14 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, November 17, 1992 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" eA Fellowship Sisters dinner this year will be Nov. 20, 1992 at the Gate Restaurant at 6:30 .m. Members are asked to ring their signed gift. Mem- bers not attending, please make arrangements to get their gifts to the dinner. New members, please bring a gift to exchange with other new members. A note to the Block Parent reps in the area. I have finally received the new application hit We carry Suit Sizes from 34 to 52 forms from the Durham Region- al Police. I will be dropping them off to you soon. For anyone interested in becoming a Block Parent the area reps are, for the Village of Seagrave, Sandra Wickens, Mariposa Estates - Emilie Lemieux, Robinglade Estates - Diane Runcieman, or anyone can contact myself, Ann Sandiford. Happy birthday this week to Rick Thomas and Kim Wray. Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per and two baptisms were cele- brated last Sunday. The two andsons of Charlie and Bar- ara Short, Andrew Cyril, son of Bernie and April Steinsky and Craig William Short, son Penny and Bill Short were bap- tised. The beautiful flowers in the chancel were in memory of the late Mrs. Viola Porter, Don- na Sweetmans mother. Next Sunday, Nov. 22, 1992 RR the minister in a pulpit ex- change will be Elaine Barber from the Scugog Manchester Pastoral charge will be leading the service. Please remember White Gift Sunday this year on Nov. 29, T saLE VISA + MASTER CARD AMERICAN EXPRESS als Gift Boxes L/ " Seagrave N by Ann Sandifo NIC he} -- - a He 1992. A non-perishable food gift will be most appreciated. That is it for the news this week. Please call Kim Blakely with your news next week at 985-4662. OSHAWA CENTRE (01241 HY [0] Ie =f = I Ko Ho [o IP HO 0) SYAVRN IR {7A NAC He [ GH 0) DUNN'S Oshawa's Favorite Men's Store