"A Family Tradition for 126: Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Real Estate Section - Tuesday, November 10, 1992 - 7 AVAILABLE DEC. 1/92 - wo year old bungalow, close to downtown and plaza, on a quiet street. Electric forced air heating, living/dining room combination, three bedrooms, plus additional rooms and basement washroom, two car garage - $1,095/per month plus utilities, ref- erences required. Call Bryce 985- 8476 evenings. SHARED ACCOMMODATIONS - large house in Prince Albert, laun- dry, pay T.V. and cable, parking - $350 monthly indusive. 985-9080. LARGE, BRIGHT one bedroom apartment, available Nov. 1 - $535 a month. 985-3011 days or 985- 4875 evenings. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - The place to go when you bank says no! Anubis Investments. 416-668-7200 Whitby. : LARGE SEMI - furnished apart- ment, Dec. 15. Cable, parking, utili- ties included. No children, pets or smoking. First/last, references. Price flexible 985-0059. NEW, ONE BEDROOM, new fridge, stove, kilchen and bathroom - $399 plus electric. Sunderand 1- 705-357-3251 or'1-705-786-2514. THREE BEDROOM house for rent, available December 1, five minutes to Port Perry, newly decorated, fridge and stove $850 month. 985- 1399. THREE BEDROOM semi, finished rec room, Apple Valley - $900/month plus utilities, available Dec. 1/92. Phone 985-3502. BORELIA CO-OP has a two bed- room townhouse available for Jan. 1, 1993 - $682 plus utilities. Call 985-0423 for details. BRICK BUNGALOW in Prince Albert, two bedrooms up, one down, three kitchen appliantes, single detached garage, one acre. Decem- ber 1. $800 month plus utilities. 985- 2750 or 985-3291. BROOKLIN large room, close to all amenities, all inclusive. Available for December 1. 655-5539. COMMERCIAL UNIT - 1,500 - 3,000 sq. ft. with floor drains, 550 AMP service, 14' x 12' overhead door, ficrescent lighting. Available immediately - 985-8786. DELUXE 3 bedroom apartment in well kept building in Port Perry. Large living room and kitchen, two washrooms, balcony with sliding " doors, over 1000 sq. ft. living space. Ideal for retirement or those who enjoy quiet living. $810 plus hydro. Available immediately. 985-9253 FOR RENT OR SALE -Winterized lakefront cottage, Scugog Island $350 per month, plus utilities, suit- able for one person. References required. 985-2175. FOUR BEDROOM home available immediately - $1,100 per month plus utilities. Close to downtown. Call 985-3569. HALL SPACE for rent. For bright, pleasant, car- peted meetings, banquets, or exer- cise space. Call 985-7278. ONE BEDROOM apartment, just five minules from Lakeridge Ski Resort - $450/month all inclusive 985-9029. PORT PERRY downtown, brand new one and two bedroom condo- miniums from $750 to $950 month- ly, plus hydro, first and last required, no pets, 5 appliances included. bal- conies, ensuites, air conditioning, immediate occupancy. Call Ernie Duncan 985-2222 or Cheryl Hill 985-0718 Century 21 Success Inc. PORT PERRY two bedroom ground floor duplex, fridge and stove and ulilities included. Avail- able immediately. First and last, ref- erences required. 985-4455 between 9 am.-5 p.m, 985-3611 after hours and weekends. RETAIL/OFFICE SPACE. Prime Water Street location, flexable terms. 1-416-264-4916, evenings. SEAGRAVE TWO bedroom home, near lake, full basement, recently renovated - $775/month. Refer- ences. 985-4348. SHARED ACCOMMODATION, laundry facilities, $375 + 1/3 utilities, 394 Cochrane Court Phone 985- 1832 SHARED ACCOMMODATIONS - Blackstock on 7A Hwy. - $325/per month plus hydro. 986-5398 or 985- 8091 LARGE TWO BEDROOM unit including kitchen appliances, win- dow blinds, laundry room, pay own utilities - $800 per month, no pets, centrally located. Available immedi- ately, suitable for seniors/profes- sional couple. Phone between 10 am - 2pm. 705-745-6816. NESTLETON - large farm house - $500 plus utilities a month. Avail- able Dec. 1. 