. The Jfomery Auberge « For Women & Children E sonfidentiality assured 728-7311 |crisis CenTRE 1; - | Call collect if necessary Office Hours: 10 - 5 Mon. to Fri. BRYANT, Clarance A rye away January 20, 1983. | have day to day No length the time can lake away For in my heart your always near Still loved, missed and very dear - "Lovingly remembered by, wife Ruby In memory of Clarence (Ted) Bryant who passed away January 20, 1983. Dad, this is the day 10 years ago that you left the ones that loved you, and you loved. My heart and memory are still filled of the days we shared. You were the best father that. will | miss you Dad, but | know God took you to where you would not suffer ay longer in pain. | strongly believe that some day we will be together again To share moments with each other once again. Sadly missed and always thought of, ~ your loving daughter, Rhonda A PHOTO of a home appeared in our ads by mistake and Century 21 Success Inc. apologizes to the owner for any inconvenience that might have occurred. ANNUAL MEETING OF Blackstock Agricultural Society, Thursday, Jan. 21 - 7 p.m, at the Recreation Cen- tre. Pot luck dinner. Speaker: Lau- rence Van Camp on his trip lo Ger- many and U.K. All welcome. BRANSON, MISSOURI BUS, Tour - May 1 -8, eight days, seven nights. The new home of country music. Deposit required by Feb.25. Leav- ing Port Perry, Whitby. Call Barb Porter 416-436-9454 INTRA Travel - Oshawa, Ont. Reg. No. 2685156. COME TO PORT PERRY Country Market! Experience our clean, friendly, country atmosphere. Antiques, collectables, crafts and much more with over 90 indoor ven- dors. Free parking and admission. Wheelchair accessible. Open Satur- day and Sunday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. year round. Located on Hwy. 7A west of Port Perry. Phone 416-985- 8424 for more information. IF YOU HAVE spare time once a week, once a month or once a year - volunteer...Community Nursing Home Volunteer meeting, Monday, Jan, 25 - 6:30 p.m. pot luck dinner; 7:30 p.m. guest speaker. Join us al the ek or call Kim 985-3205. SUNDANCE MEADOWS (farm and exotic animals). .Book now for school trips, group picnics, Birthday parties, etc. 705-357-2725. LOSE EXCESS WEIGHT for the last time & keep it off. Call Deb at Healthstyle at 985-9372. THE FOOT STOP - advanced nurs- ing foot care clinic, Sunderland Medical Center. Call 705-439-2875 for appointment. THE MEATING PLACE home of * Old Country Catering offers full ser- vice for weddings, banquets or any occasion. 985-2818. TRAVEL - service for all your travel needs. Call Wilma Wotten CTC, ITP - Mitchell Travel 986-4602. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS For Help Call THE DENISE HOUSE Toll Free - 1-800-263-3725 SCUGOG RAPE =) 24 Hr, Crisis Line 579-8006 4 - o i 985-8850 EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY MVC Office at 16 Water Street, Port Perry has a new phone number 985-0373 ANNUAL MEETING Ontario Pine Grove ( Cemetery Co. Municipal Building, Port Perry | Sanurday January 23rd, 1 -- 1:30 pm All Plot Owners Welcome 5. A. Wan sinahet TYRE Vs. 3 So then, it while her husband liveth, '§ she be marred to another man, she shall be called an aduheress. : JESUS IN OSHAWA rout, 170586154 30478 TOMMY HUNTER BUS trip, Salur- - day, March 6. Matinee perfor- mance, evening meal, highway coach. Leaving Oshawa/Whitby, Port Perry. Reserve by Feb. 1. Barb Porter 416-436-9454. 16 HORSE POWER Wheel Horse automatic tractor, 48° mid mount mower, hydraulic lift, snowblower, chains, excellent. First $2,500 takes it. Ed 852-7190. FIREWOOD - all hardwood, cut & oh 16"; also firewood logs. 985- FIREWOOD SEASONED - hard- wood, cut, split and delivered. Bush cords or face cords. 