 Area I piggies . Il BIGFOOT PIZZA i 2°° of fF t n" BIGFOOT GIANT PIZZA th any other offer. | | Addisonal toppings available Nf vakd with any other ofer. || Additonal roppi ; ) : J , ngs available. Not vakd with any other offer | [Vale only with coupon. | a avo win) [LY23 00ly with coupon Expires Oct 3 LL -- (L220) with coupon. Expires Oct 31/92 ° od Have you heard? The Children's Den is having a . | LIU) Vetibec, Candlesticks, Edward Saykaly Sizes 2 - 14 Sale runs October 26 to November 8 Hours: Monday to Saturday 9:30-5:30: Friday 9:30-8:00; Sunday 1:00-5:00 | any 3 item - 28 slice lhe IT)