Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 2 Feb 1993, p. 32

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OR - RORTRERANS TAR: Tuesday, February 2; 1993 "Scugog's Cohimuhity NeW3papel 8Y Choice™ All eyes on groundhog to Very happy January is now over and February has arrived. Tuesday, Feb. 2 18 Groundhog Day...a day when the comings and goings of groundhogs -are supposed to determine an early or late spring. According to tra- dition if it sees its shadow, the groundhog returns to its hole for six more weeks of winter. A'Thought Give me Lord a bit o'sun...a bit of work and a bit o' fun...give us all in the struggle and splut- ter...our daily bread and a bit o' butter...give us Lord a chance to be...our goodly best, brave, wise and free...our best for ourselves and others...til all men learn to live as brothers. From an old English Inn Family Concerns Very delighted to have Bryan and Trish Cawker and small Dylan of Kitchener for luncheon guests on Saturday. A great af- ternoon of visiting and enjoying little Dylan. After refreshments they left for Peterborough to dine and stay overnight with sister Cheryl and husband Da- vid Clarke. Trust good friend Neta Fish of Cadmus Road, will soon be feeling like her old self again af- ter a bad bout with the preva- lent stomach flu, and a nasty weakening thing tobe sure. Curt and Christine Cawker and two-year-old Merisa of Co- bourg, dropped in Sunday after- noon for a visit and what a great time we had...lots of fun with lit- tle Merisa...later they went for a thrilling skidoo ride around the farmstead...and enjoyed re- freshments after they returned before heading for home. Nestleton United Church A good attendance for Sun- day, Jan. 81, 11:16 a.m. fourth after Epiphany. Kay Notman and family were the cordial greeters at the door. Rev. Dale Davis conducted the service and opened with Call to Worship and hymn "Sing Ye Praises to the Father" was sung with Kar- en Yellowlees the organist. The children's theme "to be caring and loving" as taken by the min- ister. The five part choir composed of Katie, Regenia, Shirley, Kay and Karen sang "Never Alone" in harmony with Carol Mairs at the piano. Rev. Dale Davis' mes- sage, "Bless You" was of much interest with a discussion on the Beatitudes and the scrip- ture passages were from Micah 6: 1-8 and Psalm 15, read by Claire Notman. The offerin was taken by Ina Davis and Barb Weir and the Doxology was sung. After the Prayers of the People of God...the Lord's Prayer was sung. Hymn "Eter- nal, Unchanging, We Sing to Thy Praises" was sung followed by Benediction and Of Thy Love closed this fine service. After a wonderful pot luck luncheon was enjoyed with plenty of food for everyone - the congregational meeting was held. Rev. Dale Davis chaired the meeting with Jean Williams acting as secretary. Reports were accepted as printed! A splendid meeting. Ken and Barb Weir of Oshawa attended the meeting and found it most interesting and informative, A first for them! Caesarea News Don't forget this comin weekend is the fireman's fis derby...from 7 a.m. Saturday to noon on Sunday. Also, of inter- est, the Hall Board is having a pancake breakfast this coming Sunday from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. You won't want to miss that! On Saturday, the Cartwright Youth Council were selling hot chocolate at the park to the skaters...and we all know how cold it was! Saturday afternoon Rick Boccaccio started to build a shelter for the kids, and on Sun- day, Jamie Wade and Jennifer Balser finished the job. Sincere appreciation to that team. Congratulations to the Cae- sarea people for persevering during this cold winter to make it an enjoyable one for all! Next week a Valentines Dance will be held on Saturday evening, Feb. 13 at 8 p.m. in the hall...and lasts until 1 a.m. Sun- day. A great time for all! Sympathy Extended Our sympathy goes out to Ai- leen Dawson and family of Port Perry, in the loss of her beloved husband Lloyd Dawson who passed away suddenly on Sun- - by Michelle Bull § jobs has been to A short time ago, I saw an Academy Award winning film called Deadly Deception. This doc- umentary film was researched, produced and distributed by a group called INFACT. It de- scribes the General Electric Company's involve- ment in the nuclear weapons industry, and in some of the most horrendous environmental ir- responsibility in modern history. If you are like me, you probably thought GE was primarily involved in making light bulbs and stoves. As a matter of fact, that is the smallest part of what they do. They make all the stuff that comes out under the GE and the Hotpoint label, but they also make a lot of med- ical equipment, and they have been one of the top three nuclear weapons producers in the USA. The company maintains a lobby staff in Washington of 150 members, the largest lobby group in Washington, and one of their main rsuade Congress to buy more and more nuclear weapons, in spite of the fact that the Cold War is over. INFACT is a citizens' lobby group which takes on big corporations. You may remember them from the successful boycott of Nestles, which 'was persuading third world mothers to give up breastfeeding their babies and buy formula in- stéad. Since the moms didn't have clean water to mix with the formula, and since they couldn't afford it anyway, they were diluting it much too much with contaminated water and their babies were dying. INFACT organized a boycott which worked. Nestles stopped selling formula in the third world. By the way, a couple of years after the boycott was called off, Nestles has been try- ing to start up its sales again, and the boycott I ack on. This is the up that has taken on GE. They have shown how GE {is not only lobbying for more and more nuclear arms, but also behaving very irresponsibly with the radioactive materi- als. They have not stored their nuclear waste and other toxic waste properly and it is leaking into the environment. They do not take ade- quate precautions for their staff, who have a horrendous cancer rate. In the 50s they delib- erately released an incredible amount of radio- active waste into the atmosphere near one of their plants. People and animals downwind were suffering revolting diseases and muta- tions. Most of this has been denied and covered up, of course, but as the film makes clear, the evidence is there and it cannot be denied. INFACT has called for a complete boycott of all GE products, including