705-786-1458. FRIDGES, STOVES, washers, dry- ers and freezers. 986-5312. FUR FULL LENGTH fox coal, size | 14-16 - asking $550. 1-705-357- 3798. GUNS WANTED old or modern, any amount also swords and ammunition, Immediate cash After 6 p.m. 852-3986. HADDEN SATELLITE SYSTEMS - Salellite systems, towers, rotors, Cantel cellular phones, alarm sys- tems, sales, service, installation. . 852-3796. HAY*HAY*HAY - round bales 4x5, Timothy/Alfalfa, wheat straw too, square bales. Call 705-786-2639. HAY & STRAW, delivered, round & square bales. Small or large lots. Tom Beers 705-432-2675. IBM COMPUTER PS2 40 386SX, 80 Meg HD, 2Meg Ram, 3.5" and 5- 1/4" drives, IBM 8515 HI RES VGA color monitor, IBM 24P Proprinter, mouse, window, loaded with soft- ware, games, warranty. $2,800. 986-5390. MASSEY FERGUSON 165 tractor with heavy duty industrial loader, low hours, in good condition - $6,500 or B.O. 985-1895. NORTH DURHAM APPLIANCES rebuilt appliances, Starting from $150. Guaranteed and delivered. pliance parts and service. 985- 1271. POOL TABLE - 4x8 wood, with balls - $400. 985-0410. AIRTIGHT STOVES & FIRE- PLACES, inserts and zero clear- ance, new and used. Overridge Retail, Port Perry - 985-0715. ANTIQUE SOFA, wing back, wood trim, recently re-upholstered - $500. 985-4087. ANTIQUE WALNUT VANITY - three way mirror, cane bench - $375, matching dresser, two press- back chairs - $30/pair, huge solid pine rocker - $100,"smaller one - $75, exercise bike - $10, three cof- fee lables, two end and one round - $75, loiding ping- pong table - $20. 986-5618. APPLES - Cortland, Spy, and Mcintosh. Willowtree Orchard, 700 Reach St 985-9205. : BABY FURNITURE for sale. Crib, F.P. high chair, etc. Phone 986- 0923. BEAR/JENNINGS Compound Bow round wheels, quiver, four pin sights tarantulas, new string, cheap. 416- 985-3725 Jeremy. CEDAR POSTS & RAILS - 986- 0828. DRY HARDWOODfirewood,\cut, split and delivered $180 bush cord. 1-705-786-2423. ELECTROLUX - service, supply and sales, 60 Van Edward Dr., Port Perry. Overridge Retail 985-0715. ROSSIGNOL 160 Jr. Skis, Look bindings - $100. Size 7 boots - $25. Used once. Call 985-1504. SEASONED FIREWOOD - $60 - 12 inch - $10 extra for delivery. vd 7745. SECTIONAL COUCH AND Bauhaus, blue, excellent condition. After 3 p.m. - 985-3559. - x os Sr SKATES SIZE 7 - Bauer Supreme Custom 3000 - used 10 times, regu lar - $299 - rsdn 9150 we 5651 after 7 p.m. SNOWBLOWER - Arlens 7 h.p. walk behind, good condition, 986- 4283. SNOWBLOWERS: yy models for John Deere and Allis-Chalmers tractors. 10 h.p. and 16 hp. used A-C garden tractors with snowblowers. One only new Mertin Meteor 87° farm snowblower - $1,975. Trewin Farm Equipment, Blackstock 986-4283. STRAW, BARLEY AND oats. Phone 655-3064. TOBOGGAN, - recliner chair, Ly table, chairs, rollaway bed, skidoo suit, boots, much more. Call 985- 8146. TYPEWRITERS, FAX MACHINES, ribbons, service and supplies for all makes and models. Jenkins Busi- ness 728-7591 985-9783. WALNUT LUMBER - 1°-4° variable widths, lengths, 985-9223, WOOD SHAVINGS at wholesale prices, compressed bags, $2.90 plus GST, free delivery on large orders. Page Holme Farms, Uxbridge. 416-852-6005. WOOD SHAVINGS - kiln dried, bulk lots, dumped. 655-4491. WOOD STOVES - gas fireplaces, brand names, great prices, stainless sleel liner from 5.70 per ft. Bishop's Contracting. 986-5846. YAMAHA ORGAN-PIANO with roll top and all the rhythm buttons, excellent condition. 985-2359. 