"A Family Tradition for 126 Years" Letters io ihe editor Signs a waste of money To the Editor: The members of the Kinsmen Club of Port Perry wish to ex- press their views at this time on the new "Welcome to Port Perry" entrance signs. We would first of all like to congrat- ulate whoever is responsible on their design as they are very at- tractive to our community. However, we do have some very strong concerns that we would like to share with the communi- ty and those involved with this project. Our first concern is the selec- tion process itself. As we under- stand this process, an individu- al approached the "Township Council" regarding the placing and financing of new entrance signs to Port Perry, under the condition that these signs in- clude reference to Port Perry be- ing the Purple Martin Capital of Canada and that these new signs would be 100 per cent paid for by the service clubs within Port Perry. We greatly appre- ciate the Township Council's ea- gerness to save "tax dollars" wherever necessary and we also appreciate the eagerness of a fellow citizen to volunteer their services to help improve the community. But does this ab- solve the Township council of their responsibility to make sure all the appropriate proce- dures are being followed? Who is ultimately responsible for property owned by the town- ship? As one of these service clubs, we were never contacted by any- body regarding our willingness to undertake or underwrite such a project at any time prior to construction. Needless to say, we take umbrage with an issue when the first time that we are contacted is when we receive an invoice for our share of the cost. And furthermore, that our club's name will not appear on these signs if we do not forward this money. As we were never called upon for our concerns or suggestions prior to the construction of these signs, we would now like to share our concerns with the community: Did Port Perry really need new entrance signs? Yes, we readily agree that the old signs were not particularly aesthetic or pleasingin their current con- dition. But they were functional and perhaps, we dare suggest, even reclaimable. From our vantage point it appeared that Dr. Kevin Dunkerley * Dr. Lionel McTague those who were eager to replace these former entrance signs were always the first to place their own home-made signs on them. Our club, like most other "service organizations" in town, never placed any signs any- where without official permis- sion, and any such signs were always professionally made. Who determined how much each volunteer group was to pay as their share in the financing of the building of these signs? How come some groups were asked to pay $400 - $550 more than other groups for the same thing? Why were some non- service groups that members of our community personally sup- - port and fellow service organi- zations also support financially with donations, asked to pay to have their name on the sign as well? Does that not seem pecu- liar, or perhaps self-serving by those wanting to finance the sign? Is it expected for these groups to spend their monies on this type of endeavor. Did the township know these non- service groups were being solic- ited for funds as well? Whose needs are being met here? When questioned about this, why were groups "candidly" told that they were not sup- posed to know about this? Our association's motto is "Serving the Community's Greatests Needs," and in this period of economic hardship for everyone, we morally cannot support the spending of $10,000 on these "Welcome Signs" when there are people and charities severely in need. We have only so many dollars to donate - so do not try to make us choose be- tween the food bank, a student bursary, the hospital fund, the Girl Guides, the Boy Scouts and a new road sign. If another per- son believes that he/she can guarantee that Port Perry ser- vice clubs will support such an endeavor, we would have hoped that he/she had at least made an effort to have sought their approval. Who made these signs? Was there a proper "tendering pro- cess?" If not, why not? If these signs are on township property, and thus become the property of the township, should there have been? Was a tender advertised? Are there not by-laws which regulate this procedure? Who will pay for the upkeep of these signs during the next few years? 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