those under the Hot- point label. The most effective part of this boy- cott has been the hospitals, since GE makes a very large part of its income from sales of medi- cal equipment. I telephoned the INFACT office this week to find out the latest details of the campaign, and I was amazed to find that after quite a short time, GE has agreed to withdraw from the nuclear weapons industry, completely! This is wonderful news. They haven't actually done it yet, and ft is very important to maintain pressure on the company until it has been done. They also haven't taken responsibility yet for cleaning up the incredible amounts of toxic waste they have generated over the years, but this is a victory. Once GE stops making nuclear weapons, they will lose interest in lobbying Congress to pur- chase them. The company that is buying the business is very small and much less powerful, so it will not be able to influence the government to anything like the same degree. The other really good thing about this 1s that it really demonstrates the power that ordinary people have. If we care enough about peace and security for our children, and about the environ- ment, then we can have a huge effect. We can even make a giant like GE cave in to our de- mands. This is wonderful to know. I would invite you to join in the GE boycott, and write to the board members to tell them you are doing it. I have a number of addresses if you are interested in doing this. You can also write to INFACT, 256 Hanover St., Boston, MA 02113, USA for more information. Locally, more information can be obtained calling Janet Banting at 985-3225 or Janet Dunkley at 986-4524. Janet Dunkley has a cop- py of Deadly Deception and would end it to those Interested. I also invite you to take courage from this. We little people can make a difference. It took IN- FACT seven years to bring GE to its knees. That's not a very long time, considering the pow- er and influence of GE. We can make a differ- ence in the world! willing to eto by Mabel C Nest day at the Community Memori- al Hospital in Port Perry. Son, Dennis predeceased him in 1972. Lloyd will be sadly MS yepathy also to Betty and ympathy also y an Larry Headon and family of Nestleton, in the loss of Betty's fine father Forbes Clarke of To- ronto. Her mother predeceased him some years ago. He will be missed by all who knew him. The rnoon Unit of Nestle- ton U,.C.W. will meet at the home of Anne Emerson of Nes- tleton, on Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 1:30 p.m. Our new leader Mari- on Hall in charge! Nestleton Presbyterian Church With a smaller attendance, due to some sickness, and the snowy weather, Rev. Fairley conducted the regular service at aesareibe awker , C day 2 a IN 11 a.m. Joyce Taylor played for the hymns, and also accompa- nied her granddaughter Da- nielle who sang "Near to the Heart of God." D. Lee taught Sunday School. Psalm 16 was read respon- sively and scripture readings were from Micah 6 and Mat- thew 5. The question was - "why do we pray in the name of Je- sus?" and the answer - because we are assured that we will be heard. . Rev. Fairley spoke on the thought of eternal life, and our hope of going to Heaven. We should do justly - show mercy - and walk humbly with God - and we arein Heaven now. Good health is wished for Mr. Geo. Scott and also Mrs, (Rev.) D. Macdonald who is presently in Soldiers Hospital, Orillia. Local residents bump into each other at airport RY I apologize to all those people who were looking for the Prince Albert News two weeks ago and couldn't find it. I found it in my coat pocket when I was on lunch duty. Be Sometime ago these people won at the Thursday night eu- chre - Yvonne Gibson, Jean Pogue, Elsie Forbes, Gord Smith, Milton Anderson, and Pat Norton. Lucky draw win- ners were Elsie Forbes, Nor- man Rohrer, and Gord Smith. Prince Albert has been sad- dened by the loss of some favor- ite people - Eleanor Lane passed away a few weeks ago. Sympathy is extended to her husband Clyde and their sons and daughter. Also sympathy is extended to Brian and Donna Marlow, Paul and Melodie Marlow and their children. Mr. Marlow, Brian and Paul's father passed away recently. Grace and Les Beacock had her sister Mary Devitt for din- ner on Tuesday and also their grandson Craig for dinner o Thursday. ! Susan Hobbs has finally got her daughter but she's in the form of her neice Shelley who is spending time in Canada to face a Canadian Winter. Shelley is the daughter of Richard's broth- er who lives in England. Shelley also spent some time in London, Ontario to taste western Onta- rio weather. We all hope you have a nice stay in Canada. Beth and Lloyd Pereman took son Andrew and friends to din- ner on Saturday night to cele- brate Andrew's birthday. What a stormy night they picked. Let's hope everyone had a good time in spite of the weather. If you think Ken and Mau- reen Dowson look a little brown- eS a a a a he nan en A er than usual, its because the have just returned from mudi warmer climate. : Ken said he had meetings to attend but I'bet they were all on' the beach. Makes you want to give up teaching and enter the grocery . business. The new U.C.W. executive took office on Sunday. Looks like the same familiar faces. Good luck ladies. We all hope Jou have a very successful year. p Terry and Lloyd from hid- ing those choice pies. Sympathy is extended to the families of Victor Willes who passed away last week and also to his wife Axie who is in Flori- da. The winners for the weekly euchre last week were Ladies: Jean Pogue, Doris Hill, Rita Storie. Mens: Richard Manns, Norman Rohrer, Owen Gray. Lucky draws: Doris Redman, Mary Poots, Owen Gray. ; Reports are that James Emerton is coming along after surgery last October and hope- fully will be home sometime this month. Friends of Rev. and Mrs. Charlie Clarke hope they are feeling better and will be able to spend some time in Florida. Sunday, Feb. 7 will be the an- nual meeting at the Prince Al- bert United Church. A pot luck lunch will be held right after church. Please bring your own dishes and cutlery along with your food. Meeting will follow. I do not have any other news as I have been having a holiday in Florida for a few days. You never know who you will see when you are away, Waiting in Tampa Airport were Reta Glas- gow and Dorothy Hood and a couple of other ladies from Port Perry waiting for the same plane.

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