1986 MAZDA 626 LX - 4.dr., gold, 5 speed, very good condition, no rust, dependable, certified: - $3800 or B.O. 985-2006. . RUSTY. Y. CAR? Gel re aired before the winter. cor lL rapare ps plete. Metal work, hea: insurance work. Ask about our guar- anlee. The Sixties Shop. 985-8959 SEGA GENESIS - J.M. Football, N.H.L. Hockey, Roadrash, R.B.I. Baseball 3, - $25 each. 985-0854. SEVEN FT. agro-trend snowblower, 2 yrs. old - $1,300 or B.O.; manure spreader - $500 or B.O. 985-1895. SIDES OF PORK and beef from $120. Call Ed 416-852-7190. ANNOUNCEMENT Brooklin Rentals New Customer Services Repairs to tractors, motorcycles, snowmobiles, diesel & gas engines & welding repairs. We repair almost anything. cal 655-3600 ednesday, January 27, 1993 Brooklin United Church Ross Stevenson, M.P. (Fed.) / Judy Mintz (Prov.) EVERYONE WELCOME 1993 ANNUAL MEETING ne LAKE SCUGOG HISTORICAL SOCIETY on Thursday, January 28, 1993 at 7:30 pm This annual meeting will be held in the HEAD MEMORIAL UNITED CHURCH ON MUSEUM GROUNDS Guest Speaker YVONNE CHRISTIE Readings from "Aunt Lizzie's Diary" Nominations wil be received for the executive of the Lake Scugog Historical society. 1986 FORD RANGER XLT, super cab 4x4, new gas tank, new exhaust, new brakes. Bought new truck - must sell - $3,895 or 'B. O. 985-9783 or 728-7591 days. TRUCK CAPS, box liners, running boards, sales & installation. Van & Truck Woy 579 068. 1978 SKIDOO ) 340 - $850 or BO. 1978 Arctic Cat 250 - $750 or B.O. - both in excellent condition, 985- 4507. } 1982 YAMAHA s. R Vv. nce ont shape, very fast, $2600 or bo. Call 985-2393 days, 986-5808 evenings. 1984 YAMAHA 340 XL - in excel- lent condition, handlebar warmers, electric start. 1983 Yamaha Bravo in good condition, double snowmo- bile trailer. 985-1897. JOHN DEERE Spit Fire snowmo- bile, excellent - $1,200. 985-2615. LOW RATE snowmobile repair - 15 point pre-season tune up $50 for most sleds. All repair work. 436- 2611, 404-3027. SNOWMOBILE SEATS recovered from $50. Call Chris 985-9904. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PARTIE. SKC registered, shots, two years guaranteed. 852- 1984. LAB PUPS - CKC registered, black and yellow, excellent pens. 7 705-799- 7421. FOUR MATURE CROSS Herford/Blonde cows with calf. Two heifers cross Herford/Blonde with calf. 985-1897. , INDOOR RIDING arena, small modem stable, daily umout, lots of T.L.C. Close to Hwy. 12 and 47. Phone 416-852-4156. QUEEN Se mattress ~ call 905- 4997 afer § p.m. THREE OR FOUR bo h Yess with garage, mature couple, no pets, rural location, within 10 miles of Port Perry, preferred mininum three year lease with option to pur- chase, references available. Reply to Box 2, c/o Port Perry Star, 188 Mary St, Pont Party, Ont. LOL 1B7. $499 TO $524. Winter discount. One and two: bedroom apartments. Spacious, clean, curtains, fridge, slove, cable, one block to stores. Janetville 705-328-0600. AVAILABLE MARCH 1/93 - three plus one bedroom house, finished rec. room, walk to schools - 3590. BACHELOR AND two bedroom ed. 985-9150. BACHELOR APARTMENT. .- $325/inclusive. Suit one pérson in country. 9865618, - a BACHELOR SATE avail- able, downtown Port Perry. Utilities included. Call Laurie between 8:30 am.- 1:30 p.m. at 985-4673. 'BROOKLIN ONE AND TWO bed- room apartments at different loca- tions. Fridge, stove, parking, hydro 'extra, large, newly decorated, close to all services, reasonable rates. Days 655-4544; evenings 655- 8989. BROOKLIN large room, close to all amenities, all inclusive. Available now. 655-5539. : -BROOKLIN one ang. -- bed- room apartment, close to all ameni- ties. Avaiebie for Febniary 1, 1993. x So COMMERCIAL, RETAIL, OFFICE SPACE. 500 sq. ft. Prime Wafer Street location, flexable terms. 1-° 416-264-4916, evenings. 