So "A Family Tradition for 127 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, March 30, 1993 - 19 Bake sale to be held at Market Saturday Country News by Vera Brown EE ERT Sympathy to the Tony Musso family in their bereavement of seven year old Anthony Edward John, "T.J.", who passed away on Wednesday: following his long battle with cancer. ere will be a bake sale this Saturday at the Country Mar- ket in Port Perry with proceeds going to the Musso family to help defray some of the expens- es that they have incurred dur- ing the illness. This is a Utica community project and dona- tions of baking etc. would be much appreciated and for pick- . up or a convenient place to drop them off contact Judy Mac- Sween 985-7261, Georgina Sut- cliffe 985-2745, Bronwyn Syv- ret 985-0337 or Alison Aked at 985-7435. Palm Sunday services will be held in Utica United Church at 11 a.m. and will include Holy Communion. Bible Study is at 10 a.m. Turn your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night or you will be late. Arnold Kerry had a visit this week from a very interesting man named Lyle Evans who is from Utica, N.Y. who has the hobby of visiting all the towns by the same name and appar- ently there are 19 in the U.S.A. and one in Alaska. It is interest- ing to note that our little village is not the smallest as there is a Utica in Oklahoma which con- sists of a little store (selling mostly beer), a church and a . population of approximately 35 people. Congratulations to Dave and Jane Tracey, Richard and Rus- sell on the arrival of another son, Robert James who entered the world on March 25. Jane's mother arrived from Syracuse, N.Y. to care for the household and to welcome her newest grandson. There were 11 1/2 tables of euchre on Friday night in Utica. Winners were Ladies first: Olive Ormiston; Second: Peggy Hood and Third: Irwin Kydd. Margaret Gall had the most lone hands (5). Freeze-out win- ners were Verna Draper and Olive Ormiston with Art Par- ratt Jr. and Ed Weinhold com- ing second. Draws were won by Doris Hill, Mary Cannon and Diane Exley. 60/60 draw was y @ 0. | Join us for the GRAND OPENING of y Lacey s WOOL GATHERING Canadian and Imported Yams Patierns and Nofions at 114 Water St, Port Perry From April 2 to April § Refreshments will be served Come and help us celebratel eh © a won by Dorothy Bray. There will be another euchre in two weeks. Despite the lousy weather, the Aked family had a wonder- ful holiday recently at Lake- land, Florida. Saturday night they were in Mount Albert with - the Randy Wilson family to cel- 'ebrate Alison and Jackie's fa- ther's birthday. Happy 60th John. Sunday guests at the Skeld- ing home were Mr. and Mrs. Pe- ter Lake of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lake of Newcas- tle. Mrs. Diane VanGrooten of Port Perry was a Monday luncheon guest. Texas Ribs .0. © Pork Tenderloin i "Meaty Back Ribs -» "329 320 69 Boneless Loin Roasts -». 3 Butterfly Chops -». 'Shiskabob Meat .5, 2° Breaded Pan Fry Schnitzels Wb. Stir Fry -u. Ground Pork Wb. - Whole Loins of Pork». ovat and wrapped 99 M&D Meats JOIN THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE TEAM New/Renewal Memberships Available Don Crozsier...... 985-8603 Otto Bauer.............985-7128 | Joanne Ker........985-7696 Diane McKinzey..... 985-7049 SWEA LE "3 5 4 oH A oi ol, 3 i Freezer - Gs ; por ran " rT en x i y 4 7D 44° S89. 29° es £ + : 3 4 4 # Vi 3 ps 5 RY 5 57% 8 2 sarsfield Pies 8" 1 hi i a SAUCY GOURME BBQ & DIPPING SAUCES Honey & Garlic 20 soomi | Chicken & Rib Classic BBQ "Hot Wing