1-416-649-2037. BRICK WORK, fireplace, chimney, etc. Licensed bricklayer, quality work, 15 years experience, refer- ences available. Phone Gerry 985- 3584. CHIMNEY CLEANING - fireplaces, woodstoves, inserts and furnaces. Repairs also available. Frank 655- 5256. HOUSE CLEANING - experienced, very thorough, good refs. Monday or Fridays, available for weekly or bi-weekly service. Reasonable flat hourly rate. No extra charge for win- dows, stoves and fridge. 986-4566. HUNTERS - wild game cutting and wrapping. Port Perry 985-9916. KLM CONTRACTING specializing in kitchens, bathrooms, ceramic tile and family rooms. Free estimates. Call Keith Martin 986-4079. NEED A HAND? Call Murray. Grass cutting, window & eave- strough cleaning, gardening, hedge & tree trimmings, paper & painting, garage, attic, basement & yard clean-up & removal. Call 985-0069. PROFESSIONAL Wallpapering and painting. Reasonable rates. Call Roy Povey 985-0940. WILL BABYSIT in my home - shift work O.K., located at King St., Prince Albert. 985-1630. J & B HOME IMPROVEMENTS Spruce up now for Xmas on all interior Renovations. Rec Rooms, Hardwood Flooring, Ceramic Tiles, Drywall, Kitchens, etc. Pre-Xmas Painting Special Paint any 2 or more average size room at $75. per room complete (paint excluded) and have your washroom painted FREE of charge. ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES YEAR ROUND SERVICE Joe (416) 986-5682 Brian (416) 986-0820 Business Services ATTENTION PRINTER USERS Remanufactured TONER CARTRIDGES Save 50% Plus for Laser Printers, PC Copiers, Inkjet, Fax, and Ribbons -- Recycle & Save -- LASER PRINTER REPAIRS "call J.B.K. Industries Inc. 985-9695/Fax 985-9706 Be part of the &® solution - not part Help Wanted of the problem. PRIVATE, RESIDENTIAL MORT- GAGES - one stop financing. Prompt, confidential service. Cress- brook Investments Limited 985- 3832. ROYAL BANK MARLENE R. JOBB Account Manager Residential Mortgages 24 Hour Approva Appointments arranged at home or place of business. Evening and Weekend appointments available. BUS: (he 432-0840 RES: (416) 571-2168 Messages Toll Free Pager 1 (416) 551-7695 MORTGAGE LOANS 1st and 2nd's to 95% of value - all property types Prime Rates Quick Service & Approvals CALL (op {07:\) FINANCIAL CORP. 571-2880 OSHAWA 686-2935 PICKERING Business Opportunity ESSO SELF-SERVE service sta- tion for lease. Car and truck bays, coin-op car wash. Hwy. 12 north of Whitby. Call 416-531-1158. BUILD FINANCIAL SECURITY by nourishing our world New in Canada Become a Distributor/MLM 852-3697 852-9313 Help Wanted ADULT PART-TIME, interior deco- rating store. Call 985-2379 from 9 am. -5pm. expectations to: SALES REPRESENTATIVE -- GIFTS Old Port Marketing 1s a growing 12 year old wholesale distributor of giftware and decorative accessories. We distribute nationally some of Canada's most popular, better quality products and are highly regarded within the industry As our Toronto-East sales representative, you will provide service to our existing customer base of very small through large retail businesses You will also participate in industry trade shows here and across Canada We offer an exciting entrepreneurial atmosphere This position requires enthusiasm, commitment and a joy of serving people. You must be well organized, self-motivated, and an excellent communicator industry will be helpful - A genuine appreciation of quality products and service is essential Apply in writing stating expenence, qualifications and income OLD PORT MARKETING LTD. 16050 Old Simcoe Road Port Perry, Ontario LL 1P3 ATTENTION: Mr. Tom Mitchell, President Experience in the gift FUNDS REQUIRED lor investment in private first and second mort- gages. Good security and rates. Please call J. Austin 571-2880 City Can Financial Corp. : TICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF " JOHN ALEXANDER ARBUCKLE ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of JOHN ALEXANDER ARBUCKLE, late of the Township of Scugog in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 7th day of