3,000 sq. fi. with floor drains, 550 AMP service, 14' x 12' overhead door, florescent lighting: Available immediately - - 985-8786. : INDUSTRIAL UNIT. - dpproximately 1,200 sq. ft.,: 14' loading door on busy road, washroom ( ~ for automotive or light manufactur- ing - $450/month. 985-3198. - KINSMEN HALL - Available for .dances, meetings, receptions. Kitchen & bar, Plenty of parking. 985-3736. .woodstove, non- $1,000/month plas utilities. 985- apartment, stove and Fiige in includ- vate entrance. Fr COMMERCIAL UNIT - 1,500 -. | pu sestoou mur and ast S850/phis Ualiies. 852- 8700 or ha ONE BEDROOM APATTMENT . in' town, available and last - di on appliances included, references. 985-2067. - ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT ; private entrance, ground floor, non- Stoker, $450 month plus heat, 985- 0413. i ONE BEDROOM rrr apartment In new home. Country lot, very private, bright, spacious, private entrance. 15 minutes north of Port Perry, first and last Great for: retired couple $600/month, heat and hyrdo includ ed. Available April 1. Phone after 6 p.m. 705-357-1392. ONE BEDROOM five pre from Lakeridge Ski Resort, $450 per month all inclusive, 985-9029. ONE BEDROOM private apari- ment, spectacular view, on lake, pi @, stove, no pets, non-smoker - $600 includes utilities and parking, Available immediately. Port Peny area. 985- 2751. ONE BEDROOM pre Fawn = $425/month, all inclusive, cable in private home in Nestleton. 985- 0715. : PRINCE ALBERT bright, Jon and , two bedroom apartment. Parking; - fridge' and stove - $675/plus hydro. Mrs. Evans. 985- 8939. SHARED ACCOMMODATION, laundry facilities, $375 + 1/3 u 394 Cochrane' Count. Phong: 1832. SHARED pr . $300/month plus half utlities, Scu- gog Island. 985-1993. 511i SUN VALLEY, Seagrave, ove wg a 'bedroom house; close 1 woodstove - $800/month plus utili- ties. 416-571-4776... THREE BEDROOM HOU USE - close fo town, big back yard, avail able Feb. 1. Call 985-1710 or 965- 9077. yn THREE BEDROOM house, close to downtown - $875/month plus utili: ties, references required, first and fast, avallable Feb. 1. 9859077. non-smoker, No pets, LARGE, BRIGHT one bedroom in downtown Port Perry, available immediately - $535/month. 985- 3011. LARGE, TWO BEDROOM apart- ment. Fridge, stove, heat, hydro, walter, g induded. One block from stores - $685/per month, avail- able March 1/93. Phone 985-2846. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT - downtown Port Perry, stove and fridge, first and last month's rent, $475/plus heat and hydro. Available Feb. 1/93. Call 985-7303. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT downtown. Fridge, stove, water included. Available Feb. 1 - $625/month. Phone 985-7101 ask for David. ne TWO BEDROOM main floor ment, central Port March 1. $695 plus Call Grant 985-4427. VERY NICE, exvomely affordable, dutch clean, 'one and wo bedroom $499. 705-328-0600. apartments, in Janetville, start at STORAGE | Mini & Maxi PORT PERRY AREA 416) 985-7622 LINDSAY AREA NOTICE TO CREDITORS "AND OTHERS INTHE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PETER VAN KESSEL ALL PERSONS having claims - against the Estate of PETER VAN KESSEL, late of the Township of Scugog in the Regional Municipality of durham, who died on or about the 4th day of October, 1992 are hereby notified to send to the ui on or before the 19th day of Febru- why 1993 ful particulars of their IMMEDIATELY. after the said dale the assets, of the sald deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims .of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 8th day of January, 1993, FOWLER, DAVIES, Barristers and Solicitors, + 175 North Street, Pe LoL 187 9. Solicitors for, Ronda Van essa! Herman Van Kessel, Andrew Van Kessel and go 328-0061 i vd [4