October, 1992 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of December, 1992 full particulars of their claims. IMMEDIATELY after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 28th day of October, 1992. FOWLER, DAVIES, Barristers and Solicitors, 175 North Street, Port Perry, Ontario, LoL 187 Solicitors for Linda Susan Arbuckle, Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LLOYD HUNTER ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of LLOYD HUNTER, late of the Township of Scugog in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 9th day of October, 1992 are hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 3rd day of December, 1992 full particulars of their claims. IMMEDIATELY after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 281th day of October, 1992. FOWLER, DAVIES Barristers and Solicitors, 175 North Streel, Port Perry, Ontario, LoL 187 Solicitors for Mabel Hunter, Nola Kyrytow and Jamie Hunter, | Executors. Owner 451 Paxton Street Port Perry, Ontano L9L 1A8 Radiology Suite, ACON : WJ A UCTIONS LTD. PO Box 220, Greenbank, ON LOC 1B0 (416) 985-1068 MORIAL HOSPITAL Port Perry, Ontario E.R./Ambulatory Care Alterations & Expansion Prequalification of: General Contractors Mechanical Contractors Electrical Contractors Community Memonal Hospital, Port Perry Mechanical & Electrical Consultants The E.C.E. Group Ltd. 205 Lesmill Road Don Mills, Ontario M3B 2V1 The scope of the work involves new construction of 2,244 square metres and renovations of 995 square metres with steel frame, single storey, slab on grade design. Areas of complexity include: Emergency/Ambulatory Care Department, Obstetrics Suite, Laboratory and Kitchen. Relevant and recent construction experience is sought in these areas of Health Care expertise. It is intended that the prequalified General Contractor will enter into a Contract with the Owner, with prequalified Mechanical and Electrical Subcontractors, who will submit bids through Oshawa Bid Depository. Bidders will be asked to show capability to obtain a 100% Performance Bond. Submission of CCA Document No. 11, Contractor's Qualification Statement, must be received no later than 3:00 p.m., local time Thursday, November 26, 1992 at the office of: Dunlop Farrow Inc. Architects 450 Front Street West Toronto, Ontario M5V 1B6 SATURDAY NOV. 14 SALESTIME: 11 AM UNRESERVED PUBLIC VEHICLE AUCTION. PETERBORO AUCTION CENTER. 2 miles east of Peterborough on Hwy #7. We will be selling to the HIGHEST BIDDER approx. 40 late model vehicles incl. 87 Jaguar Soverign, 91 Tempest, 90 Lumina Euro, 91 Dynasty, 90 Taurus, 90 Sunbird, 90 Cavalier, SW, 89 New Yorker, 90 Hyundai, 90 Tempo, 90 Colt, 90 Spirit, 89 Mazda, 89 Aries, 88 Cadillac Deville, 89 Sprint, 88 Aerostar van, 89 Dynasty, 89 Ford P/U, 89 Micra, 88 Sunbird, 88 Mustang, 90 Dynasty, 88 Premier, 86 Excel, 88 Delta, 88 Royale, 88 Subaru, 87 Turismo, 85 Crown Vic., 84 Reliant, 83 Malibu. Lists subject to additions & deletions. TERMS: $500. cash or Visa deposit at time of sale, balance within 5 days by cash or certified cheque. Vehicles guaranteed to have clear titles. FREE DRAW: $200. free draw at end of sale just for attending auction. SALE WILL BE HELD INSIDE BUILDING. Don't miss this excellent opportunity to purchase vehicles selling to the HIGHEST BIDDER. NOTE: 10AM We will be selling tools, tractor, some machinery-the property of HUGH & CAROL JACK, Fraserville. M.F. 2135 tractor with turf tires & Allied 390 quick attach loader, 8' flail mower, 3 pt. field sprayer, Ford post hole auger, 7' blizzard snowblower, 7' scraper blade, J.D. AMT600 5 wheeler with hydraulic dump box, Bushhog mower plus misc. NO RESERVE owners moving. Followed by UNRESERVED AUCTION OF 40 VEHICLES - 11 AM. INFO. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS, PETERBOROUGH (705) 745-5007. Architect: Dunlop Farrow Inc. Architects 450 Front Street West Toronto, Ontario M5V 1B6 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques for Mrs. Thirza Johnston of Uxbridge, selling at Neil Bacon Auc- tions Lid., comer of Hwy. add), To indude: drop leal gate leg table, Bonnet chest (ex.) ee (refin- ished), n washstand, oak bar- ber's , double bed, iron board, rocker, three gunstock chairs, antique viewer, serving table, National cash register, antique brass Gimball ship compass, glass- ware, pictures, Ironstone dishes, wringer washer, child's sleigh, crock, eight unusual flat irons, Immaculate silver Hampton pocket watch, 1870 optical kit, antique Stanley tool books, 1923 Rod and Gun magazines, Workmate, lawn- mower, wheelbarrel, garden tools. Sale sold and managed by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 985- 1068. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SALE TIME: 12 NOON Outstanding auction sale antique furniture and collectables. Viewing 10:30 a.m. ORONO TOWN HALL, Main st., Orono. (take 401 to 115/35 Hwy. and north 10 km.) Auction fea- lures a large and exceptional selec- tion of antique fumiture in as found and refinished condition, plus a quality selection of rare and unique collectables. Partial list to include Hoosier cupboard w/glass doors (ref.), Bonnet chests (ref. & orig.) . several sideboards and buffets, two pcs. kitchen cupboard (c20s), 5' harvest table, drop front desk, old school desk, old square Coke cool- er (c1950s), horsecutter, wash- stands, kneehole desk, misc. dressers and chests of drawers (rel. & orig.), two old brass and iron beds, old tables (kitchen, parlour, work occassional, etc.) blanket and slorage boxes, old tool chests, misc. chairs and rockers (child's, primitive, sets, pressbacks, gun stock, cap- tain, etc.), Pillar clock and two Gin- gerbreaa clocks, two violins, large penny rug, wicker doll carriage, miniature childs cupboard, paper mache horse on wheels loy horse tricycle (c50's), wooden washing machine and churn, brassfireplace shield, bells, crocks and jugs, CPR lamps, old tins and signs. Plus many more collectable pieces found in and around an old home. Also a fine selection of glass and china, including set of six Rosenthol ser- vice plates (rare and exc.), set of six pink Coalport cups and saucers, plus Nippon, Depression, crystal, etc and Royal Doulton, Sweet and Twenty #HN1298. Once again we are pleased to offer some excellent articles from days gone by, come early, browse and enjoy our hospi- tality and plan on staying late as this is a large sale. (Next auction Sun- days Dec. 6, 13, and 27th). Mac- GREGOR AUCTIONS Mike Mac- Gregor 416-987-5402, Junior West 416-983-5556. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 SALE TIME: 5 P.M. Auction sale al Islander Banquet Hall, Percy Cres., on Scugog Island Small good estate with dining room suite, maple desk, writing desks, china cabinet, washstands, wardrobe, sofa beds, small appli- ances, beds, dressers, small doll collection, old cradle, water pumps, air compressor, wood stoves, Harlequin book collection, tea pots, mantle clocks, plus much more Viewing from 2 p.m. 985-9807 or PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13 SALE TIME: 6 P.M CORNEILS AUCTION BARN - con- tents of Port Perry home and local Lindsay estate, Duncan Fyfe drop leaf table, modern hutch, 6 walnut dining room chairs, coffee and end lables, 4 pc. modern bedroom suite, floral chesterfields and chair, oak parlour table, walnut parlour table, mantel clocks, two door harvest gold refrigerator, maple table and chair, modern pine chesterfield and platform rocker, Filter Queen vacu- um, walnut end tables, 24° Beatty electric stove, entertainment centre, maple dinette suite, occasional chairs, coal oil lamps, carousel horse, 1983 Oldsmobile certified, 1978 Ford 1/2 ton, drill-saw-lathe combination, Hoosier cupboard, two-10 case gun cabinets, tools, McClary Youkon triple heater wood- stove, brass bed, qty. china, glass and collectable items DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS, R.R. 1, Little Britain Phone or fax 705-786-2183.